每年的農曆九月初九是中國的傳統節日重陽節***the DoubleNinth Festival***。重陽節有2000多年的歷史,早在唐朝時期就正式被定為民間節日。皇帝和百姓, 都根據禮儀和風俗慶祝重陽節。隨著時間的流逝,重陽節逐漸形成一些慶祝習 俗,如出遊、登高、插茱萸***cornel***。重陽節那天,全家人通常一起慶祝節日,而離家的人則會倍加思鄉。漢族的傳統觀念認為,數字9代表健康長壽,因此中國政府 於***將農曆九月初九定為“老人節。
September 9th on lunar calendar is the DoubleNinth Festival every year, a traditional festival ofChina. With a history of more than 2,000 years,theDouble Ninth Festival was formally set down
as a folkfestival as early as the Tang Dynasty; and both theemperors and civilians alike celebrated the festival following the etiquette and customs. Astime goes by, the Double Ninth Festival
has gradually formed the celebrating conventions ofgoing on a journey, ascending a height and wearing cornels. On that day, the whole family willalways gather to spend the festival together,
while those far from their homes will becomemore homesick. As the figure “9” represents longevity and health in the traditional conceptof Han people, the Chinese government set September 9th on
lunar calendar as “the Seniors'Day” in 1989.
24節氣***24 solar terms***是統稱,包括 12節氣***12 majorsolar terms***和 12中氣 ***12 minor solar terms***,它們彼此之間相互關聯。24節氣反映了天氣變化,指導農 業耕作,也影響著人們的生活。春秋戰國時期,人們開始使用節氣作為補充曆法 ***calendar***。公元前104年,24節氣最終確立。眾所周知,中國是個有著悠久農業發 展史的國家。農業生產受自然規律影響極大。在古代,農民根據太陽的運動安排 農業生產活動。24節氣考慮到了太陽的位置,這就是我們重視它的原因。
The 24 solar terms is a whole name of the systemthat consists of 12 major solar terms and 12 minorsolar teims linked with each other. It reflects theclimate change, guides agriculture
arrangements andalso affects people's life. In the Spring and AutumnPeriod and the Warring States Period, people began to use solar terms as the supplementarycalendar. It was in 104 B,C. that
the 24 solar terms were finally set down. As we all know,China is a country with a long history of agriculture. Agricultural production is largely influencedby the laws of nature. In ancient
times, farmers arranged their agricultural activities according tothe move of : the sun. It is the fact that the 24 solar terms takes into account the position ofthe sun that makes us attach
importance to it.
《詩經》***Book of Songs***是中國最早的詩歌總集,收錄了從西周初期到春秋中期約500年間創作的305首詩歌。最初,《詩經》被稱為《詩》或《詩三百》。孔子以《詩經》作為教科書教授弟子***disciple***。在漢代之後,它才被正式命名為《詩經》。《詩經》裡的詩由四字詩構成,其語言簡潔,韻律輕快,風格簡單。《詩經》中的很多詩歌都真實反映了當時的生活和社會現狀。很多詩歌與愛情和婚姻有關。《詩經》的意識形態和藝術成就對後世詩歌的發展有極大的影響。
The Book of Songs is the earliest collection ofpoems in China. It contains 305 poems created overa period of some 500 years from the early WesternZhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring andAutumn period. At first,The Book of Songs wasknown as Poems or Three Hundred Poems. Confucius used it as a textbook for teaching hisdisciples.After the Han Dynasty, it became known officially as the Book of Songs. Poems in thebook are comprised of four-character verses,with concise language, refreshing rhymes andsimple style. Many poems in it truthfully reflect the life and society of that time. A large numberare about love and marriage.The ideological and artistic achievements of the Book of Songs hadgreat influence on the development of poetry of later generations.
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