




  1) 經常性或習慣性的動作,常與表示頻腮度的時間狀語連用。

  時間狀語: ever…, seties, at…, n Sunda

  I leave he fr schl at 7 ever rning.

  2) 客觀真理,客觀存在,科學事實。

  The earth ves arund the sun.

  Shanghai lies in the east f China.

  3) 表示格言或警句中。

  Pride ges befre a fall. 驕者必敗。


  例:Clubus prved that the earth is rund..

  4) 現在時刻的狀態、能力、性格、個性。

  I dn’t



  2) (錯) Harr has gt arried fr six ears.

  = Harr began t get arried six ears ag, and is still getting arried nw.

  顯然,第二句不對,它應改為 Harr gt arried six ears ag. 或 Harr has been arried fr six ears.

  13. since的四種用法

  1) since +過去一個時間點 (如具體的年、月、日期、鐘點、1980, last nth, half past six)。

  I have been here since 1998.

  2) since +一段時間+ ag

  I have been here since five nths ag.

  3) since +從句

  Great changes have taen place since u left.

  Cnsiderable tie has elapsed since we have been here.

  4) It is +一段時間+ since從句

  It is tw ears since I becae a pstgraduate student.



  He saw her in the shp esterda.

  She was seen in the shp esterda.

  2) 主語有兩個賓語的被動語態

  Li Lei gave e a cheistr b.

  I was given a cheistr b b Li Lei.

  A cheistr b was given t e b Li Lei.


  若賓語補足語是不帶t 的不定式,變為被動語態時,該不定式前要加"t"。此類動詞為

  感官動詞:feel, hear, help, listen t, l at, ae, bserve, see, ntice, watch

  The teacher ade e g ut f the classr.

  --> I was ade t g ut f the classr (b the teacher).

  We saw hi pla ftball n the plagrund.

  --> He was seen t pla ftball n the plagrund.


  Mther tld e nt t be late

  I was tld nt t be late b ther.

  5)情態動詞+ be +過去分詞,構成被動語態。

  Cal can be used t prduce electricit fr agriculture and industr.

  6)表示"據說"或"相信" 的片語

  believe, cnsider, declare, expect, feel , reprt, sa, see, suppse, thin, understand

  It is said that… 據說

  It is reprted that… 據報道

  It is believed that… 大家相信

  It is hped that… 大家希望

  It is well nwn that… 眾所周知

  It is thught that… 大家認為

  It is suggested that… 據建議

  It is taen granted that… 被視為當然

  It has been decided that… 大家決定

  It ust be reeber that…務必記住的是

  It is said that she will leave fr Wuhan n Tuesda.

  14. 延續動詞與瞬間動詞

  1) 用於完成時的區別

  延續動詞表示經驗、經歷; 瞬間動詞表示行為的結 果,不能與表示段的時間狀語連用。

  He has cpleted the wr. 他已完成了那項工作。 (表結果)

  I’ve nwn hi since then. 我從那時起就認識他了。(表經歷)

  2) 用於till / until從句的差異

  延續動詞用於肯定句,表示"做……直到……" 瞬間動詞用於否定句,表示"到……,才……"

  He didn’t ce bac until ten ’clc.

  他到10 點才回來。

  He slept until ten ’clc.



  1. u dn’t need t describe her. I ___ her several ties.

  A. had et B. have et C. et D. eet

  答案B. 首先本題後句強調對現在的影響,我知道她的模樣,你不用描述。再次,several ties告知為反覆發生的動作,因此用現在完成時。

  2.---I’ srr t eep u waiting.

  ---Oh, nt at all. I ___ here nl a few inutes.

  A. have been B. had been C. was D. will be

  答案A. 等待的動作由過去開始,持續到現在,應用現

  15. 不定式作賓語

  1) 動詞+ 不定式

  affrd ai appear agree arrange as be decide bther care chse ce dare deand desire deterine expect elect endeavr hpe fail happen help hesitate learn lng ean anage ffer ught plan prepare pretend prise refuse see tend wait wish undertae


  The driver failed t see the ther car in tie.


