




  The custom of Thanksgiving

  Every Thanksgiving Day, the United States the whole nation very lively. Urban and rural cities and towns everywhere parade, drama performances and sports competitions, schools and shops are also required to have a holiday. The children also mimic the appearance when the Indians put on strange and eccentric clothing, face paint or put on a mask to the street singing, trumpet. The day of the Church of the people are also very much, according to the custom of people here to do Thanksgiving prayer. But on Thanksgiving Day, every family member always strive to return from all over the country, one family were sitting together, eating delicious turkey, to talk about the past, this how don't make the person feel exceptionally warm.




  The origin of Thanksgiving in the United States

  Thanksgiving Day in the United States dates back to the beginning of the history of the United states. In 1620, the famous "May flower" was full of British domestic religious persecution of the 102 pilgrims arrived in the United kingdom. In 1620 and 1621 in winter, they encounter unimaginable difficulties, in suffer hunger and cold, over the past winter, immigrants living only 50 people. At this time, the kind-hearted Indians to the immigrants brought the necessities of life, but also specially sent to teach them how to hunt, fish and corn, pumpkin. With the help of the Indians, immigrants who finally won the harvest, to celebrate the harvest date, in accordance with the religious traditions and customs, immigration provides for the day to thank God and decided to thank the Indian's sincere help, inviting them to celebrate the festival.

  On the first day of Thanksgiving, and Indian immigrants have a joyous gathering, they at dawn Mingfang salute, and marched into a room used as a church, religious expression of gratitude to God, and then lit the fire held a grand banquet. Second days and third days and held a wrestling, running, singing, dancing and other activities. The first Thanksgiving was a great success. Many of these celebrations have been around for more than 300 years and have been kept to this day.

  There was no fixed date in the first Thanksgiving, and it was decided by the states that until the independence of the United States, Thanksgiving became a national holiday. In 1863, President Lincoln celebrated Thanksgiving as a legal holiday. By 1941, the United States Congress passed an act to set the Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday of November each year. Every Thanksgiving Day, the United States the whole nation was bustling, people in accordance with the custom to go to church prayer of Thanksgiving, urban and rural towns everywhere costume parades, theatrical performances or sports competitions. Separate year family members will return from all over the country, one family reunion, tasting delicious Thanksgiving turkey.




  最初感恩節沒有固定日期,由各州臨時決定,直到美國獨立後,感恩節才成為全國性的節日。 1863年,林肯總統把感恩節定為法定假日。到1941年, 美國國會通過一項法令,把感恩節定在每年十一月的第四個星期四。 每逢感恩節這一天,美國舉國上下熱鬧非凡,人們按照習俗前往教堂做感恩祈禱,城鄉市鎮到處都有化裝遊行、戲劇表演或體育比賽等。分開了一年的親人們也會從天南海北歸來,一家人團團圓圓,品嚐美味的感恩節火雞。

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