In many countries in the world, women are looked down upon. it is more difficult for them to get some work than men. in order to get a job, they sometimes have to tell a lie. that's unfair. in fact, women can work no worse than men. there's nothing that women can't do.
Perhaps, they are better at their work than men. for example, in making telephones and computers, many companies would rather employ women, for men can't pick up the small pieces with their fingers. like , they can also become excellent engineers, doctors and teachers.
So I am sure the day will come soon when women can really get equal rights.
Should men and women be equal? Different people have different ideas on this issue. Some people think that men are superior to women, because men are physically strong. They are better at heavy labor work. And they can also carry on the family lines and hold the important positions. However, other people don’t agree on this idea. They believe that women are as capable as men. Sometimes, women can even do a lot of things better than men, for they are more careful, patient, and responsible. Now there have been so many women leaders and women scientists in the world. Accordingly, we shouldn’t look down upon women. Instead, men and women should be given the equal right and chance to study and work, so that they can do some even greater contributions to our nation. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the latter.
In the days when a woman's entire obligation was to be a good daughter, a good wife and a good mother, men and women were far from equal. Women suffered sexual discrimination until the so-called feminism came into being. Nowadays, feminism has been running for over a century. Result? It ran into the extreme of "equality" from my perspective.
Most of us agree that men and women should enjoy equality in this modern society. But what on earth does this equality mean? To be "equal", those for feminism would like to share everything with men they split bills, apply for masculine jobs,etc. They intended to buy in all the advantages and disadvantages of being a man. On their long journey to the "equal world",they've forgotten some basic facts they ARE women. Even school children know that women, after all, are different from men both physically and mentally. It is unwise, or even stupid,to ignore all these differences and pursue a so called "equal world". We couldn't expect a man to give birth to a baby as we couldn't expect the sun to rise in the west. Likewise, we couldn't expect a woman to become the world's fastest runner,as is simple, but seems forgotten by those feminists.
Equality is not bisecting everything. Real equality should be built upon the common sense of the basic sexual differences.Since some of the jobs can only be done well enough by men,women should not feel discriminated when we fail. After all,there're also some jobs, which can only be perfectly done with women's hands. These are not symbols of inequality, but natural laws. What really counts is equality in rights, reputation,etc. Only when all the individuals value the spirit of being equal can women really enjoy equality with men.
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