  I happen t nw the answer t ur questin.


  2)動詞+不定式 ; 動詞+賓語+不定式

  as, beg, chse, expect , hate, help intend lie, lve, need prefer, prepare, prise, want, wish…

  I lie t eep everthing tid. 我喜歡每件東西都保持整潔。

  I lie u t eep everthing tid. 我喜歡你年使每件東西都保持整潔。

  I want t spea t T. 我想和湯姆談話。

  I want u t spea t T. 我想讓你和湯姆談話。

  3) 動詞+疑問詞+ t

  decide, nw, cnsider frget, learn, reeber, shw, understand, see, wnder, hear, find ut, explain, tell

  Please shw us hw t d that. 請演示給我們如何去做。

  There are s an inds f tape-recrders n sale that I can’t ae up ind which t bu.有這麼多的錄音機,我都拿不定主意買哪一種。


  The questin is hw t put it int practice.


  2. 不定式作補語

  1) 動詞+賓語+不定式(t d)

  advise allw appint believe cause challenge cand cpel cnsider declare drive enable encurage find frbid frce guess hire iagine ipel induce infr instruct invite udge nw lie rder perit persuade reind reprt request require select send state suppse tell thin train trust understand urge warn


  a. Father will nt allw us t pla n the street.


  b. We believe hi t be guilt.


  Find 的特殊用法:

  Find 後可用分詞做賓補,或先加形式賓語,再加形容詞,最後加帶t 的動詞不定式。find後也可帶一個從句。此類動詞還有get,have。

  I fund hi ling n the grund.

  I fund it iprtant t learn.

  I fund that t learn English is iprtant.


  The next rning she fund the an ___ in bed,dead.

  A. ling B. lie C. la D. laing


  2) t + be 的不定式結構,作補語的動詞。

  Acnwledge, believe, cnsider, thin, declare(聲稱), discver, fanc(設想), feel find, guess, udge, iagine, nw, prve, see(理解), shw, suppse, tae(以為), understand

  We cnsider T t be ne f the best students in ur class.



  Charles Babbage is generall cnsidered ___ the first cputer.

  A. t invent B. inventing C. t have invented D. having invented

  答案:A. 由cnsider t d sth. 排除B、D。. 此句只說明發明這一個事實,不定式後用原形即可。而C為現在完成時,發明為點動詞一般不用完成時,且此處也不強調對現在的影響,因此不選C。

  3) t be +形容詞

  See, appear, be said, be suppsed, be believed, be thught, be nwn, be reprted, hpe, wish, desire, want, plan, expect, ean…

  The b is believed t be uninteresting.


  4) there be+不定式

  believe, expect, intend, lie, lve, ean, prefer, want, wish, undrstand

  We didn’t expect there t be s an peple there.我們沒料到會有那麼多人在哪裡。

  注意 : 有些動詞需用as 短語做補語,如regard, thin believe, tae, cnsider.

  We regard T as ur best teacher. 我們認為湯姆是我們最好的老師。

  Mar t hi as her father . 瑪麗把他當作自己的父親。

  16. 不定式作主語

  1) It’s eas (fr e) t d that.我做這事太容易了

  eas, difficult, hard, iprtant, pssible, ipssible, cfrtable, necessar, better;

  the first, the next, the last, the best, t uch, t little, nt enugh

  It’s s nice t hear ur vice.


  It’s necessar fr u t lc the car when u d nt use it.


