


1. 投資知識是明智的,投資網路中的知識就更加明智。Investment knowledge is wise,and knowledge in investment networks is more wise.

2. 我一生的嗜好,除了**此外,就是讀書,我一天不讀書,就不能夠生活。My lifelong hobby,in addition to revolution,is reading,I do not read a day,can not live.

3. 生活中最大的目的,並不是知識而是行動。The greatest goal in life is not knowledge but action.

4. 在寧靜的環境,悠閒的心情靜靜地讀書,是人生最有味的享受。In a quiet environment,reading in a leisurely mood is the most delicious enjoyment of life.

5. 信仰決不是知識,而是使知識有效的意志決斷。Faith is by no means knowledge,but the will to make knowledge effective.

6.,learning is better than a crown. Europe

7. Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. ----Martin Luther King Jr.

8. 布衣暖,菜根香,還是讀書滋味長。The cloth is warm,the vegetable root is fragrant,or the taste of reading is long.

9. 對一位知識分子來說,成為思維的精英,比成為道德精英更為重要。For an intellectual,it is more important to be an intellectual than a moral one.

10. 讀書不趁早,後來徒悔懊。Reading early,later regret.

11. 古今來許多世家,無非積德。天地間第一人品,還是讀書。Many ancient and modern families have accumulated virtue. The first character in the world is reading.

12. 世上唯一的財富是知識,世上唯一的邪惡是愚昧無知。The only wealth in the world is knowledge,and the only evil in the world is ignorance.

13. 知識少的人,講話講得特別多;知識多的人,講話反而講得很少。People with less knowledge speak more; those with more knowledge speak less.

14.,don't be afraid of hardships,you can finally achieve your ideal results -- Xu Guangyue.

15. 我哪裡是天才,我是把別人喝咖啡的時間都用在工作和學習上的。Where am I a genius? I spend other people's coffee time working and studying.

16. Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you first learn to eat bitterness. - Turgenev

17.,reading is to create a complete personality. - Bacon

18.,the ideal book is the copper spoon of wisdom. - Lev Tolstoy

19. A great man once said it is necessary to dill as much as possible,and the more you apply it in real situations,the more natural it will become. 一位偉人曾說,反覆操練是非常必要的,你越多地將所學到的東西運用到實際生活中,他們就變得越自然。

20. -----Robert Hutchins

21.,we should take a general outline and solve ten volumes. - Zheng Xuan

22. 年輕人更適合發明而非評價;更適合執行而非決策;更適合從事新專案而非固定職業。 ----培根Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested. ---Bacon

23. 讀書不思考,等於吃飯不消化。Reading without thinking is eating without digestion.

24. No success in life merely happens. 人生中沒有什麼成功是純粹偶然得來的。

25. 從來沒有人為了讀書而讀書,只有在書中讀自己,在書中發現自己,或檢查自己。No one ever reads for the sake of reading,only reads himself in the book,finds himself in the book,or examines himself.

26. 一切書籍都可以分為二類:即:一時之書與永久之書。 ---約翰-羅斯金Young men are fitter to invent than to judge,fitter for execution than for counsel,fitterfo new projects than for settled business. ----Bacon

27. 向一切成功者和失敗者學習思想方法。Learn from all the winners and losers.

28. 上課睡覺睡不飽,下課讀書讀不完。Sleep in class is not enough,reading after class is not enough.

29. 一個人的知識,通過學習可以得到;一個人的成長,必須通過磨練。A person's knowledge can be acquired through learning; a person's growth must be through training.

30. When the night is darkest,dawn is nearest. 夜最黑時,黎明最近。

31. 人們的知識在不斷地充實著,而人們的智慧卻徘徊不前。People's knowledge is constantly enriching,but people's wisdom is lingering.

32. 有所嘗試,就等於有所作為。 ---H. W. 朗費羅Not by constraint or severity shall you have access to true wisdom,but by abandonment,and childlike mirthfulness. If you would know aught,be gay before it. ----Thoreau

33. 讀書和學習是在別人思想和知識的幫助下,建立起自己的思想和知識。Reading and learning is to build up one's own thoughts and knowledge with the help of others'thoughts and knowledge.

34.,there is a long way to go. - Qu Yuan

35.,a book is a medicine,and a good reading can be a doctor. - Liu Xiang

36. Knowledge is a measure,but practise is the key to it.知識是珍寶,而實踐是獲取它的鑰匙。

37. 讀書在於造成完全的人格。Reading is about creating a complete personality.

38. 光勤勞是不夠的,螞蟻也是勤勞的。要看你為什麼要勤勞。 ----梭羅Where there is no desire,there will be no industry. ----John Locke

39. 博學而後始知人類所知有限。 ----拂朗西斯-楊Our pride chiefly rests on ignorance. ----Gotthold Lessing

40. Great hopes make great man. 偉大的理想造就偉大的人