Why Does Sweat Smell So Bad?
Our bodies have two main kinds of sweat glands. The sweat glands that are distributed over most of the body produce an innocent, clear sweat that’s more than ninety-nine percent water. As this watery sweat rinses your skin, it cools the body by evaporation–and even performs a community service by rinsing away potentially stinky bacteria!
But there’s another type of sweat gland located only in the armpits, groin, and around the nipples. These sweat glands produce a thicker, cloudier sweat that’s a favorite food of certain bacteria. And once these sweat-loving bacteria really start chowing down, they make the smell of the sweat on these parts of the body even stronger. That’s why the longer you’re sweaty, the stinkier you get.
Like the first type of sweat glands which cool and cleanse the body, these stinkier sweat glands also have an evolutionary function. For other mammals, this potent sweat speaks volumes about an individual’s identity and level of sexual interest. But does it still serve the same social purpose for humans? In fact, there is some evidence that it does.
Why Do Dark Circles Form Under My Eyes?
It’s eleven o’clock Sunday morning, and you’ve just woken up after a late night of carousing. You stumble out of bed, brace yourself on the bathroom sink and blink into the mirror.
There, under your eyes, are dark, puffy patches that make you look like an NFL linebacker. I need more sleep, you think, fingering the dark spots. And so you stumble back to bed.
Do I Need More Sleep?
You may indeed need to sleep a bit longer, but despite the common misconception, dark circles and puffiness under or around your eyes appear to have little to do with lack of sleep.
In fact, what seems to be a fairly common and hence supposedly explainable phenomenon remains something of a mystery to scientists.
What scientists do know is that the skin under the eyes is very thin and sensitive. When for a variety of reasons blood and other fluids accumulate in the area under your eyes, the delicacy of the skin makes the fluid’s color partly visible. This is what appears to account for the dark patches.
Allergies may also be to blame. An allergic reaction can cause cells under the skin of the eyes to release histamine, a chemical that causes fluid accumulation and swelling. This is what appears to cause puffy eyes.
And finally, there is heredity. Do your parents have dark circles under their eyes? If so, you may have found the source for your own dark circles.
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