A:Excuse me. Could you give me some directions?
B:What are you looking for?
A:A gas station. My car ran out of gas two blocks back.
B:Walk straight ahead until you come to the second traffic light. Then turn right.
A:Do you know the name of the street?
B:I can't remember, but it's the second light.
A:By the way, do you know the price of the gas now?
B:I'm afraid I don't. But I do know the price has gone up.
A:Thanks a lot.
A:Excuse me. I'm looking for the post office. Can you tell me how to get there from here?
B:Sorry. I'm a stranger here myself. I saw a policeman standing under the traffic lights. He will be able to help you.
A:Thank you.
B:Pardon me. How can I get to the post office from here?
C:Take the third crossing on the right and go straight on.
A:Should I take a bus?
C:No. It's only about ten minutes' walk.
A:Thank you very much indeed.
C:It's quite all right.
A:Excuse me, where is the nearest gas station?
B:Go along this street to the traffic lights.
A:To the traffic lights?
B:That's right, and turn left at the lights.
A:Left at the lights?
B:And then right at the bridge.
A:Right at the bridge?
B:Yes. The gas station is on the left. And you can't miss it.
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