教材文章難度適中,詞彙豐富,是非常好的詞庫。也許有的同學不以為然,那麼我們看這個句子:A比B要美得多。如果讓你用英語寫出這個句子,你能想到的句型有幾個?在你想到的句型中,是不是轉來轉去就那麼幾句:Ais more beautiful than B, 或者A is more beautiful when compared withB , 或者B is not as beautiful asA……這樣的句型你會寫,還有數萬個和你一樣的中學生也會寫,但是如果你寫出:Although A is beautiful, itpales when it is in comparison with B. ***雖然A很美,但是與B相比便黯然失色了。***這樣的句子,效果會大不相同。
第二個資源,基於教材,我們可以向外發散,任何你讀過的報英文刊雜誌,比如《21st Century》《ChinaDaily》等等,都是很好的資源,還有很多經典的英文電影,英文歌曲也都是豐富的詞庫,從中可以提煉出非常多的優美的詞彙和句子,改造一下,就可以放到我們的文章中,為我們的作文增色不少。
1. 把重點擺在句首或句尾。
***1***Incorrect grammar and improper construction invariably distract readers‘attention.
***2***The history of vocabulary is,in many ways,the record of civilisation.
2. 在複雜句裡,把主句放在從句之後。
***3a***I came upon an old classmate when I went to town yesterday.
***3b***When I went to town yesterday,I came upon an old classmate.
副詞短語更是如此,如 ***4b***:
***4a***Steel is commonly used to make knives,razors and other useful tools because of its durability.
***4b***Beacuse of its durability,steel is commonly used to make knives,razers and other useful tools.
3. 把較重要或有分量的詞語放在後頭,如***5b***和***6b***:
***5a***I was delighted and amused by the classical opera
***5b***I was amused and delighted by the classical opera.
***6a***That singer‘s life was tragic and brief.
***6b***That singer‘s life was brief and tragic.
4. 把句子中一系列的專案作邏輯性的排列。例如:
***7***Tony ate his dinner,watched TV,and then went to bed.
***8***Were you bored with years of study in elementary school,high school and institute of higher education?
5. 必要時,重複重要的語詞或概念。例如:
***9***Jackie enjoys the company of ladies. He likes their beauty,he likes their delicacy,he likes their vivacity,and he likes their silence.
***10***……the land stretched out without names. Nameless headlands split the surf;nameless lakes reflected the nameless mountains and nameless rivers flowed through nameless valleys and nameless bays.
6. 儘量用主動說態,因此***11b***比***11a***好:
***11a***A pedestrian was struck on the head by a flying stone.
***11b***A flying stone struck a pedestrian on the head.
7. 適當時候,可用倒裝句和平行句,如:
***12***Seven dwarfs lived here in the centre of the dark forest. → Here,in the centre of the dark forest lived seven dwarfs.
***13***Severity breeds fear;roughness breeds hatred.
***14***Honesty recommends that I speak;self-interest demands that I remain silent.