



  1、As for me,I am on the latter part of the argument.The reasons are as follows.至於我,我支援爭論的後半部分。原因如下:

  2、From my point of view,it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.在我看來,支援第一種觀點比支援第二種觀點更有道理。

  3、The following reasons can account for my inclination.如下的原因可解釋我的傾向。

  4、To make myself as plain as I can,I should give my standards for…為使我的觀點更加清楚,新增原文連結我給出我關於…的標準。

  5、I disbelieve,and therefore strongly resent,the claim that…我不相信,因此強烈反對,這一主張,即…

  6、My final and perhaps my best reason for not doing something is…我不做某事最終的,或許最好的理由是…

  7、For the same reason,it matters to me that…同樣原因,我很在乎…

  8、For these reason,I recommend that…出於這些原因,我推薦/建議… (recommend做建議講時,接從句要用虛擬,即謂語用(should)+動詞原形)

  9、My answer is that ….I have several reasons,and they’re good ones.The first is the one that…我的回答是…。我有幾個理由而且它們是很充分的理由。第一個是…

  10、My view is that…我的觀點是…

  11、Like almost everybody else,I believe that…正如幾乎所有人一樣,我相信…

  12、I just don’t get excited over the idea of…我對…主張並不感到激動。

  13、Im not entirely convinced of…我並不完全信服…

  14、I cannot entirely agree with the idea that…我無法完全同意這一觀點…

  15、I’m not suggesting that…我並不是建議… (該句中suggest做建議講要用虛擬,即(should)+動詞原形)

  16、I do not choose to…merely because I feel that…我沒有選擇…知識因為我覺得…

  17、I have nothing against something.But…我並不反對某事,但…

  18、I think its time we put a stop to something.我認為是我們停止某事的時候了。(it’s time (that、後的從句要用虛擬,既(should)+動詞原形)

  19、I find the statement of…to be too narrow.我覺得…的觀點過於狹隘。

  20、I can tell you from experience that…憑我的經驗可以告訴你…

  21、Personally,I am standing on the side of…就個人而言,我站在…的一邊。

  22、Although doing something might seem a wild idea,I believe that…雖然做某事似乎狂妄,但我相信…

  23、At an individual level,I feel that…從我個人的角度出發,我覺得…

  24、I sincerely believe that…我真誠地相信…

  25、But for me,I would rather think of the matter in an (optimistic、way.至於我,我寧願以樂觀的態度來看待這一問題。

  26、But I do not think that this view can hold water.但我並不認為這一觀點能站得住腳。

  27、It is not half so important to do something as it is to do something.和做某事相比,做某事的重要性連一半都不及。

  28、There are some people who hold that ….And on the other hand,there are some other people whoargue that….Both opinions are very popular….But I cannot accept either view.有一些人認為…,然而還有另外一些人認為…。上述兩種觀點都很流行,但我兩種觀點都不能接受。

  29、Although many people (believe、that …,I doubt whether the (argument、bears further (analysis).雖然有許多人相信…,但我懷疑這個論點能否經得起進一步的推敲。

  30、In my opinion,it is more advisable to do something than to do something.在我看來,做…比做…更明智。

  31、In the nationwide discussion,many people suggest that ….But I argue that…在全國範圍內的討論中,許多人提出…。但我卻認為… (該句suggest引導的從句應用虛擬。)

  32、As opposed to widely held belief,I believe that…與普遍接受的看法不同,我認為…

  33、From a personal perspective,I also prefer to…從個人的角度來看,我也喜歡…

  34、Finally,to speak frankly,there is also a more practical reason why I would choose to …最後,坦白地講,我選擇…還有一個更為現實的原因。

  35、Some people think that ….To be frank,I cannot agree with their opinion for the reasons below.一些人認為…,坦白地講,我不贊同他們的觀點,理由如下:

  36、The situation is not rare.It is one of many examples I have encountered.這種情景並不少見,它也是我遇到的許多情況之一。

  37、There is another reason why I cast my preference for…我傾向於…還有另外一個原因。



  After maintenance,the main remains and remains are left on the domain.


  Anyway,the prayer that I have always been in the distance from the subway to the distance.


  Precious things are very few in this world.That is the reason there is just one you.


  A careless loser.


  The educator located the local location allocated to him.


  Although the plan was thorough,but has not been implemented.


  The duty of a girl without virtue is to wash the dirty shirts and skirts in the outskirts.


  Except dishonest ones,anyone who is honest can get honey,everyone thinks so.


