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拼音 xiū qī yǔ gòng
▸ 呼吸相通 ▸ 息息相關 ▸ 同甘共苦 ▸ 與民更始 ▸ 患難與共 ▸ 一脈相連 ▸ 同舟共濟 ▸ 休慼相關 ▸ 痛癢相關 ▸ 風雨同舟 ▸ 玉石俱焚 ▸ 血肉相連
⒈ 彼此間的幸福和禍患都共同承受。
英share weal and woe; stand together through thick and thin;
呼吸相通: 比喻利害一致,命運相連。
息息相關: 彼此呼吸都連在一起。比喻關係非常密切。例二者皆與紮營踞地息息相關者也。——清·嚴復《救亡決論》英be closely bound up;
同甘共苦: 同享幸福安樂,共度艱難困苦。例官兵一致,同甘共苦。英share weal and woe with; share with sb. through thick and thin; go through storm and stress together with;
與民更始: 指政治革新,舊指帝王即位與民眾共同開創新局面。例其赦天下,與民更始。——《漢書·武帝紀》英make a fresh start together with the whole nation; give the people a new deal;
患難與共: 共同擔當災禍和困難。英go through thick and thin together; share each other's hardships;
同舟共濟: 同船渡河,相為照應。比喻利害得失相同者要患難與共,通力合作。英be in the same boat; cross a river in the same boat;
休慼相關: 彼此間的憂喜禍福互相關聯。形容彼此關係十分密切。例睠此設心,無非體國,然用舍之際,休慼相關。——宋·陳亮《送陳給事去國啟》英solidarity; be bound by a common cause;
痛癢相關: 利害相關。例這事跟他痛癢相關,他怎能不著急?英care for one another's comfort and happiness; drink one's fill; share a common lot; show concern for mutual well-being;
風雨同舟: 在狂風暴雨中同船共渡。比喻患難與共,同舟共濟。英stand together through thick and thin; people in the same boat should help each other in distress;
玉石俱焚: 美玉和石頭一齊燒燬了。比喻好和壞的同歸於盡。英good people are destroyed with the bad as the jade and stone are burned up together;
血肉相連: 像血和肉一樣連在一起。比喻關係十分密切,互相分不開。例趨視之,二百錢乃在其脅下皮內,與血肉相連。——宋·洪邁《雷擊王四》英as close as flesh and blood; be linked by flesh-and-blood ties;