星空[xīng kōng]
starry [starlit] sky; [電影]A Starry Sky
網 絡starrysky;Starfield;Starry Sky;starry night
Do you know the warm progress under the stars?
I wait alone under the starlit sky.
One of the best ways to see the stars is by camping under them.
Virtually no one would willingly sleep on the ground under the stars.
A true paramour always feels an obligation to the one he loves.
The beach or some place under the moon or stars is considered most romantic.
我遙望星空, 卻無法欣賞型光照亮的長路。
I would gaze at the stars without appreciating the way they light up the sky.
And all thy heart lies open unto me.
How does the starlit sky download game from the vagabond?
The black swan is contemplating and sighing under the starry night sky.
1. It was a beautiful sight outlined above the starry sky. 星空之上映襯出美景。
2. We sleep out under the stars, and eat our meals in the open air. 我們在星空下露宿,在野外用餐。
3. Schubert continued his solitary dreams among the stars. 舒伯特繼續在星空中做他孤獨的夢.
4. Orion is an easily recognized constellation, a bastion of the winter sky. 獵戶座是一個很容易識別的星座, 它是冬夜星空中最為引人注目的星座.
5. This latter geometry he called astral geometry. 這後一種幾何他稱為星空幾何.
6. Above the dirty, ill - lIt'streets, above the black roofs, stretched the dark starysky. 在汙穢的 、 昏暗的街道上, 在黑色的屋頂上, 是幽暗的星空.
7. Paul Aiello , chief executive of Star, will leave the company in December. 星空傳媒執行長艾保羅 PaulAiello 將於12月份離開該公司.
8. Grace was looking up at the stars with a telescope. 格蕾絲正用一架望遠鏡仰望星空.
9. Many and great were his explorations of the starry universe. 他對星空的研究碩果累累.
10. In the music sky you are brightest star forever! 你永遠是音樂星空中最亮的一顆星!
11. The gift, the snowflake, the starry sky, the moonlight all give you. 禮物 、 雪花 、 星空 、 月光都給你.
12. Hello people! I'm a Space Dog. at going over stars. 你們好人類! 我是一隻太空狗. 為了穿越星空.
13. Star Xinyu the sentiment: Masato first man to do advance. 星空心語的感悟: 正人先正己,做事先做人.
14. The smallest pond at night mirrors the firmament above. 夜晚,最小的池塘映射出星空.
15. He raised his head and looked up into the starry sky. 他翹首星空.
16. In addition to exhibitions, Star Gallery specialized in high quality publishing. 除展覽外, 星空間另專營高品質的出版.
17. Ephraim powder, rhombus silk " and see stars KongLan upward . " 蓮粉飄紅, 菱絲 翳 碧,仰見明星空欄.
18. Celestial Focus, Vengeance, Focused Starlight, Moonglow - Now also affectStarfall. 星空專注 、 復仇 、 星光匯聚、月光現在也影響到星落.
19. The moors are round us and the stars are above our heads. 周圍茫茫荒野,頭頂一片星空.
20. But now I'm high; running wild among all the above. 但現在的我卻興高采烈, 在滿天的星空下狂野的奔跑.
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