1、Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas.——Dale Evans
2、There are some people who want to throw their arms round you justbecause it’s Christmas,there are other people who want to strangleyou just because its Christmas。******——Robert Lynd
3、That’s the true spiritof Christmas; people being helped by people other than me。——Jerry Seinfeld
4、The endangered species list has grown this year to include bothreligious and secular symbols cherished by Americans including the nativity, Santa Claus, Christmas trees, candycanes, and Christmas carols。——John Doolittle
5、When we were children we were grateful to those who filled ourstockings at Christmas time. Why are we not grateful to God forfilling our stockings with legs?——Gilbert K. Chesterton
6、The Earth reminded us of a Christmas tree ornament hanging in theblackness of space. As wegot farther and farther away it diminishedin size. Finally it shrank to the size of amarble, the mostbeautiful marble you can imagine。——James Irwin
7、Christmas is a season for kindling the fire for hospitality inthe hall, the genial flame ofcharity in the heart。——Washington Irving
8、Christmas is a time when kids tell Santa what they want andadults pay for it. Deficits arewhen adults tell the government whatthey want - and their kids pay for it。——Richard Lamm
9、Christmas… is not an eternal event at all, but a piece of one’shome that one carries inone’s heart。——Freya Stark
10、Christmas is, of course, the time to be home - in heart as wellas body。——Garry Moore
for today'christian, the origin of christmais, and should be, the birth of jesuchrist arecorded in the bible. nothing more and nothing less. however, most of what we witneson december 25th each year haabsolutelnothing to do with that blessed day, which probabloccurred in late summer or earlfall about 2,000 yearago. in fact, most of the customand traditionof christmaactuallpre-date the birth of jesus, and manof them are downright deceptive in their meaning and origin. anyway, who carewhen christ waborn?christmaday,the 25th of december,ithe biggest festiv
for today'christian, the origin of christmais, and should be, the birth of jesuchrist arecorded in the bible. nothing more and nothing less. however, most of what we witneson december 25th each year haabsolutelnothing to do with that blessed day, which probabloccurred in late summer or earlfall about 2,000 yearago. in fact, most of the customand traditionof christmaactuallpre-date the birth of jesus, and manof them are downright deceptive in their meaning and origin. anyway, who carewhen christ waborn?
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