姓氏[xìng shì]
網 絡last name;family name;a surname;surname
All the surnames in the list have been specially flagged so that the computer can print them out easily.
The first surname is the paternal.
The book also explains some technical terms and surnames when needed.
The family came over in the ark.
Many already use their maiden names as aliases at work.
This list of surnames is arranged in the order of the number of strokes.
Allow users to view and modify the first and last name in their profile.
She was proud of her family heritage and wanted to hang on to it.
Curie is always used as a surname.
People began to use family names to tell one from another.
1. Winter is a common enough German surname. 溫特是一個非常普通的德國姓氏。
2. He had anglicized his surname. 他已將他的姓氏英語化了。
3. Hillary Clinton nee Rodham . 希拉里·克林頓的孃家姓氏是 羅德漢
4. He was the only boy in the school who was known by his Christian name and not his surname. 他是學校裡唯一一個被稱呼洗禮名而不是姓氏的男孩兒。
5. " I'll take a new name and live a new life. " 我要換個新的姓氏,過新的生活.
6. Everybody called each other by their surnames. 大家相互之間都以姓氏相稱。
7. " Oh, don't take that name,'said Carrie. “ 哦, 別用那個姓氏, "嘉莉說.
8. " The name on the bell is Vance. " 門鈴上的姓氏是萬斯.
9. The author index has entries arranged in alphabetical order of author'ssurnames. 著者索引中有按著者姓氏字母順序排列的著錄.
10. She uses her unmarried name for professional purposes. 她處理業務時使用孃家姓氏.
11. The family came over in the ark. 這一姓氏可以上溯到方舟時代.
12. Why, lots of rich men would jump at the chance to have a name like that. 哎呀, 許許多多闊老都會抓住這種機會,來獲得這麼個姓氏.
13. It'seemed to Val unspeakably disgusting to have one's name called out likethis in public! 法爾覺得把人家的姓氏在大庭廣眾之間這樣叫出來,簡直說不出的可惡.
14. The safest manner for listing names is in straight alphabetical order bysurname. 列名單最妥貼的方式是直接按姓氏的字母順序排列.
15. In China, there are two kinds of surnames : single - character and double - character . 在中國的姓氏中, 有單姓和 複姓.
16. What is more, we have no root name names. 更有甚者, 我們牙根就沒有姓氏,沒有名字.
17. Yang Ping , a family name and named after geographical entities. 楊坪, 以姓氏和自然地理實體而得名.
18. The third chapter analyzes the structural difference of Chinese and Englishsurnames. 第三章分析漢英姓氏的結構差異.
19. Dalian said that henceforth only common surnames would be used. 大連當局說以後將給這孩子起一些大眾化的姓氏.
20. And if you have a Chinese surname, that makes you a Chinese. 假如你又有一個華人的姓氏, 你就是華人.
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