  2) It’s ver ind f u t help us. 他幫助我們,他真好。

  ind, nice, stupid, rude, clever, flish, thughtful, thughtless, brave, cnsiderate(考慮周到的), sill, selfish(自私的)


  It was sill f us t believe hi. 我們真愚蠢,竟然相信了他。

  It seeed selfish f hi nt t give the anthing. 他不給他們任何東西,這顯得太自私了。

  注意:1) 其他系動詞如,l,appear等也可用於此句型

  2) 不定式作為句子成分時,動詞用單數形式。

  3) 當不定式作主語的句子中又有一個不定式作表語時,不能用It is… t…的句型

  (對)T see is t believe. 百聞不如一見。

  (錯)It is t believe t see.

  4. It’s fr sb.和 It’s f sb.

  1)fr sb. 常用於表示事物的特徵特點,表示客觀形式的形容詞,如eas, hard, difficult, interesting, ipssible等:

  It’s ver hard fr hi t stud tw languages. 對他來說學兩門外語是很難的。

  2)f sb的句型一般用表示人物的性格,品德,表示主觀感情或態度的形容詞,如gd, ind, nice, clever, flish, right。

  It’s ver nice f u t help e. 你來幫助我,你真是太好了。

  fr 與f 的辨別方法:


  u are nice. (通順,所以應用f)。

  He is hard. (人是困難的,不通,因此應用fr。)

  3) 祁使句(Iperative Sentence)


  祈使句的謂語用動詞原形;它的否定形式是句首用Dnt + 動詞原形,或是Nt t + 動詞原形。例如:

  Be quiet , please ! (大家)請安靜。

  Stand up ! 起立!

  Dnt se in the ffice . 請不要在辦公室吸菸。

  Dnt be standing in the rain . 別站在雨裡。

  Nt t be careless when ure driving a car . 開車時不要粗心大意。

  4) 感嘆句(Exclaatr Sentence)

  感嘆句表示說話人的喜悅、氣憤、驚訝等強烈的情緒。這類句子中,有很多是由What或Hw引起的。What 用來強調名詞,Hw則強調形容詞、副詞或動詞。這類句子的構成只需將所強調或是說,所感嘆的物件放到句首;句子無需倒裝,句子要用正常語序。 當然,如果不用這種句型,而句子(無論是那種句子)本身又表示了上述的種種情緒,那麼該句也就成了感嘆句。例如:

  What a fine da it is tda ! 今天天氣多好啊!

  Hw fine it is tda ! 今天天氣多好啊!

  What a lvel sn u have !你有個多可愛的兒子啊!

  Hw lvel ur sn is ! 你的兒子多可愛


  1.stop to do sth. 和stop doing sth.

  “stop to do sth.” 表示停止做其它事情而去做“to do sth.”所表示的事情,可以將“to do sth.”理解成“stop”的目的狀語:“stop doing sth.”表示不做“doing sth.”所表示的事情。

  例如:“Stop talking. Lets begin our class.”said the teacher. 老師說:“別說話了,讓我們開始上課。”

  We have kept doing our homework for a long time. Lets stop to listen to music. 我們做家庭作業很長時間了,讓我們停下來聽聽音樂。

  2.have sth. done.(過去分詞)(讓別人)做某事

  例如:I had my hair cut yesterday afternoon. 我昨天下午理了發。

  My computer can not work now. I must have it repaired. 我的電腦有故障了,我必須讓人修好它。

  3.forget to do sth.和forget doing sth. (remember to do sth. 和remember doing sth.)

  “forget to do sth.”表示將來不要忘記做某事,談的是未來的事情:“forget doing sth.”表示忘記過去應該做的事情。

  例如:“Dont forget to do your homework.”said the teacher before the class was over.


  “Im sorry. I forgot doing my homework. May I hand it in this afternoon,Mr. Chen?”said Li Ming.


