
注音 ㄢˋ ㄉㄨˋ ㄔㄣˊ ㄘㄤ

拼音 àn dù chén cāng




⒈  見“暗度陳倉”。

偷樑換柱:  意為玩弄手法、暗中改換內容,以達到矇混欺騙的目的。軍事上是說與別的軍隊聯合作戰時,暗中抽換其主力,使作戰失利,以乘機吞併之。英steal the beams and pillars and replace them rotten timber-perpetrate a fraud;

明火執杖:  同“明火執仗”。

移花接木:  把花木的枝條嫁接到另一種花木上。比喻施展手段,暗中更換人或事物。英graft; stealthily substitude one thing for another;

明目張膽:  直截了當地,不加掩飾地。例任何人都無權明目張膽地使別人成為他意志的馴服工具。英explicitly; brazenly; openly; flagrantly; be bold and unscrupulous;

暗度陳倉:  渡:越過。陳倉:古代縣名,在今陝西省寶雞市東,為關中、漢中之間的交通要道。漢高祖劉邦用韓信計,偷渡陳倉定三秦。亦比喻祕密進行的活動。英do one thing under cover of another;⒉  也比喻男女私通——通常與“明修棧道”合用。例莫非他心裡有這段姻緣,自己不好開口,卻明修棧道,暗度陳倉。英illicit affairs; have secret relations with one's sweetheart;

暗送秋波:  秋波:古詩文中常用以形容女子的眼睛清澈明亮。原指女子私下裡以眉目傳情。英make secret,overtures to sb.;⒉  後用以比喻獻媚取寵,暗中勾搭。例(呂)布欣喜無限,頻以目視貂蟬。貂蟬亦以秋波送情。——《三國演義》英to establish secret contact with enemy camp,opposing faction ,etc.;

偷天換日:  比喻暗中玩弄手法,掩蓋事物的真相,用以欺騙別人。英play a sly trick by stealing the sky and putting up a sham sun; audacious scheme of cheating people;


明爭暗鬥:  公開場合和暗地裡都在爭鬥不息,較量不止。喻矛盾之深。英both open strife and veiled struggle; fight with both open and secret means;