


  The first day, the first lunar month is a happy day.

  Morning, golden sun with earth, the sun began to work the yawn.

  In the past I got up late, but today I for a first, because want to smell the aroma of food flavor. A string of lit firecrackers in the hands of people, sounds really big, splash around, as if to send every blessing to every household, successive waves of fireworks, scratching, very busy.

  After lunch, uncle aunt came to grandma's house. Drops... Who is coming? We stretch the neck looks around. Oh! It was a big aunt. They are out of the car and went into the house.

  Put away the baggage, two aunt began to help grandma and grandpa to prepare dinner.

  A fire, kill chickens slaughtered ducks, chopping vegetables, and stir-fry for a while, a short while again boil soup, for a while and do this, that, for a while and dry all busy as a bee!

  After an afternoon of hard work, family reunion dinner is finally ready, we presented a look, wow! A lot of food! A turtle, chicken, duck, there are lots of good. At least a dozen twenty dishes. Ok, don't say, otherwise to late was they finished clip!

  To eat dinner, men and women, old and young together, elders give us children New Year's money, sharing family happiness in laughter. That night, fireworks in full bloom, colorful, beautiful! Wait until the middle of the zero, firecrackers everywhere, celebrating the New Year, how exciting! I think at this moment, the Chinese people of all ethnic groups have rejoiced in the New Year.


  The Spring Festival is an ancient holiday in China, is also one of the most important festival in a year. In the development of Chinese one thousand years of history, there were some relatively fixed customs handed down. For example, sweeping dust, paste couplets, stick grilles, ***" f "word, draw pictures and shou sui, etc.

  "Lunar 24, dusted off sweep the house", the "spring and autumn annals" recorded in ancient books, in our country, in the era of rao have customs to sweep the dust during the Spring Festival, in addition, sweep the dust and except Chen Bu "new" means.

  Also called Spring Festival couplets couplet, peach wood charms against evil, it with dual, delicate words express the desire of the beautiful, is our China's unique literary form. The Spring Festival to stick couplets on the Spring Festival this custom originated in the song dynasty, this part is divided into Spring Festival couplets, bottom allied and horizontal batch.

  "F" word, refers to the blessing, good fortune, the Spring Festival is stuck "f" word to express a blessing of relatives and friends. But in order to more fully reflect the blessing, people simply put the "fu" character topsy-turvy stick, said "f" fall ".

  Now, put the Spring Festival pictures in urban and rural areas is very common, black heavy variety of pictures for every family to a prosperous and happy festive scene. Collection in our country the earliest newyearpicture is the southern song dynasty of the sui dynasty and graceful in tilting the ground of woodcut New Year pictures, pictures is her temple, zhao swallow, class and green beads four ancient beauties.


  The Spring Festival is the lunar New Year is the most important traditional Chinese festivals.

  The Spring Festival comes, vientiane update, a symbol of the beginning of the year; Marked the life of another starting point.

  The Spring Festival is a very important holiday, because by this festival celebration, to strengthen family ties and affection. Such as the reunion dinner, New Year gifts to relatives and friends, and so on, these customs are a reminder that the center position of family in society. Every Chinese populations around the world, is grand and warmly celebrate this festival. The celebration of the Spring Festival, from the beginning of the first lunar month to the day of the first lunar month 15, 15 days in a row.

  The ancient imperial succession, in order to show the authority of the "son of heaven", often stand on its own calendar, therefore all previous dynasties New Year month day. , he ascended the throne, the emperor decided to rebuild the calendar, make unified. Today our calendar is adopted by the emperor, through several dynasties deems necessary.

  Imperial celebrate "Spring Festival" scenes often reflect the strength of the dynasty, stability and prosperity, national, the more prosperous, ceremonies, the grand.