注音 ㄗˋ ㄒ一ㄤ ㄘㄢˊ ㄕㄚ
拼音 zì xiāng cán shā
▸ 同室操戈 ▸ 煮豆燃萁 ▸ 骨肉相殘 ▸ 自相魚肉 ▸ 自相殘害
⒈ 自己人之間互相殘害。
英kill each other; cause death to one another; mutual annihilation;
同室操戈: 一家人操起刀槍自相殘殺。比喻內訌;內部的爭鬥。英internal strife; family members try to kill one another; quarrel among brothers in the same family;
煮豆燃萁: 語本出自曹植《七步詩》“煮豆燃豆萁”一句。比喻兄弟間不顧親情,自相殘殺。英burn beanstalks to cook beans; fratricidal strife; fight among brothers is like to boiling beans with beanstalks;
骨肉相殘: 比喻自己人相互殘害。
自相魚肉: 謂自相吞併、殘殺。
自相殘害: 殘:傷害。自己人互相殺害。