狼***拉丁名:Canis lupus Linnaeus***cites附錄等級:Ⅱ 保護等級:國家二級保護動物。共46個亞種,體型中等、勻稱,四肢修長,趾行性,利於快速奔跑。頭顎尖形,顏面部長,鼻端突出,耳尖且直立,嗅覺靈敏,聽覺發達。以下是網小編為大家整理的傳承已久的有關狼的經典諺語集錦:
1.have [hold] a wolf by ears ***騎虎難下***
2.He sets the fox to keep the geese. 引狼入室。
3.the wolf at the door 比喻家庭面臨的財政問題。
4.keep the wolf from the door ***拒狼門外。也可翻譯成“免於捱餓,勉強度日”***。
5.He holds a wolf by the ears. 擰狼耳,即騎虎難下。
6.have a wolfish appetite 是“有狼一般的食慾”。
7.to wolf down one’s food 是“狼吞虎嚥的吃東西”。
8.Keep the wolf from the door 是“得免飢寒”。
9.We were in those days very poor,and keeping the wolf from the door proved no easy task 那時,我們很窮,求溫飽很不容易。
10.The wolf may lose his teeth,but never his nature.狼的牙齒會掉,本性卻改不了。
11.The death of wolves is the safety of the sheep.***狼死羊安***
12.a lone wolf ***不喜歡與人來往的人, 喜歡獨居的人; 獨自作案的罪犯 ***
13.throw to the wolves ***送入虎口; 置...於險境***
14.have a wolf in the stomach ***餓極了 ***
15.wake a sleeping wolf ***自找麻煩***
16.When the fox preaches, take care of your geese. 黃鼠狼給雞拜年,沒安好心。
17.He who keeps company with a wolf will learn to howl. ***跟狼在一起, 就會學狼叫; 近墨者黑。***
18.have a wolf in one’s stomach ***肚裡有狼***是指“飢腸轆轆”。
19.set the wolf to keep the sheep ***叫狼看守羊; 引狼入室。***
20.the big bad wolf ***令人恐怖的人或物。***
21.A growing youth has a wolf in his belly. 年輕人,在成長,吃起飯來像餓狼。
22.A wolf in sheep’s clothing 匹著羊皮的狼。
23.The wolf may lose his teeth,but never his nature.***狼的牙齒會掉,本性卻改不了。***
24.wolf in sheep’s clothing ***披著羊皮的狼 ***
25.cry wolf ***虛張聲勢;報謊喊“狼來了” ***
26.wolf-call ***色鬼調戲婦女時的怪叫 wolffish ***
27.Don’t trust a goat with the kitchen-garden,or a wolf with sheepfold. 不能請羊管菜園,不能請狼管羊圈。
28.see[have seen]a wolf ***張口結舌, 說不出話來。***
29.Man is a wolf to man. 人對人是狼。***人心狠,人吃人***
30.***as***greedy as a wolf ***非常貪婪, 貪得無厭***
31.sea wolf ***狼; 任何貪食的大海魚。海盜; 私掠船。潛艇。***
32.eat like a wolf ***貪婪地吃, 狼吞虎嚥***
33.Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl. 和狼在一起,就會學狼叫。
34.cry wolf ***喊“狼來了”, 發假警報***
35.One must howl with the wolves. ***跟狼在一起, 就得學狼叫; 入鄉隨俗。***
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