  The tall man installed a small wallet on the wall.


  With rhythm,the arithmetic teacher put the artist's artificial articles on the vehicle.


  By the crook,the cook looked through a cookbook before making hooked cookies.


  Mr Brown owns the brown towels in the downtown tower.


  If I had a single flower for every time I think about you,I could walk forever in my garden.


  After a deep sleep,the weeping sweeper keeps on peeping the sheep on the steep.


  The veteran in velvet found that the diameter of the thermometer was one metre.


  To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.


  The writer writes the white book quite quietly in quilt.


  The customers are accustomed to the disgusting custom.


  He stated that he had separated from his relatives.


  People who live always offend some people.


  If love is not madness,it is not love.


  I refuse to accuse Fuse of diffusing confusion.


  The Particle party's partner participated in the particular Parliament.


  Brief is life,but love is long.


  I never mind your unkind reminding that my grindstone hinders your cylinder.


  You don't love a woman because she is beautiful,but she is beautiful because you love her.


  Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.


  Speech is silver,silence is gold.


  The better a man is,the worse a man is.


  No news is good news.


  The delayed player delegation stay on the playground.


  Fading is true while flowering is past.


  Love is like a butterfly.It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.


  Most hosts on the foremostghost hostage almost to the utmost.


  Would rather suffer,not cheap.


  Not who I am sorry who,only who do not know how to cherish.


  The waterproof material is suitable for the aerial used near the waterfall.


  The landlord's land on the highland of the mainland expanded a lot.


  Sir,your bird stirred my girlfriend's birthday party.


  The cake maker It is without rhyme or reason.shakes a naked snake with the quaking rake without sake.


  If no one loves us,we will not love ourselves.


  At any rate,the separation ratio is accurate.


  The wandering band abandoned her bandage husband on Swan Island.


  A gallon of gasoline and the nylon overalls fall into the valley.


  To respect,to respect.


  What can not hide from the eyes of lovers.


  The wet pet in the net hasn't got on the jet plane yet.


  Rome wasn't built in a day.


  Once bitten,twice shy of ten years.


  The mapper trapped in the gap tapped the tap wrapper with strap.


  I infer that he is indifferent to differentiating the offers in different conferences.


  In love folly is always sweet.。


  She swears to wear the pearls that appear to be pears.


  Distance makes the two hearts closer.


  The only present love demands is love.


  The doctor's doctrine destroyed one dollar and a dozen of collars.


  Unsophisticated,childish and ridiculous.


  Vegetables and tablets on the stably established table show no instability.


  Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.


  Sometimes in life there is no need to force the end of life.


  There are no trails of the wings in the sky,while the birds has passed away.


  I learn that learned earnest men earn much by learning.


  Love is a light that never dim.


  The preacher preached to the teacher's.


  Where there is love,there is hope.


  The most precious possession that a man is in this world is a woman's heart.


  Whether the weather is good or bad,my father and I don't go to the party.


  The blunder made the underground instrument undergo an undermining of the thunderbolt.


  I mounted the mountain and found a fountain with large amount of water.


  The complicated indicator is dedicated to the delicate and wonderful machine.


  At the dawn on the lawn the yawning drowned man began to frown.


  Your kiss still burns on my lips,everyday of mine is so beautiful.


  I paced in the peaceful spacecraft.


  Criminal's crime basically has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


  In the hot hotel the devoted voter did not notice the noticeable notebook.


  I caught a glimpse of the dancer balancing herself on the ambulance by chance.


  At the windy window,the widow finds a blind snake winding.


  Love warms more than a thousand fires.


  Love is hard to get into,but harder to get out of.


  For example,I can instantly know the constant distance.


  I adjust the tone of the stone headset with a bone.


  Love is a fabric that nature woven and fantasy embroidered.


  you asked me about,now let me give you someadvice.你在來信中詢問我,現在,讓我給你一些建議。

  when life give you a hundred reasons to cry,show life that you have athousand reasons to smile.當生活給你一百個理由哭泣時,你就拿出一千個理由笑給它看。

  on the other hand of this/the argument.但是從另一方面想。

  no words are necessary between two loving hearts.兩顆相愛的心之間不需要言語。

  love makes man grow up or sink down.愛情,要麼讓人成熟,要麼讓人墮落。

  love is photogenic.it needs darkness to develop.愛情就象照片,需要大量的暗房時間來培養。

  life is the flower for which love is the honey.生命如花,愛情是蜜。

  it takes being away from someone for a while,to realize how much youreally need them in your life.有的時候,你需要離開某人一段時間,才會發現自己有多需要他。

