
注音 ㄖˋ ㄒ一ㄣ ㄩㄝˋ 一ˋ

拼音 rì xīn yuè yì




⒈  每天每月都有新氣象,形容事物進步很快。


change with each passing day;

扶搖直上:  形容仕途得意,如暴風由下盤旋直上。例大鵬一日同風起,扶搖直上九萬里。——李白《上李邕詩》英soar on the wings of a cyclone; be promoted quickly; be very successful in one's official career;

今非昔比:  如今不如往惜或現今好於往惜。形容變化之大,無法比擬。英the present cannot compare with the past;


一日千里:  一天前進一千里路程。比喻馬跑得極快。例造父為穆王御,長驅歸周,一日千里以救亂。——《史記·秦本紀》英a thousand li a day;⒉  比喻進展極快。英with giant stride; at a tremendous pace;

蒸蒸日上:  蒸蒸:上升和興盛的樣子。比喻事情蓬勃發展,日日都有進步。英becoming more prosperous every day;

日異月新:  見“日新月異”。

突飛猛進:  形容發展進步飛快,變化巨大。例改革事業正在突飛猛進。英advance by leaps and bounds; make giant strides; advance with sevenleague strides;

滄海桑田:  大海變成了種桑樹的田地,種桑樹的田地變成了大海。比喻世事多變,人生無常;或喻世事變化的巨大迅速——略稱滄桑。例山河改轉,滄海桑田。英the swift changes of the world; great changes are seen in the course of time; the evanescence of the worldly affairs is like the sea turned into a mulberry field (orchid);

百尺竿頭:  桅杆及雜技長竿的頂端。⒉  喻極高的官位和功名。⒊  喻學問、事業有很高的成就。⒋  佛教語。比喻道行達到極高的境界。

與日俱增:  一天天增長。形容增長快。英multiply daily; grow with each passing day;

阪上走丸:  阪:同“阪”。斜坡;丸:彈丸。在斜坡上滾彈丸。比喻形勢發展迅速。例必相率而降,猶如阪上走丸也。——《漢書·蒯通傳》英on the crest of the wave; ride the crest of fortune;