1*** 一山不能容二虎,除非一公和一母。
A mountain can not be accepted, unless a public and a mother.
2*** 人生若只如初見當時只道是尋常。
Life if only such as first, then only way is unusual.
3*** 行動是治癒恐懼的良藥,而猶豫、拖延將不斷滋養恐懼。
Action is the cure for fear, and hesitation, delay will continue to nourish fear.
4*** 再好的種子,不播種下去,也結不出豐碩的果實。
A good seed will not sow, nor will it bear fruit.
5*** 你的過去我來不及參與,你的未來我奉陪到底。
I was unable to participate in your past, your future I will fight in the end.
6*** 青春是有限的,不能在猶豫和觀望中度過。
Youth is limited, can not be spent in hesitation and wait and see.
7*** 在所有批評家中,最偉大最正確最天才的是時間。
Of all the critics, the greatest and most accurate is the time.
8*** 人生最大的隱患是自私,人生最大的隱痛是妒嫉。
The greatest danger is selfish, the greatest pain is jealous.
9*** 勉強笑著,只有自己才知道自己有多累。
Barely smiled, only to know how tired they are.
10*** 獨自痴痴望著你的頭像,卻沒有勇氣說一句問候。
Alone watching your avatar, has no courage to say a word of greeting.
1*** 滿天星花圃裡,紫色的小花瓣星星點點,掩映在綠葉之中。
The stars in the garden, small purple petals tiny spots, nestled in the green leaves.
2*** 人的寂寞,有時候很難用語言表達。
People's loneliness, sometimes it is difficult to use language to express.
3*** 我寫的只是我現有的心情,我希望我愛的哪個他會明白。
I am writing is my current mood, I hope I love which he will understand.
4*** 為別人鼓掌的人也是在給自己的生命加油。
Applause for others is also to give their lives.
5*** 明天越來越少,昨天越來越多。
Tomorrow is less and less, more and more yesterday.
6*** KTV不要包夜,對生理時鐘是挑戰,別毀了自己的好習慣。
KTV don't pack the night, on the circadian clock is a challenge, don't ruin their good habits.
7*** 我只好強制自己忘記你,當你已經和我沒有關係。
I have to force myself to forget you, when you have no relationship with me.
8*** 每天我這樣數著日子,直到我們再次相見。
Every day I count the days until we meet again.
9*** 誰把誰的明媚盡收眼底、誰把誰的難過感同身受。
Who put the beautiful panoramic view, who feel sad.
10*** 把眼淚留給最疼你的人。把微笑留給傷你最深的人。
Leave the tears to the people who hurt you the most. Leave a smile to the person who hurt you.
1*** 懂得對生活微笑的人,將會得到美麗的人生。
People who know how to smile at life will get a beautiful life.
2*** 我呼吸不到你,到最後一秒才喚起。
I can't breathe until the last second.
3*** 有些路,只能一個人走,路上的艱辛,只有自己知道。
Some road, only a person to go, the hardships of the road, only to know.
4*** 過了做夢的年紀,便不再做夢了。可是愛情,是一輩子的事。
After a dream age, then no longer have a dream. But love, is a lifetime thing.
5*** 對於不可改變的事實,除了認命以外,沒有更好的辦法了。
For truth that will never change, in addition to you, there is no better way.
6*** 回憶。總是那麼甜蜜、卻又那麼的痛得讓人無法呼吸。
memory。 Always so sweet, but so painful so that people can not breathe.
7*** 再好的過去,回憶的次數多了味道也就淡了。
Even the happiest memory cannot afford being recalled for too many times.。
8*** 天再高又怎樣,踮起腳尖就更接近陽光。
No matter how high the sky is, standing on tiptoe is closer to the sun.
9*** 當初的碩士學位,就像腳底的一粒米,不拿不舒服,拿了又不能吃。
At the beginning of the master's degree, just like a grain of rice on the soles of the feet, do not get uncomfortable, take and can not eat.
10*** 茫茫人海,只有敢於和魔影抗爭的人,生活才有滋有味。
The vast sea of humanity, and people only dare to struggle in the dark, life flavor.
11*** 孤獨是空氣,你呼吸著它而感覺到自己存在。
Loneliness is like the air. The breath of it makes you feel alive.。
12*** 窮則思變,差則思勤!沒有比人更高的山沒有比腳更長的路。
Qiongzesibian, difference is thought of qin! There is no longer than the people of the mountain no longer than the foot of the road.
13*** 人總是會老的,希望到時你仍在我身邊。
People will always be the old, I hope that you are still by my side.
14*** 待人對事不要太計較,如果太計較就會有悔恨!
Do not treat people too much, if too much care will have regrets!
15*** 學者有自立之志,當拔出流俗,不可泛泛與世浮沉。
Scholars have independent will, when pulling out the vulgar, not generally follow the trend.
16*** 天下最讓我生氣的事,是拿著別人的眼光說自己的祖祖輩輩都活錯了。
There's something that upsets me, holding someone else's eyes said his ancestors are wrong.
17*** 豈能盡人如意,但求無愧於心!
How can make people well, but worthy!
18*** 生時何需久睡,死後自會長眠。
When and where students take a long sleep, will die after death.
19*** 煙對肺不好,咖啡對胃不好,愛情對心臟不好。
Smoke is not good for the lungs, coffee on the stomach is not good, love for the heart is not good.
20*** 舉杯獨醉,飲罷飛雪,茫然又一年歲。
Drink drunk, drink snow, and at age.
21*** 沒有一種不通過蔑視、忍受和奮鬥就可以征服的命運。
No one can conquer fate without contempt, suffering and struggle.
22*** 勿謂寸陰短,既過難再獲。勿謂一絲微,既紹難再白。
Do not say that Cunyin is short, too hard won. Do not say that a little bit, not only to the white shao.
23*** 所謂幸福,華麗空虛。眼底浮花,只是剎那。
The so-called happiness, gorgeous emptiness. Fundus floating flowers, just for a moment.
24*** 祥子成了捱罵的藤牌,兩頭挨著。
Xiangzi became the butt of vituperation, next to the two.
25*** 探索的旅程不在於發現新大陸,而在於培養新視角。
The voyage of discovery lies not in the discovery of the new world, but in the development of a new perspective.
26*** 只有不斷找尋機會的人才會及時把握機會。
Only people who are constantly looking for opportunities will grasp the opportunity in time.
27*** 滄桑礙道之憤怒、蒼涼曖昧之絕望。冥冥皆定。
Because of anger, despair vicissitudes of ambiguous desolation. There are fixed.
28*** 牽起你的手微笑,讓全世界都知道,你是我一生中最大的驕傲。
Hold your hand and smile, let the whole world know that you are the greatest pride in my life.
29*** 一個人時,學會獨處;兩個人時,學會相處。
One person, learn to be alone; two people, learn to get along.
30*** 愁未滿,心已亂;欲醉不成怨酒淡。
Sorrow is not full, the heart has chaos; to be drunk not to blame wine pale.