  4. 感官動詞後接不帶to的不定式或者現在分詞的區別

  例如:see sb. do sth.看見某人(經常)做某事 和see sb. doing sth.看見某人(正在)做某事

  I often see him do exercise in the morning. 我經常在早晨看見他鍛鍊身體。

  When I was walking in the park,I saw him drawing a picture there. 當我在公園散步的時候,我看見他正在那裡畫畫。

  5. 介詞後面一般接動名詞。同學們要特別注意介詞to和不定式符號to的區別,例如下面的片語一定要記清:

  prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 喜歡做……不喜歡做……

  look forward to doing sth. 期待/盼望做某事

  make a contribution to doing sth. 為……做出貢獻

  6. 在主動語態中,感官動詞(see,hear,feel,watch等)和使役動詞(make,have,let等)要求接不帶to的不定式做賓語補足語,而在被動語態裡,不定式要帶上to.

  例如:The boss often made the workers work 10 hours a day.

  The workers were made to work 10 hours a day.

  She was heard to use strong language. 聽說她罵人了。


  Why not do sth?為什麼不做某事?

  It takes/took sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花了某人多長時間。

  It is/was +形容詞+(for sb.)+to do sth. 做某事(對某人來說)怎麼樣。

  8. 現在分詞和過去分詞做定語的區別

  A. 現在分詞含有正在進行的意思,而過去分詞含有被動或者已經完成的意思,如:

  a developing country 發展中國家 a developed country 發達國家

  boiling water 正在沸騰的水(一般情況下水溫為100℃) boiled water 開水(已經燒開的水,水溫可以依然很高,也可以是涼白開)

  a boy named Jim 一個叫Jim的男孩

  B. 有些動詞的現在分詞和過去分詞都具有形容詞特徵,但是它們的意思有區別。它們的-ing形式往往用來說明事物的特徵;他們的-ed形式表示被動的意思,用來說明人的情況。

  I am interested in this interesting story. 我對這個有趣的故事感興趣。

  I am moved at the moving sight. 我被這動人的情景感動了。

  They were amazed at the amazing facts. 他們對那些令人驚異的事實感到驚奇。




  例如:a boy, a university, a European country; an hour, an honor, an island, an elephant, an umbrella, an honest man ,a useful book




  A horst is an animal


  A girl is waiting for you.


  I have a computer.


  I go to school five days a week.我一週上五天課。


  I have three books. I want to buy a fourth one.


  a lot(of), after a while ,a few ,a little ,at a time ,have a swim ,have a cold ,in a hurry ,for a long time,have a good time ,have a look



  The book on the desk is mine


  Open the window, please.


  I have a car. The car is red.


  Which is bigger, the sun or the earth?


  The first lesson is the easiest one in this book.


  the Great Wall 長城,the United States 美國


  the poor窮人, the blind盲人


  the Greens 格林一家或格林夫妻倆


  on the left在左邊,in the middle of在中間


  She plays the piano every day.


  the Black Sea黑海,the Yangzi River長江


  all the same仍然;all the time一直;at the moment此刻;at the same time同時;by the way順便說;do the shopping/washing買東西/洗衣服;in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上;in the open air 在戶外,在野外



  Play chess play football have supper

  特例:當football,basketball指具體的某個球時,其前可以用冠詞:I can see a football.我可以看到一隻足球。Where’s the football?那隻足球在哪兒?(指足球,並非球類運動)


  In July in summer on Monday on Teachers’ Day


  Beijing is the capital of China


  Math is hard to learn


  They are workers I like eating apples


  my book(正);my the book(誤)


  No.25 Middle School


  in hospital住院 /in the hospital在醫院裡

  in front of在…(外部的)前面 /in the front of在…(內部的)前面

  at table進餐 /at the table在桌子旁

  by sea乘船 /by the sea在海邊

  go to school(church…)上學(做禮拜…) /go to the school(church…)到學校(教堂…)去

  two of us我們當中的兩人/the two of us我們兩人(共計兩人)

  next year明年 /the next year 第二年

  a teacher and writer一位教師兼作家(一個人)

  /a teacher and a writer一位教師和一位作家(兩個人)






  原文 中考英語複習:中考總複習 初中英語知識點梳理歸納



  1. _____ lady over there is _____ university teacher.

