聲勢和規模很大 put up a pageantry;give wide publicity to ...;in a big way;on a grand [large] scale ;
But with little fanfare, the central bank has been active.
The chinese postal service continues to release zodiac-themed stamps to much fanfare.
Its navy has conducted boisterous war games.
Apple more commonly makes incremental updates to its laptops without the fanfare of a keynote speech.
The fanfare of the a380's arrival was overshadowed by subsequent production issues, including cracks inside some of the wings and cabin-wiring issues.
But china's leaders have made a big deal out of their support for europe at its time of need.
For that reason alone, the fed is going to be very loud in advance about plans to sell bonds and raise rates when the time comes.
In contrast, airlines were selling tickets as low as 360 yuan immediately after the highly-heralded high-speed train line opened on june 30.
繼去年大張旗鼓推出3-d電視後,索尼、三星電子samsung electronics co.等公司為促進銷售,一直在大幅削價。
Following the industry's splashy unveiling of 3-d televisions last year, companies like sony corp. and samsung electronics co. have also been making significant price cuts to try to boost sales.
The high-profile ipo is the latest casualty as offerings the world over are either being pulled or delayed due to a slump in investor sentiment on renewed fears over the ongoing debt crisis in the euro-zone.
Meanwhile, china guardian is conspicuously magnifying its presence in the local market. New york, with its storied history of collectors, galleries and museums, offers proximity to pieces that have long been in the u.s. but may fetch higher prices in china.
當我沿著第六大道,在兩旁高高矗立的銀行與對衝基金寫字樓中間穿行時,新聞集團news corporation大樓上的大螢幕大張旗鼓地播報著它們死對頭垮臺的新聞。
As I walked down sixth avenue, through the canyon of bank and hedge fund offices, the ticker on the news corporation building blared news of the downfall of their nemesis.
While rising communist party leaders don't typically campaign outwardly for promotions, state-and party-run media coverage of the contenders has long been among the most effective barometers of a potential leader's political clout.
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