

  洋娃娃[yáng wá wa]


  doll ; dolly

  網 絡doll;baby doll;dolly;Dolly Girl



  The little girl kept asking for her dolly.


  She wants the doll badly.


  My daughter has many beautiful dolls.


  The girl clasped the doll tightly.


  The girl clutched her doll in her arms.


  Mohair is also used in floor rugs and carpets and things like doll hair.


  The girl was amusing herself with a doll.


  The little girl was very fond of dolls.


  When she was a child she would spend hours playing with a doll.

  1. a doll with a movable head 頭可活動的洋娃娃

  2. She asked me to make some clothes for her doll. 她要我給她的洋娃娃做些衣服.

  3. The child is hugging her doll. 孩子緊抱著她的洋娃娃.

  4. The girl was amusing herself with a doll. 那女孩在玩洋娃娃自娛.

  5. The child clasped the doll tightly. 小孩緊抱著洋娃娃.

  6. A beautiful doll is hung over the window. 窗上掛著一個漂亮的洋娃娃.

  7. The girl clutched her doll to her breast. 這個女孩把她的洋娃娃緊抱在懷裡.

  8. The girl is busy dressing her doll. 那個女孩忙於給洋娃娃穿衣服.

  9. The child clutched the doll to her arms and would not show it to anyone. 那孩子將她的洋娃娃緊緊摟在懷裡,不讓任何人看.

  10. A small child could choke on the doll's hair. 洋娃娃的頭髮可能會讓小孩窒息。

  11. While searching for a way to augment the family income, she began making dolls. 為了想法子增加家庭收入,她開始製作洋娃娃。

  12. She had a long cry when her favorite doll broke. 她心愛的洋娃娃損壞了,為此她哭了好長一陣子.

  13. He lay sprawled in the chair like an aged doll. 他四肢平伸地癱在一張椅子上,活象一隻年老的洋娃娃.

  14. The little girl has miniature furniture for her dolls. 小女孩還有供洋娃娃用的迷你型傢俱.

  15. The little girl was bewailing the loss of her doll. 小女孩在為丟失洋娃娃傷心地哭泣.

  16. Little girls have a propensity for playing with dolls. 小女孩有玩洋娃娃的習性.

  17. She likes to cuddle her doll. 她喜歡撫抱她的洋娃娃.

  18. The little girl is playing with a doll. 小女孩正在玩洋娃娃.

  19. The girl cried when her favorite doll broke. 這個小姑娘最喜愛的洋娃娃壞了時,她哭了.

  20. Kitty deviled her mother for a doll. 基蒂纏著她媽媽要個洋娃娃.