


  一、 選擇填空。

  *** *** 1. How does the idea to you?

  A. sound B. sounds C. voice D. noise

  *** *** 2. The dish good.

  A. looks B. feels C. sounds D. tastes

  *** *** 3. The baby is learning to .

  A. talk B. speak C. say D. tell

  *** *** 4. We music teachers, but we need art teachers.

  A. needn’t B. can’t need C. don’t need D. aren’t need

  *** *** 5. One day Tom Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp needs help.

  A. talks B. speaks C. says D. tells

  *** *** 6. If you don’t want to go shopping, I won’t .

  A. also B. too C. either D. as well

  *** *** 7. Are you good kids or old people?

  A. to B. with C. for D. at

  *** *** 8. –Do you know someone who can Chinese kung fu? -I have no idea.

  A. make B. makes C. does D. do

  *** *** 9. He can football now.

  A. plays B. playing C. to play D. play

  *** *** 10. –Do you often ? -Yes, I do. I play them well.

  A. play the trumpet B. pay baseball C. play the guitar D. play computer games

  *** *** 11. The boy often a cold in winter because he doesn’t like wearing thick clothes.

  A. get B. has C. catch D. carry

  *** *** 12. You’d better do morning every day. It’s good to have lots of .

  A. exercise; exercise B. exercises; exercise C. exercise; exercises D. exercises; exercises

  *** *** 13. They go to school Saturday.

  A. don’t; on B. doesn’t; on C. aren’t; in D. not; in

  *** *** 14. –Lucy, your coat, please. –It’s time to go to school.

  A. get dressed B. put on C. wear D. dress

  *** *** 15. His grandparents often go out for in the early morning.

  A. walking B. walk C. a walk D. walks

  *** *** 16. My home is far from our school. It’s about walk, so I take the bus to school.

  A. fifty minutes B. fifty-minutes C. fifty minute D. fifty minutes’

  *** *** 17. You can stay at home go out to play.

  A. either; or B. both; and C. neither; nor D. Both A and B

  *** *** 18. Lucy Lily may go dancing with you, because they are not allowed to go out on school nights.

  A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. Both; and D. Not only; but also

  *** *** 19. –I’m not sure what to get mom for her birthday. –Oh, I have no idea .

  A. too B. neither C. also D. either

  *** *** 20. You can go to that new restaurant, because food there tastes .

  A. well B. bad C. good D. deliciously

  *** *** 21. He often listens to all kinds of music so he shows good in music.

  A. love B. interest C. smell D. taste

  *** *** 22. Lucy and Lily want to go to the park?

  A. Do B. Does D. Is D. Are

  *** *** 23. I often watch TV, but sometimes I like some reading.

  A. to do B. do C. does D. to have

  *** *** 24. –How do they get to school? - .

  A. They by bike to school. B. they ride bikes school

  C. They get to school by the bike. D. They ride bikes to school.

  *** *** 25. –How do you usually go to school? -I usually to go to school.

  A. take bus B. take a bus C. by bus D. by a bus

  *** *** 26. –How far is it from here to the park? -It’s about ride.

  A. fifteen minute B. fifteen minutes C. fifteen minutes’ D. fifteen-minutes

  *** *** 27. it take you to go to work on foot?

  A. How long is B. How many times does C. How many hours is D. How long does

  *** *** 28. old people exercise in the new park every day, because it is very beautiful.

  A. Hundreds of B. Two hundreds C. Hundreds D. One hundred

  *** *** 29. –Do you often go to school by bus? -No, I go to school my bike every day.

  A. with B. on C. by D. in

  *** *** 30. - does it take you to get to school? -Half an hour.

  A. What time B. How long C. How far D. What

  *** *** 31. –How does he usually go to school every day? -He usually to go to school?

  A. rides bike B. by bike C. rides the bike D. by a bike

  *** *** 32. It takes me thirty minutes there by bus and an hour on foot.

  A. get B. gets C. getting D. to get

  *** *** 33. I’m sorry I have to my office. It’s too late.

  A. get B. leave for C. return D. reach

  *** *** 34. It’s about walk from my home to school.

  A. ten minute B. ten minutes C. ten minutes’ D. ten minute’s

  *** *** 35. Can you tell me ?

  A. how old are you B. what’s your name C. what’s the weather like D. how the weather is

  二、 用所給詞的正確形式填空。

  1. Sorry, I can’t help you with ***dance***.

  2. My grandmother ***exercise*** with a group of old people in the park every morning.

  3. I don’t know how to do this . ***work, job***

  4. Many people lost their . ***work, job***

  5. My mother ***work, job*** in a car factory.

  6. Your ideas just won’t . ***work, job***

  7. Get ***dress*** quickly, or you’ll be late for school.

  8. Thank you for ***teach*** us so well.

  9. Your bedroom is too dirty. Can you do some . ***clean***

  10. You’d better read English for a quarter minutes before ***go*** to sleep.

  11. Sally likes ***live*** in Wuhan because people here are friendly.

  12. Ann spends half an hour ***ride*** his bike to school today.

  13. I’m thinking of ***change*** my job.

  14. I wouldn’t dream of ***go*** without you.

  15. It’s time for us ***leave***.

  16. It often takes me half an hour ***walk*** to school.

  三、 翻譯句子,一空一詞。

  1. 你為什麼喜歡游泳? Why do you ?

  2. 我能幫你學跳舞。 I can you .

  3. 你必須說真話,要麼就什麼也別說。 You must either tell the truth .

  4. 瑪麗每天晚上遛狗。 Mary dog the evening every day.

  5. 不要整天工作,你需要散散步,讓自己放鬆一下。

  Don’t . You need to relax yourself.

  6. 他沒有多少錢買書。 He doesn’t have to buy books.

  7. 他沒有很多時間鍛鍊。 He for .

  8. 或者你,或者你妹妹洗碗。 you your sister the dishes.

  9. 乘公汽通常要花25分鐘。 The usually takes about 25 minutes.

  10. 他騎車上學。 He to school.

  11. 那個老人沒有活過那一晚。 The old man didn’t the night.

  12. 我有生活的目標。 I have something to .

  13. 謝謝你來看我。 Thank you to see me.

  14. 我們必須離校回家。 We must school home.

  15. 他經常把鑰匙忘在車裡。 He always his keys .

  16. 你能借錢給我真是太好了。 It is very kind lend me money.

  17. 一個人在河裡游泳太危險了。 It is dangerous alone in the river.

  四、 句型轉換。

  1. I can speak Chinese. ***對劃線部分提問*** ?

  2. They can play the guitar. ***對劃線部分提問*** they ?

  3. He takes the bus to school every day. ***同義句*** He goes to school every day.

  4. It takes ten minutes’ ride to get to North Street Hospital. ***對劃線部分提問***

  it to get to North Street Hospital?

  5. I’m late for school because of rain. ***改為同義句*** I’m late for school .

  6. He spends three hours getting to school this morning. ***改為同義句***

  It three hours to school this morning.


  Lin Fei’s home is about 10 kilometers from school. He gets up at six o’clock e 1 day, takes a shower and

  h 2 a quick breakfast. Then he l 3 for school at a 4 six thirty. F 5 , he rides his b 6 to the bus station. That t 7 about ten minutes. Then the e 8 bus takes him to school. The bus r 9 usually takes about 10 m 10 .

  六、用cross, across 與through 填空。

  1. You need to walk a gate into the church.

  2. There is a bridge the river.

  3. He wants to the Pacific ***太平洋*** one day.