The newspaper puff up that new athlete into a superstar
First, there are the superstars, for example in sports and entertainment, where technological developments have magnified the reach of top individuals and reduced the demand for the not-quite-so-good.
Nobody expects you to be a superstar.
She has all the earmarks of a superstar.
That superstar wrestling really turns me on.
The mega star makes maga bucks.
He was a super star in the past.
A crowd of fans besieged the superstar.
The superstar was besieged by reporters.
The movie has made the actor a superstar.
我希望成為一個超級明星 。
I want to be a superstar.
沒有人指望你會成為超級明星 。
Nobody expects you to be a superstar.
他們希望這位超級明星 不僅留在NBA更希望他能夠留在國家隊參加下一年的倫敦奧運會
They hope the superstar could still play not only in the NBA but for the Chinese national team in the London Olympics next year.
但是,一旦要去參加會議或給本地的使用者組織作講演的時候,你的大名無人知曉,你沒有辦法跟那些IT界的超級 明星 那樣擁有那麼高的諮詢率。
But when you go to conferences or offer to speak to local user groups, nobodyknows your name and you can’t command the high consulting rates the ITsuperstars are bringing in.
約翰是一百萬的程式設計師中的佼佼者,超級 明星 。
John was a superstar, a one in a million programmer.
現如今,一部電影只要同時有五、六主要人物,就非得要超級 明星 來演; 與之相反,如果一部電影只有一、兩個主要人物,那麼不太知名的演員也可以勝任。
Nowadays, a film needs superstars as long as there are half a dozen of them together, whereas if it has just one or two main roles, then actors who aren’t sowell known are fine.
要獲得牢固的信心,感覺如同超級 明星 般,需要調整你的意識水平。
To get rock solid confidence to feel like a superstar you have to adjust your levelof consciousness.
如果沒有被認可的超級明星 的資本,音樂即贈品的模式如何在他們身上起作用?
How does themusic-as-a-freebie model work for them, without the kind ofnamerecognition that superstars capitalize on?
我以前從未有過類似拍攝的經驗,並且與幾位女記者乘計程車去超級明星 的住處,為您作採訪。
I have never before been to a screening and then taxied with a handful of femalejournalists to a house where a superstar cooks for you.
他們相信了一個謊言:“超級明星 ”才能服侍神。
They have believed the lie that serving God is only for superstars.
瞄準以各種水果和蔬菜做成的五到九道家常菜——尤其是下面的六個超級明星 菜。
Aim for five to nine daily servings of all kinds of fruits and vegetables—especiallythese six superstars.
但是如果你真的志在成為超級 明星 的話,就不該僅限於列席這些會議;而是要發表演講。
But it you really want to be a superstar, you shouldn’t be just attending thoseconferences; you should be presenting at them.
較好的辦法是,在專案中擁有一群“超級 明星 ”,他們擁有發達的交際關係,位於資訊流的核心位置。
What's better is to have a handful of "superstars" on a project who are well-connected and in the center of the information flow.
我和你不能成為象棋大師,或者NBA超級明星 ,或者音樂會上的鋼琴家,其原因只在於我們沒有必要的人體結構。
You and I can’t become chess grandmasters, or NBA superstars, or concertpianists, simply because we don’t have the necessary anatomy.
他想成為超級 明星 的夢想終成泡影。
His dream of becoming a superstar ended in bubbles.
儘管這樣,蒼井空成為中國的超級明星 可能會遇到一個不可逾越的障礙---她是日本人。
Ultimately though, Sora faces one possibly insurmountable hurdle in her rise toChinese superstardom. To be blunt: She’s Japanese.
而無形的“超級 明星 ”機率卻是十分微小的。但是一旦跨越那條線,那將會是從情感上爆發出壓倒性的潛能。
The line that separates the mediocre from the brilliant, and the invisible from the “break-out superstar” is thin, but has the potential to be emotionally overwhelmingonce crossed.
他們都是超級明星 ,而唱片工業廣大的主流是由銷售規模較小,只是勉強混得過去的音樂家組成的。
These guys are superstars, while the vast majority of the industry is made up ofworking musiciansselling way fewer albums and just getting by.
上海學生在數學上獨佔鰲頭,其表現遠遠超過第二名的新加波,而近年來新加坡一直被當作教育超級明星 。
In math, the Shanghai students performed in a class by themselves,outperforming second-place Singapore, which has been seen as an educationalsuperstar in recent years.
2008年的超級明星 曾經看起來必定會連任,但是現在看起來似乎非常不堪一擊。
The superstar of 2008, who once looked like a shoo-in for re-election, nowappears extremely vulnerable.
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