The disadvantages of pet ownership
initial cost of an animal is minor compared to the MAINTENANCE involved.
At vets in my area the office visit is $27 - and that's just to make the appointment and be seen.If they do anything,such as an exam $60,or vaccinations $65,or teeth cleaning with anesthesia$150-$200,those are all additional costs at the time.Low cost spay/neuter clinics can usually do a spay or neuter for under $50.
Please remember the recent pet food recall.Many innocent owners and their pets had to rush to the emergency vet and have their pet hospitalized for 3 days or more due to kidney failure from poisoned food cost approx.$1,000 and even then the pet died!So bear in mind that things like this can happen.What if a pet were to get hit by a car,mauled by a dog,come down with kidney failure,etc?A chronic long-term problem is expensive.
Lifestyle and you are away from home for hours in school or work,who will be at home with the pet?Do both parents work?It is unfair to take a pet away from its loving mother and siblings,only to leave it in solitary confinement in a new and strange and frightening environment away from everything he/she knows.On the weekends,do you go off with friends?Spend time with your pet?Will the novelty wear off in a month?This is not a toy,but a living being!This is a LIFETIME COMMITTMENT.You can't get tired of caring for the pet and dump him/her at the pound.
Remember,you want a good fit - not only for your family but most of all for the pet since he/she cannot speak for themselves and have to rely on the maturity,caring,and RESPONSIBILITY of the family that adopts it.All living beings require more than good intentions and well wishes.They have an absolute requirement as all living creatures do for food,water,shelter and medical care.So think carefully about whether or not you can afford to properly care for a pet.Remember,it is their RIGHT BY LAW to receive proper medical care.
Nowadays many people like raising pets, such as dogs, cats, birds, etc. Actually, it is good to keep pets because pets can play with the young and accompany the old. Research also shows that livingwith a pet helps to soothe people’s pressure and distress and even decreases the possibility of getting heart diseases.
However, many are against living together with animals. They argue that pets are easily infected by diseases, which may pass on to humans. What’s more, the unpleasant smell and waste caused by pets are a resource of environmental pollution.
In my opinion, keeping pets brings joy to our life. But to avoid potential risks and troubles, we have to make sure that our pets are properly vaccinated and their behaviors are under control.
Nowadays, with the improvement of the people's living standard, some people form a habit of raising small or domestic animals as pets.Some raise small dogs or cats as their pets while others raise various birds or fishes as their pets.However, some people object to the idea of raising animals as pets.To them, animals have their own right to live a natural life like human beings.On the other hand, the way people raise animals as pets have a negative influence on the surroundings ,for example, dogs' chasing people on the street and so on.What's more, some animals will transmit some diseases.
In my point of view, I prefer to raise a pet, since the happiness it brings to us outweigh drawbacks.
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