



  chicken feed 小額錢幣,

  They’re only paying chicken feed for a very demanding job.

  chicken hearted/livered 怯懦的,

  Don’t be chicken hearted, have a go!

  chicken out 畏縮不前, He chickened out at last.

  don’t count one’s chickens (before they hatched) 不要蛋未孵先數雞,

  Don’t count your chickens and buy that new outfit.

  no (spring) chicken (尤指女子)年齡不小了,

  She’s no chicken and shouldn’t be riding on the back of a motorbike.

  tender as a chicken 不堅強的,

  He’s as tender as a chicken and not up to hard manual work.


  milch cow 財源,

  Too much people regard the Social Security as a milch cow.

  scared cow 神聖不可侵犯的人、事,

  The Public School system is often seen to be the scared cow of the upper classes.

  till the cows come home 永遠,

  You can wait till the cows come home.


  crocodile tear 鱷魚的眼淚,

  I don’t know Nancy can shed crocodile tears about Philip’s accident.


  as the crow flies 沿直線,

  We’re only five miles from the coast as the crow flies.

  crow about/over 誇口,

  I’m tired of hearing her crow about winning the cup.

  crow’ feet 眼角皺紋,

  She’s developed a double chin and crow’ feet.


  call off the dogs 停止追蹤,

  The police have decided to call off their dogs in their hunt for the missing diamonds.

  die like a dog 悲慘地死去,

  They died like dogs in the trenches.

  dirty dog 行為卑鄙齷齪的人,

  He isn’t s dirty dog.

  dog days 大熱天,

  The summer are getting dog days always.

  dog eat dog 黑吃黑,

  You need a strong character to survive the dog eat dog of big business.

  dog fight 混戰,

  It is a big advantage in a dog fight.

  (in the) dog house 捱罵,丟臉,

  I’ll be in the dog house when I get home late.

  dog in the manager 佔馬槽之狗,

  There’s no need to be dog in the manager and prevent from me to going.

  dog’s body 勤雜工,

  He wanted a general dog’s body to help out on the site.

  dog’s breakfast/dinner 一團糟,

  You’ve made a right dog’s dinner of painting that door.

  dog’s chance 極微小的`機會,

  It hasn’t a dog’s chance of winning.

  dog tired 極度疲乏,

  I’m dog tired.

  don’t keep a dog and bark yourself 不要用了人還親自操勞,

  Don’t keep a dog and bark yourself—your secretary should do all that filing.

  every dog has its day 凡人皆有得意日,

  It just goes to show that every dog has its day.

  gay dog 尋歡作樂的人,

  Graham is a bit of a gay dog with the women.

  give a dog a bad name 加人惡名,

  No wonder they say give a dog a bad name.

  go to the dog 垮臺,

  Our local pub has gone to the dogs.

  hair of the dog (that bit you) 解宿醉的烈酒,

  He go over to the pub and have a hair of the dog.

  lead a dog’s life 過不安寧日子,

  His wife lead him a dog’s life with her incessant nagging.

  let sleeping dogs lie 不招惹麻煩,

  I decided to let sleeping dogs lie and changed the subject.

  let the dog see the rabbit 給參加者機會,

  It’s Tony’s go. Let the dog see the rabbit.

  lie doggo 隱藏,

  The escaped prisoners lay doggo in a haystack.

  like a dog with two tails 欣喜若狂,

  The old lady was like a dog with two tails when her son came from America.

  lucky dog 幸運兒,

  Tom is a lucky dog.

  shaggy dog story 雜亂、故做滑稽的故事,

  He tolled a shaggy dog story about an actress.

  sly dog 狡猾的傢伙,

  The sly dog never mentioned that he was dating a barmaid!

  tail wagging the dog 主次顛倒,

  It’s typical case of the tail wagging the dog.

  throw somebody to the dogs 丟掉,

  He want to throw them to the dogs.

  top dog  優勝者,

  He’s the top dog among formula one motor racing drivers.

  treat somebody worse than a dog 待某人如狗,

  Captain Bligh treated the crew like dogs.

  underdog 處於劣勢的一方,

  He knew he was the underdog.

  work like a dog 苦幹(很少報酬)

  I work like a dog all week.

  you can’t teach a old new tricks 你不能使年老守舊的人接受新事物,

  It’s seems you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

  (to be continued)


  dove of peace 和平的象徵,

  At last there is a chance that the hawks of war will be replaced by doves of peace.


  eagle eye 目光銳利,

  He will be keeping an eagle eye on the party.


  slippery as an eel 琢磨不定的,

  This fellow is as slippery as an eel.


  don’t put all one’s eggs in one basket 不把蛋放在一個籃子裡,

  That way you don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

  egg-head 學問家, he is an egg head.

  egg somebody on 鼓勵(某人做某事)

  The crowd egged him on to the finishing line.

  good egg 好人,

  Charles is a good egg.

  have egg on one’s face 丟臉,

  I do have egg on my face.

  kill the goose that lays the golden egg 殺雞取卵,

  We mustn’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg.

  sure as eggs is eggs 必定,

  You can be as sure as eggs is eggs that it will nit rain within the hour.

