1 夏天的飛鳥,飛到我的窗前唱歌,又飛去了。秋天的黃葉,它們沒有什麼可唱,只嘆息一聲,飛落在那裡。
stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. and yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.
2 世界上的一隊小小的漂泊者呀,請留下你們的足印在我的文字裡。
a troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words.
3 世界對著它的愛人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。
the world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover.
it becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.
4 是大地的淚點,使她的微笑保持著青春不謝。
it is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom. 5 無垠的沙漠熱烈追求一葉綠草的愛,她搖搖頭笑著飛開了。
the mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.
6 如果你因失去了太陽而流淚,那麼你也將失去群星了。
if you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.
7 跳舞著的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌聲,你的流動呢。你肯挾 瘸足的泥沙而俱下麼?
the sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water. will you carry the burden of their lameness?
8 她的熱切的臉,如夜雨似的,攪擾著我的夢魂。
her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.
9 有一次,我們夢見大家都是不相識的。 我們醒了,卻知道我們原是相親相愛的。
once we dreamt that we were strangers.we wake up to find that we were dear to each other.
10 憂思在我的心裡平靜下去,正如暮色降臨在寂靜的山林中。
sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees
1. 記住該記住的,忘記該忘記的。改變能改變的,接受不能改變的。
Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable.
“You couldn’t see my tears cause I am in the water.” Fish said to water.
“But I could feel your tears cause you are in my heart.” Answered water.
Your life only lasts for a few decades, so be sure that you don't leave any regrets. Laugh or cry as you like, and it‘s meaningless to oppress yourself.
4. 生命中,不斷地有人進入或離開。於是,看見的,看不見了;記住的,遺忘了。生命中,不斷地有得到和失落。於是,看不見的,看見了;遺忘的,記住了。然而,看不見的,是不是就等於不存在?記住的,是不是永遠不會消失? There is someone that is coming or passing away in your life around the clock, so you may lose sight of those seen, and forget those remembered.
There is gain and loss in your life, so you may catch sight of those unseen, and remember those forgotten. Nevertheless, doesn’t the unseen exist for sure? Will the remembered remain forever?
5. 後悔是一種耗費精神的情緒。後悔是比損失更大的損失,比錯誤更大的錯誤。所以不要後悔。
Penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than the loss itself and making a bigger mistake than the mistake itself. So never regret.
1.When asked about the ongoing uproar involving U.S. President Bill Clinton , most people say the affair involves a purely private matter . But many other people regard his actions as deplorable . I personally think the president committed impeachable offences .
2. When it comes to the increasing use of motor vehicles in Beijing , some people think that use should be limited . Others argue that the opposite is true . There is probably some truth to both arguments,but emission controls must be instituted regardless of the number of vehicles. 涉及北京機動車使用量增加這一問題,有的人認為應該限制使用。另一些人持相反意見。也許雙方的觀點都有一定道理,但是,無論車輛多少,必須對廢氣排放實行控制。
3. There is a general debate nowadays about the problem of itinerant workers . Those who object to the rising migrant population argue that increasing numbers lead to rising crime rates and harm social stability . They believe that strict limits should be placed on migrants entering China ' s cities . But people who favor the influx of the cheap labor force , on the other hand , maintain that migrants are needed to support the massive urban infrastructure construction program .
4. It is widely acknowledged that extensive deforestation contributed to heavy summer flooding . Experts argue that China must introduce a massive afforestation program . But I doubt whether afforestation alone will solve the problem .
5. Most people are of the opinion that wealth provides solutions to all problems . But in spite of the material benefits wealth provides , I believe one should abandon the pursuit of materialism and instead concentrate on the pursuit of happiness .
6. Many people believe that capital punishment deters crime . But although criminologists have conducted exhaustive research regarding the subject , little evidence exists to support the claim .
7. An increasing number of people are joining the " Information Age " via the Internet . In reaction to the phenomenon , some say the Internet has removed barrters and provided people with immediate access to the world . But do they raelize that rapidly advancing information technology can also lead to intrusions of privacy ?
8. The use of guanxi is a widespread method for conducting business , but is it a wise one ? The method is now being challenged by more and more people .利用關係是做生意的普遍做法,但這種做法明智嗎?現在,越來越多的人對這種方法提出了質疑。
9. These days we often hear about the widening gap between the rich and poor . Some argue the developed world has totally ignored the problem . But has it ? Close examination fails to bear out the argument . 最近,我們經常聽到貧富差距擴大了的說法。一些人認為發達世界完全忽略了這個問題。事實是這樣嗎?細緻的調查無法證實這一觀點。
10. We ' re often told that the world is tethering on the brink of destruction . But is this really the case ?
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