  A) A, theB) The, an

  C) The, aD) The, the

  over there意為那邊的,是後置定語,它表示前面名詞lady(女士)是確指的說法,因此要加上定冠詞the。後半句意為一位大學教師,是泛指的說法,因此要加上不定冠詞a或an。由於university的讀音起始於子音/j/,因此要加冠詞a。所以本題答案應該選C。

  2. He prefers playing _____ piano to playing _____ hockey.

  A) the, the B) the, / C) / , / D) / , the


  3. Mr. Black was made _____ manager of our company.

  A) /B) a C) an D) the



  1.由普通名片語成的專有名詞前,要加定冠詞,如:the Great Wall(長城)

  2. 在拼音名詞前,一般不加任何冠詞,如:Thomas Green;Changfeng Park

  原文 中考英語複習:中考總複習 初中英語知識點梳理歸納

  3. 在江、河、湖、海前,即使是拼音名詞,也要加定冠詞,如:the Dongting Lake

  4. 一般用單數名詞加a;複數名詞不加the來表示泛指的意思。


  名詞表示人或物體的名稱,有普通名詞(park)、專有名詞(Peter;Party)、集合名詞(family, class, police)、縮寫名詞(SARS, CEO, WTO)等。總體上說,它們可以分成兩大類,即可數名詞和不可數名詞。要注意它們在句中的不同要求和變化。


  1. His grandfather is _____.

  A) Robert BobB) Tom Black

  C) Kate WhiteD) Black Green

  英語中,人的姓名排列是倒過來的。先是名,即first name,後為姓,即family name或surname。做這類題目,必須先搞清楚哪個單詞是表示名字,哪個單詞是表示姓氏,名字還要分清男女性別。這道題中說的是爺爺,是男名,所以本題答案應該選B。

  2._____ are playing tennis on the playground.

  A) The Browns B) The Brown’s

  C) BrownsD) Brown’s


  3.Be careful. There is a _____ hole in the ground.

  原文 中考英語複習:中考總複習 初中英語知識點梳理歸納

  A) two-foot-deep B) two-feet-deep

  C) two-foot deepD) two-feet deep

  這道題目考的是複合形容詞。在複合形容詞中的名詞應該用單數形式,在整個複合形容詞中的各個單詞都要用短橫-來連線。由於它被看做為一個普通的形容詞,因此,在可數名詞前還要再加上冠詞。此句中,一個兩英尺深的洞應譯為a two-foot-deep hole,所以本題答案應該選A。

  4. He’s got bad toothache. He’d better go to _____.

  A) dentist B) the dentist

  C) the dentist’s D) see the dentists

  去看牙科醫生可譯為go to see the dentist或go to the dentist’s。後一個詞語中的the dentist’s表示the dentist’s clinic。所以本題答案應該選C。

  5.The _____ teachers wondered if the _____ students were in trouble.

  A) woman, boy B) woman, boys

  C) women, boy D) women, boys

  英語中,女教師們應該譯為women teachers,而男學生們 應該譯為boy students。 所以本題答案應該選C。

  6._____ came that Houston Rocket won again and Yao Ming got the most scores.

  A) A news B) Message C) Word D) Words

  原文 中考英語複習:中考總複習 初中英語知識點梳理歸納

  據說在英語中有多種說法:It was said that,Word came that,News came that,A message came that等。所以本題答案應該選C。

  7.All of a sudden, something on the ground caught _____.

  A) his eyeB) his eyes

  C) his own eyes D) eyes of his own

  catch one’s eye是固定片語,意為引起某人注意;即be noticed by sb.。此句中,eye是視線之意,由eyesight演變而來。隨著語言的發展,一些詞語會產生演變,大致上都是朝簡單化方向發展,如:countryside→country,mankind→man,campsite→camp,in the daytime→in the day等。所以本題答案應該選A。

  8.The lady with long _____ found her husband had already got three gray _____.

