Until tonight.Something was different tonight. There was an edge to this darkness that made his hackles rise. Nine days they had been riding, north and northwest and then north again, farther and farther from the Wall, hard on the track of a band of wildling raiders. Each day had been worse than the day that had come before it. Today was the worst of all. A cold wind was blowing out of the north, and it made the treesrustle like living things. All day, Will had felt as though something were watching him, something cold and implacable that loved him not. Gared had felt it too. Will wanted nothing so much as to ride hellbent for the safety of the Wall, but that was not a feeling to share with your commander.
until: 表示直到… 為止。 一般來說until 可以和till 互換,但是在句首的時候一般只能用until。 前邊已經說了Will已經由毛頭小兵嘎子變成了富有經驗的老兵,對這片林子不再畏懼。這裡until tonight, 表示直到今晚為止,他又感到了恐懼。
hackle: 本指的是鳥或者野獸脖子上在受到驚嚇或者表示警告時,會豎立起來的毛想象一下鬥雞,後軍隊用這種羽毛來裝飾鎧甲來威嚇敵人。
sb’s hackles rise 指某人勃然大怒,raise sb’s hackles = make someone angry 惹得某人勃然大怒。文章是指恐怖的環境,使得人像受驚的動物一樣。
hard on: 是緊緊跟隨。
track:這裡是這個詞的本意,指腳印,蹤跡。後來這個詞引申為… 軌道。 可以指跑道, 衛星的軌道,火車的行駛軌道,磁碟記錄的軌道等。
rustle: 發出沙沙的聲音。
implacable: im-表示相反,place 表示安置放置,-able,表某種能力的形容詞詞根。 不能被撫平的,難以平息的。英語是不是如同漢語一樣呢?大量的英語詞彙都可以通過詞根詞綴再加上聯想記憶的方法迅速突破。但是詞根詞綴也不是完美無缺的,這需要看學習者的階段不斷地去累積。在沒有一定詞彙量的前提下,就又去多加很多不知道含義的詞根反而是負擔。多接觸單詞後,相同部分的東西你就會進行總結,再有一些綱要式的指引,詞彙會立馬倍增。詞彙是英語學習的基礎,但是並非沒有規律和方法的。要正確的認識和對待。不僅僅要了解簡明漢語,要字和音的結合,這樣就不會有“聽到也不知道,想說卻無法表達”的尷尬了。學到後邊還要去理解這個詞的確切含義,去看英英字典,分階段量力而行。
that loved him not. 這個是文學手法,相當於 that didn’t love him.
hellbent: 決意地,不顧一切地