



  I. 要點

  A. 形容詞

  1、 形容詞的用法


  He is honest and hardworking.

  I found the book interesting.


  The rich and the poor live in different parts of the city.

  The English like to be with their families.


  冠詞+序數詞+基數詞+性質狀態***描述性***+形狀大小+新舊老少+顏色+國籍+材料+名詞。如: the second five interesting big new red Chinese wall papers.

  2、 形容詞比較等級的形式

  ***1*** 規則形式

  一般說來,單音節詞及少數雙音節詞在後加-er; --est 來構成比較級和最高階;其他雙音節詞及多音節詞在前加more, most.如:



  important-more important-***the***most important

  ***2*** 不規則形式

  good ***well***-better-best

  bad ***ill***-worse-worst

  many ***much***-more-most


  ***3*** 形容詞比較等級的用法

  ①表示兩者的比較,用形容詞的比較級+than. 如:

  He is cleverer than the other boys.

  This one is more beautiful than that one.

  ②表示兩者以上的比較,用"the +形容詞最高階***+名詞***+of***in*** …"如:

  He is the cleverest boy in his class.

  ③表示兩者是同等程度,用"as +形容詞原級+as". 如:

  He is as tall as I.

  I have as many books as you.

  ④ 越… 越…

  例如:The more I learn, the happier I am.

  ⑤ You can never be too careful. 越小心越好

  又如:You can never praise the teacher too highly.


  ⑥ I have never spent a more worrying day.


  I have never had a better dinner.


  ⑦ My English is no better than yours.



  1、 副詞的種類

  ***1*** 時間副詞 如:ago, before, already, just, now, early, late, finally, tomorrow等

  ***2*** 地點副詞 如:here, there, near, around, in, out, up, down, back, away, outside等。

  ***3*** 方式副詞 如:carefully, angrily, badly, calmly, loudly, quickly, politely, nervously等。

  ***4*** 程度副詞 如:almost, nearly, much, greatly, a bit, a little, hardly, so, very等。

  2、 副詞比較等級的用法


  Of all the boys he sings ***the*** most beautifully.

  We must work harder.

  3、 某些副詞在用法上的區別

  ***1*** already, yet, still


  We've already watched that film.

  I haven't finished my homework yet.

  He still works until late every night.

  ***2*** too, as well, also, either

  too, as well和 also用於肯定句和疑問句,too和as well多用於口語,一般放在句末,而also多用於書面語,一般放在句中與動詞連用。either用於否定句和否定的疑問句,往往放在句末。如:He went there too.

  He didn't go there either.

  I like you as well.

  I also went there.

  ***3*** hard, hardly


  I work hard every day.

  I can hardly remember that.

  ***4*** late, lately


  He never comes late.

  Have you been to the museum lately?

  例1 Tom's father thinks he is already ____

  A high enough  B tall enough

  C enough high  C enough tall

  解析:該題正確答案是B。修飾人高用tall, 而建築物的高用high,並且enough修飾形容詞要放在形容詞後面。因此該題選B。

  例2 ____ the worse I seem to be.

  A When I take more medicine

  B The more medicine I take

  C Taking more of the medicine

  D More medicine taken

  解析:該題正確答案為B。"the+形容詞比較級+… , the +形容詞比較級+…"意為越…,越…。該句意為:吃的藥越多,我的病越是加重。

  例3"I haven't been to London yet".

  "I haven't been there ____".

  A too  B also  C either  D neither


  例4 Mr Smith was ____ moved at the news.

  A deep  B deeply  C very deep  D quite deeply

  解析:該題正確答案為B。A. deep用於副詞時,修飾具體的深,如dig deep,而B-deeply則修飾表示感情色彩的詞,如該題為deeply moved.另如deeply regret等。而D-quite和deeply均為副詞,不能互相修飾。



  I. 要點


  ***1*** 簡單介詞,常用的有at, in, on, about, across, before, beside, for , to, without等。

  ***2*** 複合介詞,如by means of, along with, because of, in front of, instead of等。


  ***1*** 和動詞的搭配,如agree with, ask for, belong to, break away from, care about等。

  ***2*** 和形容詞的搭配,如afraid of, angry with, different from, good at

  ***3*** 和名詞的搭配,如answer to , key to, reason for, cause of, visit to等.

  3、介詞短語可以有自己的修飾語,這種修飾語通常有right, just, badly, all, well, directly, completely等少數幾個副詞。如:

  He came right after dinner.

  He lives directly opposite the school.

