economy and trade
With Mexico, in addition to trade cooperation, we are working together to identify and interdictthreats at the earliest opportunity, even before they reach North America.
During the forum, governors from both countries will hold meetings and sign several cooperationdocuments in trade, education, science and technology and other fields.
你和你的同事為貴國的外貿體制的改革提出了 “巨集觀經貿”這個重要的新概念。
You and your colleagues proposed the significant new concept of “macroeconomics and trade”for reform in your foreign trade system.
China values its economic cooperation and trade with Brazil and pursues a mutually beneficialresolution of disputes through dialogue and cooperation.
Mr. Hu said on state TV that China should expand its economic cooperation with North Korea.
The trade meetings were barely ended when a Senate committee started considering ameasure to allow companies to petition for new duties on Chinese goods.
Tusk voiced his hope to cooperate with China on trade, culture and science and technology.
Zhu expressed the confidence that bilateral trade would continue to develop smoothly throughfriendly consultations between competent departments of both countries.
He said that China and Ecuador are friends and the Ecuadorian government is willing tocontinue strengthening political and economic links with China.
The bilateral exchanges and cooperation in politics, economy, trade, culture, and education are ever expanding. We have maintained sound cooperation in international affairs.
Second, deepen economic, trade and investment cooperation.
The world's two largest democracies, India and the United States, have pledged to broadencooperation in counter-terrorism and trade while confronting global challenges.
The Chinese premier hoped both sides will make joint efforts to increase contacts and push forward their cooperation in such areas as politics, trade, science, technology, culture andeducation.
In any program of trade cooperation with Japan, the U.S. can count on support from some of thebiggest Japanese businessmen.
"We have to take a comprehensive approach to enhancing our economic relationship withChina, including the currency issue, " Gibbs said.
It has given full play to Macao's unique advantage as a bridge between the two sides andboosted our exchanges and cooperation with a focus on economy and trade.
Such restrictive measures are neither good for the growth of bilateral economic relations nor inthe interest of Canada.
This is a serious issue. It is essential to sort things out in order to rebuild the confidence ofJapanese consumers in Chinese food and develop normal economic cooperation between the two countries.
He hoped that both sides could strengthen the cooperation in the fields of economy, trade,culture, education, etc. and welcomed Chinese entrepreneurs to invest in Afghanistan.
He said, recent years have witnessed delighting achievements in Brunei-China friendlycooperation in economy, trade, education, health, energy and tourism.
Of course, it is normal that some problems and frictions appear during the development ofbilateral economic and trade exchange.
Both sides have deepened political trust, increased pragmatic cooperation and exchanges oneconomy, trade, science, technology and humanities and kept sound communication ininternational affairs.
Both sides have deepened their pragmatic cooperation and exchange in the areas of economy,trade, culture and tourism and maintained close consultation and coordination in internationalaffairs.
This is an economic issue. I suggest you refer it to competent authorities.
During her visit, Gillard will also meet with Chinese President Hu Jintao and attend the China-Australia Economic Cooperation Forum jointly with Vice Premier Li Keqiang.
During her visit, Gillard will also meet with Chinese President Hu Jintao and attend the China-Australia Economic Cooperation Forum jointly with Vice Premier Li Keqiang
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