
注音 ㄦˇ ㄩˊ ㄨㄛˇ ㄓㄚˋ

拼音 ěr yú wǒ zhà




⒈  互相詐騙。

each trying to cheat or outwit the other;

明爭暗鬥:  公開場合和暗地裡都在爭鬥不息,較量不止。喻矛盾之深。英both open strife and veiled struggle; fight with both open and secret means;

離心離德:  謂各有異心,行動不和諧一致。

假仁假義:  內心奸惡,假作仁義;內心毫不同情,表面裝作關切。英to be a wolf in sheep’s skin; hypocrisy; don a pious mask; pass the bottle of smoke; pretended sham benevolence and righteousness; pretend to be the paragon of virtue;

爾詐我虞:  互不信任,互相欺騙。語出《左傳·宣公十五年》:“我無爾詐,爾無我虞。”

勾心鬥角:  指用心計、耍心眼,明爭暗鬥,相互排擠。例業主們勾心鬥角。這個人雖然年輕,卻善用心計,平日裡禁不住會幹些勾心鬥角的勾當,所以人緣很壞。英plot and wrangle; confront and intrigue against each other and get locked in strife;

貌合神離:  表面上很親密而實際上懷有二心。英be apparently acquiescing while countrary-minded; be friendly apparently but in fact not; seemingly in harmony but actually at variance;

鉤心鬥角:  原指宮室構築得交錯而緻密,今亦指人之間算計與爭鬥。例五步一樓,十步一閣;廊腰縵畫,簷牙高啄;各抱地勢,鉤心鬥角。——唐·杜牧《阿房宮賦》統治集團內部總是矛盾重重,鉤心鬥角,爭權奪利,誰都想把別人推倒,由自己獨佔一切。英plot and wrangle; manoeuver for position against rivals;

分崩離析:  四分五裂,形容國家、集團等分裂瓦解。例邦分崩離析而不能守也。——《論語·季氏》英break up; come apart; fall to pieces;

明槍暗箭:  公然的攻擊或背後的陷害。英overt and covert attack;