一個來自農場的音樂天才 A Talented Musical Boy From the Farm
The American TV show The Voice is one of my favorite amusement show. One the one hand, I can listen to the different styles of music. On the other hand, I can see the singers’ behind story, which are so inspiring. I was so impressed by a musical boy who was from the farm. When he was very small, he loved to sing while doing the farm work. So he learned to play guitar. He liked living on the farm, for the life was simple and the farm was so big enough to play. The boy brought his guitar to the stage, what’s more, he wore a fashionable hat which made him seemed so mysterious. When the boy sang a song with his guitar, the judgers were astonished by his talent, they wanted him immdiately. It turned that the boy was talented and he won the game.
什麼是時尚 What Is Fashion
High school students want to have their own style, because they want to have individuality, they want to show to the world that they are cool and the only. I see many girls make up and dress the mature clothes in the school and the boys wear the strange ear studs. Teenagers do these because they think it is the fashion and can present themselves. In my opinion, fashion has nothing to do with the outlook. Even though some girls make them look like the models, what they wear is not suitable with their age. As a high school student, it is important to dress comfortably, what they wear should show their vitality, this is the fashion. Fashion is comfortable and shows people’s character, making people confident. Different stage has the different beauty, thus to has the different fashion.
帝國大廈 Empire State Building
It is known to all that New York is the first city in America. Every year, the tourists from all over the world go to this city to enjoy its lively atmosphere. The Statue of Liberty is familiar to all, actually, there are many famous tourist sites in New York. The tall buildings are also its landmarks. We can see these landmarks in the movies. In the scientific movie King Kong, the Empire State Building impresses the audience. It is the place where King Kong watches the sunset. As it is so tall and grand, it attracts people’s eyes all the time. Empire State Building was built in 1930 and finished in 410 days, which made the record of using the shortest time to be done. When night comes, New York city is lighted up and the colorful lights making Empire State Building look very beautiful and charming.
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