  tread on egg 如履薄冰,

  The reporter treaded on eggs when he asked the terrorist leader.


  memory like an elephant 極好的記憶力,

  She must have a memory like an elephant.

  pink elephant (吸毒、醉酒後的)幻覺,

  I am seeing pink elephant after drinking.

  rouge elephant 離群的兇猛野象,

  He regards him as rouge elephant.

  see the elephant 見世面,

  white elephant 沉重的包袱,累贅的珍品,

  The government spent rate payer’s money on a white elephant.


  be spitting feathers 非常憤怒,口渴,

  Len was spitting feathers when he saw some vandal had done ton his new car .feather-bed  His mother has feather-bedded him.

  feather-brained 溺愛,

  They had some feather-brained scheme.

  feather-friend 鳥,

  We mustn’t forget to put out food for our feathered friends in frosty weather.

  feather in one’s cap 某人的卓越成就,榮譽標誌,

  He was the final feather in his cap after years of dedicated service to the community.

  feather one’s nest 營私,肥己,

  The Chairman is taking money out of the company to feather his own nest.

  in fine feather 情緒極好,身體健康,

  You’re in fine feather this morning.

  make the feather fly 引起騷動,爭鬥,

  That will make the feather fly!

  show the white feather 顯示懦弱,

  The challenger showed the white feather.

  smooth somebody (ruffled) feathers 冷靜下來,

  I smoothed her ruffled feathers.

  you could have knocked me down with a feather 使我十分震驚,

  You could have knocked me down with a feather when I knew this.


  big fish 大人物,

  The boss shows some big fish around the factory.

  big fish in a small pond 井底之蛙,小地方的要人,

  He’s only a big fish in a small pond.

  cold fish 冷冰冰的人,

  Sue is a cold fish.

  feed the fishes 葬身魚腹,

  If you fall overboard, you’ll end up feeding the fishes.

  fish for compliments 尋找別人恭維,

  The new girl is always fishing for compliments when she talks to the men.

  fish in troubled waters 混水摸魚,

  He fishes in the troubled waters of marital strife.

  fish out 撈出,把魚捕盡,

  She fished out a purse from her pocket.

  have other fish to fry 另有它圖,

  I’ve got plenty of other fish to fry.

  like a fish out of water 如魚離水,

  I feel like a fish out of water.

  neither fish nor fowl 不倫不類,

  This fellow is neither fish nor fowl.

  (fine/pretty) kettle fish 一團糟,

  You are going to be prosecuted for careless driving, that’s a fine kettle of fish.

  queer fish 怪人,

  John’s a queer fish, he nearly always wears odd socks.

  small fish 小人物,

  I’m only a small fish.

  smell something fishy 可疑,

  He said he was ill, but I smell something fishy.

  there are plenty more fish in the sea 有水何患無魚,碰到的人多得很,

  My boyfriend and I have split up but I don’t care—there’s plenty more fish in the sea.


  dress a fowl 把家禽去毛開膛,

  Very few women today know how to dress a fowl.


  be foxed 使迷惑,

  The crossword puzzle usually foxed me.

  cunning as a fox 非常狡猾,

  He’s as cunning as a fox and will try to take advantage of you.

  old/sly fox 老奸巨滑,

  You old fox, you talked her into selling the car for much less than it’s worth.


  frog in the throat 輕咽喉炎,

  I’ve got frog in my throat this morning.

  frog march 蛙式押送,

  The landlord frog marched him out the door.


  act/play the goat 幹蠢事,

  Glen is always acting the goat.

  get somebody’s goat 使某人惱怒,

  His way gets my goat.

  sort out/separate the sheep from the goat 區分合格與不合格者,

  That should sort out the sheep from the goat.


  goose flesh/pimple 雞皮疙瘩,

  Merely the thought of holding a snake makes me come out in goose flesh.

  kill the goose that lays the golden egg 殺雞取卵,

  We don’t want to kill the goose that lays the golden egg.

  say “boo” to a goose 嚇唬某人,

  The boss wouldn’t say “boo” to a goose.

  what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. 對別人怎樣,對自己也怎樣,

  He is a man what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

  (to be continued)


  hare-brained 愚蠢的,輕率的,

  Whose hare-brained idea was it to padlock the fire exits?

  mad as a March hare 非常瘋狂,

  He must be as mad as a March hare.

  run with the hare and hunt with the hounds 兩面討好,

  You can’t run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.


  hen-party 女人聚會,

  She has invited all her girlfriends to a hen-party on Friday night.

  hen-pecked 懼內的,

  He’s hen-pecked from morning to night.

  like a hen with one (only) chicken 大驚小怪的,

  She’s like a hen with only one chicken.

  mother hen (忙亂、小題大做的)女人,

  She fusses over them like a mother hen.

  horse talk horse 吹牛


  ivory tower 象牙塔,

  Academics in their ivory towers have no idea what it is like to earn one’s living.


  kid’s stuff 容易,

  This crossword puzzle is kid’s stuff for him.

