Self evaluation
學生自我評價的 evaluated by the learner
團隊自我評價 Team Self-Appraisal
反思自我評價 reflected self-appraisals
我的自我評價 My self-evaluation
有利的自我評價 favorable self-appraisals
效能自我評價 sense of self-efficacy ; senseof self-efficacy
中學生自我評價 students ' self-evaluation ; students self-evaluation
1. Self-appraisal is never easy.
2. It's unwise to accept a person at his own valuation.
3. Appraise oneself: There are certain foundations, like studying the new thing.
自我評價: 有一定的基礎, 喜歡學習新的東西.
4. The social self - appraisal activity is the special type of community appraisal.
社會 自我 評價活動是群體自我評價活動的特殊型別.
5. I am a quick learner and self - with an affinity for continuous improvement.
我想用他做 自我 評價的第一句,不知道通不通.
6. Self - evaluation: I am a serious and painstaking work Tashi people.
自我 評價: 我是一個做事塌實認真細緻的人.
7. The view of and shame is formed by self - appraisal and society appraises.
榮辱觀是道德個體在進行 自我 評價和社會評價活動中逐漸形成的關於榮辱觀念的總和.
8. Analyzing, problem - solving, synthesizing, organizing and self - evaluating are all important engineering approaches.
分析 、 解決問題 、 綜合 、 組織和 自我 評價都是從事工程工作重要的工程方法.
9. Then, based on their self - assessment, you can add your comments.
然後, 在他們 自我 評價的基礎上, 你可以加上自己的評價.
10. Seen in this way, action research is a form of self evaluation.
從這一點看來, 行動研究其實是一種自我評價式的研究.
11. You could do this by self evaluation, reflection, or perhaps by taking a test.
你做到這點可以通過自我評價, 自我反省或者有可能的話做個測試.
12. It is used widely in professional contexts such as appraisal, mentoring and self assessment.
它廣泛應用於各種職業環境中,比如自我評價, 自我教育.
13. The results showed that the prevalence of depressive symptoms in this group is 38.0 %.
14. Self - appraisal: Is open and, the life manner optimistic, strong and has the self - encouragement consciousness.
自我 評價: 性格開朗 、 生活態度樂觀 、 堅強並具有 自我 激勵意識.
15. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange requires listed companies to disclose internal control self - assessment report.
深交所要求上市公司對外披露內部控制 自我 評價報告.
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