  4、 某些介詞的意義與用法舉例

  ***1*** at, on, in***表時間***

  表示時間點用at,如at four o'clock, at midnight等;表示不確定的時間或短期假日也用at,如at that time, at Christmas等。

  指某天用on, 如on Monday, on the end of November, 指某天的朝夕用on,如on Friday morning, on the afternoon of September lst等。

  指長於或短於一天的時段用in,如in the afternoon, in February, in Summer, in 1999等。

  ***2*** between, among***表位置***

  between僅用於二者之間,但說三者或三者以上中的每兩個之間的相互關係時,也用between, 如

  I'm sitting between Tom and Alice.

  The village lies between three hills.


  He is the best among the students.

  ***3*** beside, besides


  He sat beside me.

  What do you want besides this?

  ***4***in the tree, on the tree

  in the tree 指動物或人在樹上,而on the tree 指果實、樹葉長在樹上

  ***5***on the way, in the way, by the way, in this way

  on the way 指在路上 in the way 指擋道

  by the way 指順便問一句 in this way 用這樣的方法

  ***6***in the corner, at the corner

  in the corner 指在拐角內 at the corner 指在拐角外

  ***7***in the morning, on the morning

  in the morning 是一般說法 on the morning 特指某一天的早晨

  ***8***by bus, on the bus

  by bus 是一般說法 on the bus 特指乘某一輛車

  II. 例題

  例1 Do you know any other foreign language____ English?

  A except B but C beside D besides

  解析:A、B兩項except等於but,意為"除了…",C-beside意為"在…旁邊",不符合題意。而D-besides,   意為"除了…之外,還有"。所以該題正確答案為D。該題意為:除了英語外,你還知道別的語言嗎?

  例2 He suddenly returned ____ a rainy night.

  A on B at C in D during

  解析:我們均知道,at night這一短語,但如果night前有修飾詞,表具體的夜晚,則要用介詞on來修飾,故該題正確答案為A。

  例3 I'm looking forward ____your letter.

  A to B in C at D on

  解析:該題正確答案為A。look forward to 為固定搭配,意為"期望、盼望"。



  I. 要點

  1、 連詞的種類

  ***1*** 並列連詞用來連線並列關係的詞、短語或分句,如and, for, or, both…and, either…or, neither…nor等。

  ***2*** 從屬連詞用來引導從句,如that, if, whether, when, after, as soon as等。


  2、 常用連詞舉例

  ***1***and 和,並且

  They drank and sang all night.

  ***2*** both…and 和, 既…也…

  Both my parents and I went there.

  ***3*** but 但是,而

  I'm sad, but he is happy.

  ***4*** either…or 或…或…, 要麼…要麼…

  Either you're wrong, or I am.

  ***5*** for因為

  I asked him to stay, for I had something to tell him.

  ***6*** however 然而,可是

  Af first, he didn't want to go there. Later, however, he decided to go.

  ***7*** neither…nor 既不…也不

  Neither my parents nor my aunt agrees with you.

  ***8*** not only…but***also*** 不但…而且…

  He not only sings well, but also dances well.

  ***9*** or 或者,否則

  Hurry up, or you'll be late.

  Are you a worker or a doctor?

  ***10*** so 因此,所以

  It's getting late, so I must go.

  ***11*** although 雖然

  Although it was late, they went on working.

  ***12*** as soon as 一 …就

  I'll tell him as soon as I see him.

  ***13*** because 因為

  He didn't go to school, because he was ill.

  ***14***unless 除非,如果不

  I won't go unless it is fine tomorrow.

  ***15***until 直到…

  He didn't leave until eleven. ***瞬間動詞用於not… until 結構***

  He stayed there until eleven.

  ***16***while 當…時候,而 ***表示對比***

  While I stayed there, I met a friend of mine. ***while後不可用瞬間動詞***

  My pen is red while his is blue.

  ***17***for 因為

  He was ill, for he didn't come. ***結論是推斷出來的***


  I have lived here since my uncle left.

  ***19***hardly… when 一… 就

  I had hardly got to the station when the train left.

  ***20***as far as 就… 來說

  As far as I know, that country is very small.

  You may walk as far as the lake. ***一直走到湖那裡***

  II. 例題

  例1 John plays football ____, if not better than, David.

  A as well B as well as C so well D so well as

  解析:該題意為:John踢足球如果不比David好的話,那也踢得和David一樣好。 和…一樣好為as well as. 故該題正確答案為B。

  例2 She thought I was talking about her daughter, ____, in fact, I was talking about my daughter.

  A when B where C which D while


  例3 Would you like a cup of coffee ____ shall we get down to business right away?

  A. and B. then C. or D. otherwise
