
  在英語口語裡面,閉嘴的最經常說法就是shut up,但是也不止這一種說法。下面是小編為你整理的閉嘴的英文說法,希望大家喜歡!


  1.shut up

  2.button one's lip

  3.hold one's jaw

  4.zip one's lip


  你閉嘴 Blast The Speakers ; You shut up ; Shut up you ; you shut she fuck up

  閉嘴鯨魚 Shut up whale

  我閉嘴 I shut up you fuck ; mute

  矮子閉嘴 Shut Up Little Man An Audio Misadventure

  他媽的閉嘴 Shut The Fuck Up ; Fucking shut up ; Damn it shut his mouth ; Fuck shut up

  閉嘴家族 Shut Up Family ; You I Together ; YouI Together

  要麼閉嘴 Put up or shut up

  就閉嘴 shut up

  閉嘴播放 shut up and play

  他媽的閉嘴Shut The Fuck Up


  1.Put a sock in it ***英式英語***

  I’ve had enough of your moaning for one day. Why don’t you put a sock in it?


  注:有時候你也會聽到“put a cork in it”,意思是一樣的。

  2. Cork it

  “Shhh, cork it and listen to him”.


  注:“put a cork in it”更常用。

  3. Button it

  “Button it, ok. I’m trying to think!”


  4. Shut your pie hole ***美式英語*** or Shut your cake hole ***英式英語***

  “Just shut your pie hole, man.”


  5. Zip your lips or Zip it!

  I’ve heard enough of your nonsense, mate. Now zip it!


  6. Wind your neck in

  “Why don’t you just wind your neck in for once and listen to what I have to say?”


  7. Simmer down

  Ok, children. I need you all to simmer down and listen to Jason’s story.



  8. Pipe down

  “Come on, everyone. Pipe down or else you will all get detention!”