  A) hair, hairB) hair, hairs

  C) hairs, hair D) hairs, hair


  原文 中考英語複習:中考總複習 初中英語知識點梳理歸納


  代詞是名詞的代用詞,有指示代詞(this, those)、人稱代詞主賓格(I, me)、形容詞性物主代詞(my)、名詞性物主代詞(mine)、反身代詞(myself)、不定代詞(either, others, anything, nobody)。其中,不定代詞的變化最複雜。在不同的句子中,它們的變化和要求都不一樣,這一點我們一定要有充分的認識,不能掉以輕心。


  1.Would you please give _____?

  A) him it B) it him C) to him it D) it to him

  英語中,當直接賓語(人)與間接賓語(物)都用人稱代詞時,一定要先講間接賓語(物)後講直接賓語(人),而且要在直接賓語(人)前加上介詞to。 所以本題答案應該選D。

  2. She always thinks of _____ more than _____.

  A) others, her B) the others, she

  C) others, herselfD) the others, herself


  3.Some people like watching the sports news, _____ prefer TV series.

  原文 中考英語複習:中考總複習 初中英語知識點梳理歸納

  A) the others B) the other C) others D) another

  在英語中,一些……,另一些……有兩種譯法Some..., the others...是屬於非此即彼的兩部分情況,而Some..., others...是指有第三部分的情況存在。本題意為一部分人喜歡看體育訊息,而另一部分人比較欣賞電視劇,顯然還有其他人喜歡其他的內容,所以本題答案應該選C。

  4.The light in the room was too poor for _____ to see it clearly.

  A) everyone B) someone C) anyone D) none

  英語中,too...to意為太……而不能,具有否定的含義。因此,for sb.中應該選運用在否定句中的anyone才對。所以本題答案應該選C。

  5. _____ the fuel here is from foreign countries, so we must make full use of it.

  A) Some B) Much C) The most of D) Most of

  帶有定冠詞the的名詞前,應該用代詞片語some of意為其中一些,much of意為其中許多,most of意為其中大多數……等。the most of意為其中最多的在本句中的譯法欠妥,所以本題答案應該選D。

  原文 中考英語複習:中考總複習 初中英語知識點梳理歸納

  6.Can you call on my mother on Saturday or Sunday? I’m afraid _____ day is possible

  A) either B) each C) both D) neither

  在英語中,有兩者和3者以上的不同詞語說法。both意為兩者都,all意為3者以上都,neither意為兩者都不,none或no one意為3者以上都不,either意為兩者之一,one意為3者以上之一,between意為兩者之間,among意為3者以上之間。根據本題句意,答句應該是說我恐怕沒有一天能行, 所以本題答案應該選D。

  7.There are three bathrooms in the house. One is upstairs, _____ two are downstairs.

  A) other B) the other C) others D) the others

  在英語中,另兩個的譯法有多種the other two, the others, the rest。由於本句中講到3間浴室,另兩間的說法應該是確指的,因此,必須有定冠詞the。又由於後句已經寫了two,因此這裡要選做形容詞用的other。 所以本題答案應該選B。

  8.The dishes on Table One are much fewer than _____ on Table Two.

  A) that B) those C) dishes D) /

  原文 中考英語複習:中考總複習 初中英語知識點梳理歸納

  要注意所比較的兩個物件具有對稱性:這句是the dishes on Table One(一桌上的菜)和the dishes on Table Two(二桌上的菜)做比較,因此後半句中的菜字不能省略。that與those是比較級句中的專用代詞。由於該句中所比較的物件是複數,因此,要用those來代替前面的名詞。所以本題答案應該選B。

  9.There are more people in this room than _____ in that one.

  A) that B) those C) people D) /

  要注意在There is...或There are...的比較級句型中,習慣上不用上題所講到的專用代詞。所以本題答案應該選D。
