

  Beijing Olympic Games

  Everyone knows that there is a very important sports meeting over the world called the Olympic Games. It’s held once every four years.

  The twenty-ninth Olympic Games will be held in Beijing which is the captial of China. Beijing is an old but beautiful city, there are many places that are famous for their scenery or historical relics here. For example , the Great Wall , the Forbidden City , the Temple of Heaven and so on, they all show the history and culture of China.”

  “One World , One Dream”is the slogan of the twenty-ninth Olympic Games.And do you know the five happy babies? They are Beibei、Jingjing、Huanhuan、Yingying and Nini. In fact, they’re the personifications of animals.

  With the nice city, with the good slogan and the five happy babies, the most important is with the industrions Chinese people. I think the twenty-ninth Olympic Games will have a great success!

  Welcome to Beijing , welcome to China !

  每個人都知道這是一個非常重要的運動會,在世界上被稱為奧運會。它每四年舉行一次。 九分之二十奧運會將在北京舉行,這是中國的首都。北京是一個古老而美麗的城市,有許多地方的風景名勝有著名的。例如,長城,紫禁城,天壇等等,它們都顯示了對中國歷史和文化。” “同一個世界,同一個夢想”是九分之二十奧運會的口號。你知道五個快樂的孩子?他們是貝貝、晶晶、歡歡、迎迎和妮妮。事實上,他們是動物的'人格化。 與美麗的城市,有很好的口號和五個快樂的孩子,最重要的是與有趣的人民。我認為九分之二十奧運會將取得圓滿成功! 歡迎來到北京,歡迎來到中國!
