give me the gift of a grip top sock: a drip-drape, ship-shape, and tip-top sock.
betty and bob brought back blue balloons from the big bazaar.
susan shines shoes and socks; she ceased shining shoes and socks for shoes and socks shock susan.
sarah saw a shot-silk sash shop full of shot-silk sashes as the sunshine shone on the side of the shot-silk sash shop.
chop shops stock chops.
brad’s big black bath brush broke.
six shimmering sharks sharply striking shins.
don’t pamper damp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps.
i never felt a piece of felt which felt as fine as that felt felt, when first i felt that felt hat‘s felt.
what a shame such a shapely sash should such shabby stitches show?
thieves seize skis. the blue bluebird blinks.
小偷抓住了滑雪板。 藍色的知更鳥在眨眼。
1.she sells seashells on the seashore. the seashells she sells are seashore seashells.
2.no need to light a night light on a light night like tonight.
3.the thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout thursday.
4.you know new york, you need new york.
you know you need unique new york.
5.a big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood.
6.fresh fried fish, fish fresh fried, fried fish fresh, fish fried fresh.?
7.peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,a peck of pickled peppers peter piper picked.if peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. where’s the peck of pickled peppers peter piper picked?
8.how many good cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook as many good cookies as a good cook could cook?
9.how much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a wooodchuck could chuck wood?
a woodchuck would chuck all the wood a woodchuck could chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
10.great greek grape growers grow great
greek grapes, but the greeks do not eat the grapes the great greek grape growers grow.
11.that black lad was very sad because his dad had died in a bad accident in a factory.
12.the eggs he sells everyday are better than everybody else sells.
13. ten tiny tigers tied ten tiny ties on their tiny tails.
5. a noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more!
6. ann and andy’s anniversary is in april.
7. bake big batches of bitter brown bread.
8. big black bugs bleed blue black blood but baby black bugs bleed blue blood.
9. black background, brown background.
10. blake's black bike's back brake bracket block broke.
11. blue glue gun, green glue gun.
12. caution: wide right turns
13. each easter eddie eats eighty easter eggs.
14. elizabeth has eleven elves in her elm tree.
15. elizabeth's birthday is on the third thursday of this month.
16. fresh fried fish, fish fresh fried, fried fish fresh, fish fried fresh.
17. freshly fried fresh flesh
18. green glass globes glow greenly.
19. he threw three balls.
20. he threw three free throws.
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