People plant a great number of young trees in the mountains.When the trees grow big and tall enough,they are cut down by workers and carried out of the mountains to the paper mill where fine paper is made from wood.
Then it is taken to every corner of the country and used for different purposes.Some people use paper to copy writing,others use it to write something such as letters,reports and articles.
When paper turns out to be of no use,the waste paper is collected and retreated in the recycling factory before being put into use again.
There are some ways to reuse the wastes. The used plastic bags can be used to contain our family rubbish. The empty tins can be made into ashtrays. We can also make the used bottles into different kinds of handiwork. That will make our rooms more beautiful. If we don't know how to reuse the wastes, we can sell them to the recycling station. There are many other ways to reuse the wastes. If we try our best to recycle the wastes, there will be less waste and less pollution in our life. To cherish the environment is to love ourselves.
廢物再利用 我們在日常生活中產生少許多廢物,比如像用過的紙張飛舊報紙、用過的塑料袋、罐頭筒、瓶子等等。所以充分利用廢品是十分重要的。 有許多廢品再利用的方法。用過的塑料袋可以用來裝家裡的垃圾;空罐頭盒可以製成菸灰缸。我們也可以將用過的瓶子製成各種各樣的手工藝品,把我們的房間裝扮得更美。 如果我們不知道如何再利用廢品,我們可以將它買到廢品收購站去。 還有許多廢品再利用的方法。如果我們能盡力將廢品回收再利用,那廢品將會大量減少,我們周圍的汙染也會大大減輕。 愛護環境就是愛護我們自己。
In everyday life, we have a lot of things, such as used paper, old newspapers,used plastic bags, cans, bottles and so on. It is important to make good use of the waist things.
There are some ways to reuse the wastes. The used plastic bags can be used to contain our family rubbish. The empty tins can be made into ashtrays. We can also make the used bottles into different kinds of handiwork. That will make our rooms more beautiful.
If we don't know how to reuse the wastes, we can sell them to the recycling station.
There are many other ways to reuse the wastes. If we try our best to recycle the wastes, there will be less waste and less pollution in our life.
To cherish the environment is to love ourselves.
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