Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Clarkson University
Potsdam, NY 13699
Dear Sir:
At the request of Mr. Li, a graduate student of mine in the Department of Thermal Engineering, I am very pleased to write this letter of recommendation in support of his application for admission and financial aid for his study in your Department.
I knew Mr. Li in January 1990, when I was the header of the Thermal Measurement Laboratory. We led a project and needed a research assistant. I contacted with the advisor of his class and wanted to choose an excellent student to take part in it. She recommended Mr. Li to me because of his exceptional achievement in his class. So Mr. Li came to our research group to finish his diploma project under my instruction. In the diploma project, his serious attitude and diligence made a favorable impression on me. At last, he completed high quality paper “The Mathematical Model of Heat –Exchange Cycle In Large Scale Fossil Power Plant” which earned a high grade 90.
Because of his ability of research he demonstrated in his diploma project, he was selected by us to work in our group. In the following two years, he had worked under my instruction, His research work concerned with the simulation of flow network and heat-exchanger in power plant, which is the key technology in the power plant simulation and he resolved it very well. His work was always perfectly finished ahead of schedule and his ability to organize research independently is very outstanding. He participated in the developing of four sets of simulators and some of his work has been published on ACTA SIMULTA SISTEMATICA SINICA ACTA and JOURNAL OF TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY in two years.
From Sep.1992, Mr. Li began his graduate study and I was his adviser. Because he possessed much experience of work, he had strong motivation toward his study and his aim of study is very clear. Besides thoroughly studying of all assigned works, he also took part in a lot of research work in our group. Up to now, he has published three papers during his graduate study. I appreciated his work very much. According to my observation, Mr. Li has the potential of a promising student.
Meanwhile, Mr. Li is a versatile young man. He likes sports very much. He is the top player of both Department Table Tennis Team and Department Football Team. He and his team-mates won the first place in the Tsinghua University Graduate Student Football Competition in Fall 1992 and the third place in the Tsinghua University Table Tennis Competition in 1993 and 1994.
I recommend Mr. Li to you without reservation and I believe that he will produce outstanding work in your institution as he did in ours. Your serious consideration of his application will be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely yours
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