1. My Daddy Will Always Be My King.
2. 總有一天我要殺盡天下負我狗。
3. - one three one three one one three
4. I don't want perfect, I want real.
5. Each youth will be old, but I hope that your memor
6. is life, but love is long.
7. Rip my heart out,why don't you.你為何不撕裂我的心
8. My lover, my life! 我的愛人,我的生命 My shawty, my wife !我的甜心,我的妻子
9. 我的愛 你不配 你讓我受了那麼多苦 所以你不配我
10. The only thing I can beat you is that I love you more than you love me.我唯一能勝過你的就是我愛你比你愛我多.
2. Don't doubt my love for you 不要質疑我對你的愛
3. I just need someone who never lets me down
4. You jump I jump 生死相隨
5. Learning Meixinmeifei, for everything is nothing.
6. Love rather than the, waste me to love 愛而不想之枉我去愛 Think of how,talk about love and romance 想而不愛之談何戀愛
7. I have been behind you 。 【你背後一直有我】
8. I kill all the people of the world will not kill
9. I will be right here waiting for you
10. You are the most important memories in my life.
11. my fault.
12. NObody could ever replace you /
13. 有一種情侶,不用秀恩愛。只要站在一起就讓人羨慕
14. why did you say bye..
15. Time cut scar is called growth.時間劃破的傷疤叫做成長。
16. The past is the past -過去的已經過去
17. ζ I want to cry, but my pride told me not to.°
18. Love is a joke, laugh off my head, laughing hurts
19. You make me a wedding.- 你許我一場婚禮.
20. When Superman fell in love with a monster,
21. The missing distance, always show the elusive
22. Break our happiness -破碎了我們的幸福
23. 有事直接奔主題,不要拿你的無知,挑戰我的黑名單。
24. 時間會告訴你,我愛你。 Time will tell you, I love you.
25. baby,you know wait it for that
26. 做夢的時候,如果中途突然醒來,你會不會強迫自己繼續睡覺,然後在腦子裡想著要把這個夢給做結束。
27. Nobody could ever replace you.從來沒有人可以取代你。
28. Love me little, love me long.
29. Love understands love; it needs no talk.
30. 我只是依賴著記憶 I just rely on memory
31. All good thing must cime to an end
32. I found a place so safe not Singer tear.
33. All my days I'll know your face. 願用盡一生,來銘記你的臉龐
34. There is no hiding from lover's eyes.
35. You are my song sing not over of song [伱是我一首唱不完的歌]
36. You are in my heart.你在我心裡
37. - I just need someone who never lets me down -
38. 看著禰閃爍的頭像、只有默默的等待。
39. I just need someone who never lets me down 。
40. 我就一顆心,你就慢慢傷吧
41. 女人們不必要在哭了,要堅持起來,把那些傷害你的男人,讓他後悔一輩子。
42. Love from the beginning of a smile, a kiss to grow
43. Your name, my heart. —— 你的名字、我的心事。
44. miss,miss,miss you love,love,love you
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