Who's More Polite?
A fat man and a skinny man were arguing about who was the more polite. The skinny man said he was more polite because he always tipped his hat to ladies. But the fat man knew he was more courteous because, whenever he got up and offered his seat, two ladies could sit down.
The Zhao State was taking up arms against the Yan State, and Su Dai ***a military strategist during the Warring States period, and little brother to Su Qin of the School of Diplomacy*** traveled to speak with King HuiWen of Zhao on behalf of the Yan State, and he told the following fable:
“When I was coming here I passed over some gentle water, and by chance I happened to see a clam sunning itself. A sandpiper seized the opportunity to peck at the clam’s meat, but the clam slammed the two wings of its hard shell shut on the sandpiper’s beak. The sandpiper said, ‘Today it won’t rain, tomorrow it won’t rain, and there will be one dead clam!’ The clam gave as good as he got, saying: ‘I won’t come out today, I won’t come out tomorrow ***so your beak won’t be free***, and there will be one dead sandpiper!’ Neither party was willing to give up, and at this time, a fisherman scooped them both up and carried them off. If Yan and Zhao oppose each other, we’ll both fight ourselves weary. I’m afraid the strong Qin State is playing the role of the fisherman, so I hope that your majesty will carefully deliberate on this matter.”
“我來的時候經過易水,恰好看到蚌出來晒太陽。鷸趁機啄蚌的肉,蚌把兩扇介殼一閉就夾住了鷸的喙。鷸說:‘今天不下雨,明天不下雨,就有死蚌。’蚌也針鋒相對地說: ‘今天不出,明天不出***夾住不放***,就有死鷸。’兩者誰也不肯罷休,這時過來一個漁父把兩者一起拎走了。”燕趙相對抗,都搞得很疲勞,我恐怕強大的秦國正在扮演漁父的角色,所以希望大王深思熟慮。
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