  it has been a long time since we met.我們很久沒見面了。

  if you leave me,please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meetstinging pain.離開我就別安慰我,要知道每一次縫補也會遭遇穿刺的痛。

  i am looking forward to receiving your letter.我期待著你的來信。

  i am glad to receive your letter.很高興收到你的來信。

  to the point that i can no longer think of.我已近想不出。

  the consequnce will be.這個是最終會。

  thank you in advance.提前謝謝你。

  still as the result of been.最後的結果還是。

  soon after that .緊接著。

  she who has never loved,has never lived.人活著總要愛一回。

  please wirte to me as soon as possible.請儘快回信。

  people cry,not because they’re weak.it’s because they’ve been strong fortoo long.哭泣,不代表脆弱,只因堅強了太久。


  1)as an old saying goes,....正如一句古老的諺語所說

  2)...be nothing but.......不過就是...

  3)stole the spotlight from...從...獲得大眾的矚目

  4)...touch sb.on the raw ....觸到某人的痛處

  5)it is not uncommon that...這是常有的事兒

  6)相反 in contrast/on the contrary。

  7)代替 replace/substitute/take the place of

  8)..has/have no alternative but to...除...外別無選擇

  9)...between the devil and the deep blue sea 進退維谷,左右為難

  10)content in the thought that...滿足於...的想法


  12)對這一問題持有不同態度 hold different attitudes towards this issue

  13)支援前/後種觀點的人 people/those in favor of the former/latter opinion

  14)有/提供如下理由/ 證據 have/provide the following reasons/evidence

  15)在一定程度上 to some extent/degree/in some way

  16)擴大知識面 expand one’s scope of knowledge

  17)身心兩方面 both physically and mentally

  18)有直接 /間接關係 be directly/indirectly related to…

  19)提出折中提議 set forth a compromise proposal

  20)可以取代 “think”的詞 believe,claim,maintain,argue,insist,hold the opinion/belief that

  21)緩解壓力/減輕負擔 relieve stress/burden

  22)優先考慮/發展… give (top) priority to sth

  23)與…比較 compared with…/in comparison with

  24)理論和實踐相結合 integrate theory with practice

  25)…必然趨勢 an irresistible trend of…

  26)日益激烈的社會競爭 the increasingly fierce social competition

  27)眼前利益 immediate interest/short-term interest

  28)長遠利益.interest in the long run

  29)…有其自身的優缺點…has its merits and demerits/advantages and disadvantages

  30)from where i stand....從我的立場來說

  31)give oneself a chance to.....給某人一個機會去...

  32)i feel sure that...我堅信...

  33)...is the best way to make sure that....確保...的最好辦法是...

  34)we must do our absolute best to....我們必須竭盡全力做...

  35)there is no denying the fect that...無可否認....

  36)nothing is more+adj.+than to+v.沒有比...更重要的了

  37)主語+cannot emphasize the importance of....too much 再怎麼強調..的重要性也不為過

  38)...pose a great threat to......對..造成了一大威脅(eg.Pollution poses a great threat to our existance.)

  39)揚長避短 Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones

  40)取其精髓,取其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs。

  41)對…有害 do harm to/be harmful to/be detrimental to

  42)交流思想/情感/資訊 exchange ideas/emotions/information

  43)跟上…的最新發展 keep pace with/catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of …

  44)採取有效措施來… take effective measures to do sth。

  45)…的健康發展 the healthy development of …

  46)有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides.No garden without weeds。

  47)對…觀點因人而異 Views on …vary from person to person。

  48)重視 attach great importance to…

  49)社會地位 social status

  50)把時間和精力放在…上 focus time and energy on…


  1、From what has been discussed/mentioned above,we may conclude that

  2、Therefore,it is not difficult to draw/come to the conclusion that

  3、It is high time that something was done about

  4、From all the reasons/consideration above,it is evident/clear/obvious that

  5、Taking into account all these factors,we may reach the conclusion that

  6、Given the reasons/consideration I have just outlined/discussed/presented,I strongly recommend that

  7、It is clear,therefore,that

  8、All in all,what really matters is,in fact,to

  9、It is essential that effective measure be taken to

  10、From what has been discussed above,we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that

  11、In conclusion,the most important is

  12、On the whole,it is high time that every one

  13、As a result,we should take some effective steps to

  14、Judging by the figures/statistics,it is not difficult to see that

  15、Only in this way/in so doing,can be really
