My Parents Are Making Me Crazy
My parents are making me crazy.
They're driving me utterly mad.
I'm mental because of my mother.
I'm losing it thanks to my dad.
My mom tells me, "Go do your homework,"
and dad's yelling, "Vacuum the floors!"
Then mom says, "Turn off the TV now,"
and dad hollers, "Finish your chores!"
With all of their grousing and griping,
my brain is beginning to hurt.
My dad's shouting, "Clean up the kitchen!"
My mom's saying, "Tuck in your shirt!"
I feel like I'm losing my marbles.
If I go bananas today,
then please give this note to my parents
when the funny farm takes me away.
Sailing Off to Singapore
I'd like to sail to Singapore,
Jakarta or Rangoon,
but our boat is barely moving
on this windless afternoon.
I'd steer my ship to Stockholm,
set a course for Southern Spain,
I'd be guided by a lighthouse
off the rocky coast of Maine.
I'd cut past Krakatau
and chart a course to Katmandu.
I would voyage into Venice,
and I'd cruise around Corfu.
I'd glide through the Galapagos,
and drift through the Bahamas,
where I'd navigate by starlight
in my mariner's pajamas.
I'd skim the seven salty seas
and plow the briny waves.
I would circumnavigate the globe
exploring coastal caves.
I'll shortly start my journey.
I'll begin my travels soon,
in this boat parked in our driveway
on this windless afternoon.
Belinda Bell
Belinda Bell
could never tell
a crocodile
from a gator,
which made it so
she'll never know
which one of them
it was that ate her.
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