  with kid gloves 非常柔順的,

  You have to learn to handle her with kid glove,

  you’re kidding! 我不相信你!


  go like a lamb (to the slaughter) 逆來順受地幹某事,

  There goes Jones to the headmaster’s study like a lamb to the slaughter.

  one might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb 明知要受處罰,索性幹完壞事,徹底享受一番,

  I  ‘ll have another drink, I might be hung for a sheep as a lamb.

  mutton dressed up as lamb 作年輕婦女打扮的老年婦女,

  In a better light I realized she was mutton dressed up as lamb.


  a leopard never changes its spots. 本性難易,


  as brave as a lion 非常勇敢,

  My young daughter is as brave as a lion and will tackle any of the boys.

  beard the lion in his den 面對上司,權勢,

  I must beard the lion in his den and go and ask the boss for a day off next week.

  lion-hunter 巴結權勢,名人,

  He is a typical lion-hunter.

  lion’s share 其大作用,最大份額,

  I found myself doing the lion’s share of the work.

  put one’s head in the lion’s mouth 處於危險境地,

  I’ll have to put my head in the lion’s mouth.

  throw somebody to the lions (為保全自己)而使他人處於危險境地,

  He warned me that if I make a mistake she’ll throw me to the lions.

  twist the lion’s tail 觸犯英國,

  France seems to use many EEC meetings merely to twist the lion’s tail.


  swarm like locusts 貪婪地圍著,

  The children swarmed round like locusts.


  the best laid schemes of mice and men 每人都有失算之時,/智者千慮,必有一失。

  poor as a church mouse 清貧,

  My parents were as poor as church mouse.

  quiet as a mouse 非常寧靜,

  Tina is as quiet as a mouse, you hardly know she’s there.


  stubborn as a mule 非常頑固,

  She’s as stubborn as a mule.


  foul one’s (own) nest 家醜外揚,

  All he’s doing is fouling his own nest.


  proud as a peacock 非常自豪,

  Dad’s as a proud as a peacock of that shelf he put up.


  buy a pig in a poke 盲目購買,

  You are buying a a pig in a poke.

  live like a pig in clover 生活奢侈,舒適,

  He has lived like a pig in clover ever since.

  make a pig of oneself 狼吞虎嚥地吃喝,

  I couldn’t help marking a pig of myself.

  make a pig’s ear of something 把某事辦得很糟,

  You’ve made a right pig’s ear of it.

  pig(gy)-in the-middle (無意中)夾在敵對雙方之間的人,

  I find myself pig-in-the-middle.

  pigs might fly 不可能發生的事,

  He said he would pay me back the money he owns me next Monday—and pigs might fly!


  stool pigeon 密探,

  The police couldn’t possibly have known I was there unless they were told by a stool pigeon.

  not one’s pigeon 與某人不相干的事,

  Don’t ask me to fill in the forms, That’s not my pigeon.


  breed like rabbits 大量繁衍,

  Her family breed like rabbits!

  pull/produce a rabbit out of the hat 意外發現難題解法,


  as wet as/like a drowned rat 渾身溼透,

  The shower made me as wet as a drowned rat.

  rat on some body 告發某人,

  Tim saw us smoking and ratted on us to the teacher.

  rat race 激烈競爭,

  He have adjusted to the rat race already.

  smell a rat 感到有可疑之處,

  I smell a rat—I wonder what he wants.


  black sheep (of the family) 害群之馬,

  She always has been the black sheep of the family.


  snake in the grass 隱患,

  Some snake in the grass has told the manager that I was late for work this morning.


  one swallow doesn’t make a summer 輕率推論必成大錯,

  We should remember that one swallow doesn’t make a summer.

  swallow up 耗盡,

  New clothes for the children seem to swallow up all her money.


  swan around 四處閒逛,

  He swanned around the local food and wine.


  turn turtle 底部朝天地翻轉過來,

  The deck turned turtle.


  wet one’s whistle 過得很愉快,

  The children had a whale of a time playing in the sand pit.


  clip somebody’s wings 扼殺某人的雄心,使無計可施,

  That will really clip his wings!

  spread one’s wings 開始獨立行事,

  My daughter wants to spread her wings.

  take somebody under one’s wing 關照某人,

  The pupils took him under his wing.


  turn turtle 底部朝天地翻轉過來,

  The deck turned turtle.


  wet one’s whistle 過得很愉快,

  The children had a whale of a time playing in the sand pit.


  clip somebody’s wings 扼殺某人的雄心,使無計可施,

  That will really clip his wings!

  spread one’s wings 開始獨立行事,

  My daughter wants to spread her wings.

  take somebody under one’s wing 關照某人,

  The pupils took him under his wing.


  throw somebody to the wolves 使某人處於危險境地,

  They’ll throw him to the wolves.

  cry wolf 在不需援助時求援,

  Susan is always crying wolf.

  keep the wolf from the door  免於飢餓,

  I have a spare-time job which helps to keep the wolf from the door.

  lone wolf 不喜與人往來的人,

  He is a lone wolf.

  wolf in sheep’s clothing 披著羊皮的狼,

  He turn out a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
