. You can do anything if you really want to. That's the spirit!只要你想做,你就一定能做得到。那才是好樣的!下面是的小編為你們整理的內容,希望你們能夠喜歡
1. Cheer up!加油啊!\別灰心!
2. Keep trying!繼續努力!
3. Come on!加油啊!
4. Go !Go! Go!加油!加油!
5. come on ,baby !
6. we will never give up ,to be NO.1
7. We will, we will rock you 。
8. If I can't,I must do it!
9. If I must do it,I can do it!
10. Let's do sunshine sports .讓我們做陽光運動
11. Let's enjoy the sunshine!讓我們享受陽光。
12. We are the best!We are the wonder!
13. You are my super star.
14. go go go class4. to be No1 forever.
15. Forwarding for our bright future!
16. The winner is you !
17. We are proud of you!
18. You are the best!
19. You are the bravest!
20. Rush!You can do it!
21. Faith that justice would prevail impelled us forward~正義必勝的信念激勵著我們前進。
22. step on a long journey~踏上征程
23. Challenge your own
24. Fly your dream
25. To be No.1!Go for it!
26. Your are the best
1. Go for it ! Go for it !
2. Come on buddy,everybody!大夥加油!
3. Hold on ! 挺住!
4. We are the best! 我們是最好的!
5. We are the champion! 我們是冠軍!
6. The winner is you !We are proud of you!You are the best!You are the bravest!Rush!You can do it!
7. Impossible is nothing. Just do it! 一切皆有可能。
8. To do the most, to show the best. 盡力做,秀最佳。
9. Fly our dream. 放飛我們的夢想。
10. Do our best, enjoy ourselves. 做最好的自己。
11. If I can, you must can! 我行,你也行!
12. Don’t be shy, just have a try. 不要膽怯,勇於嘗試。
13. If you think you can , you can. 相信自己能行。
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