


  feel like / would like

  Ⅰ.feel like 與would like 意思很相近,但feel like 後面常跟名詞;動名詞。構成:feel like (doing) sth. 而 would like 一般接名詞;動詞不定式。構成:would like (to do) sth.的句式。如:

  ① I feel like (having) a drink. = I would like (to have) a drink. 我想喝一杯。

  ② Do you feel like talking a walk. = Would you like to take a walk? 你要不要散步?

  ③ I don’t feel like eating. 我不想吃東西。

  Ⅱ.feel like 還表示:“覺得好像,摸起來像”。如:

  ① It feels like silk. 它摸起來像綢緞。

  after/behind “在……之後”

  Ⅰ. after “在……(時間)之後”;


  ① He came after ten o’clock. 他十點以後來的。

  ② Two days after his arrival, I called on him. 在他到達兩天以後,我拜訪了他。

  ③ ‘Against’ comes after ‘again’ in this cictionary.在這本字典中 ‘against’ 排在 ‘again’ 之後。

  Ⅱ. behind 表地點時意為:在……後面、著重指位置的前後。偶爾也指時間,表按照一定的時刻而遲了的意思。

  ① The garden is behind the house.

  ② He stood behind me.

  ③ The train was behind time. 火車誤點了。

  ④ You are two hours behind. 你遲了兩個小時。


  all/ whole

  Ⅰ. 二者意義(“全部、都、整個”)相同,然而詞序不同。

  Ⅱ. all用於冠詞,所有格或其它“限定詞”之前。

  whole 則用於冠詞之後。如:

  ① all the time. ────→the whole time.全部時間

  ② all my life ────→the whole life.我的一生

  ③ all this confusion ─→ this whole confusion.整個混亂狀況。

  Ⅲ. 如果沒有冠詞,或其它限定詞,whole不能與單數名詞連用。可以說:

  ① The whole city was burning.但不能說:

  ② Whole London was burning.

  Ⅳ.whole 和 all 與複數名詞連用時意思不同。Whole 的意思為“全部”,而all的意思則近乎“每一個”如:

  ① All Indian tribes([traib]部首 ) suffered from white settlement in America. 所有印第安人部首都因白人移民美洲而遭殃。

  ② Whole Indian tribes were killed off. 有些印第安人部落整個被殺光了。

  Ⅴ. whole 一般不用來修飾不可數名詞(包括物質名詞)

  ① 可以說:all the money 或all the wine

  ② 不可以說:the whole money 或the whole wine.

  ③ The whole of = whole 與單數名詞連用。它用於冠詞、所有格之前。

  the whole of the time.

  the whole of my life

  the whole of this confusion

  alone/ lonely

  Ⅰ. alone adj. “單獨的”只能作表語。如:

  ① I’m alone but I don’t fell lonely. 我單身一人但我從不覺得孤獨。

  ② 此外alone 還可作副詞。相當於by oneself,“單獨地”“獨自”

  ③ I’ll go there alone.我將獨自去那兒。

  Ⅱ. lonely adj. “孤獨的”“寂寞的”有時還可表示“荒涼的”“無人煙的”意思,與deserted意思相同。含有較濃的情感色彩。既可作定語也可作表語。如:

  ① We’re together most of the time, so we never feel lonely.

  ② a lonely / deserted island


  101.such as 和for example

  這兩個短語都可以作“例如”解。for example用來舉例說明某一論點或情況,一般只舉同類人或物中的“一個”為例,作插入語,可位於句首,句中或句末。例如:

  Ball games, for example, have spread around the world. 球類運動就已經在世界各地傳播開了。

  What would you do if you met a wild animal??a lion, for example? 如果遇上野獸,例如獅子,你該怎麼辦?

  such as用來列舉事物時,一般列舉同類人或事物中的幾個例子。插在被列舉的事物與前面的名詞之間,as後面不可有逗號。例如:

  Some of the rubbish, such as food, paper and iron, rots away over a long period of time.


  注意:使用這個短語時,後面列舉的事物的數量不能等於它前面所提到的總和,一旦相等就要用that is或namely。如不可以說:I have three good friends, such as John, Jack and Tom. 應該說:I have three good friends, that is, John, Jack and Tom。我有三個好朋友,即約翰、傑克和湯姆。

  102.reason 和cause

  The ____ of the big fire was his carelessness.

  A.reason B.cause C.causing D.reasoning


  103.when while 與 as


  When I came into the room, I found him lying there asleep.

  Mary was having dinner when I saw her.

  When you meet a word you don''t know, consult the dictionary.

  She was beautiful when she was a girl.


  When(you are)in trouble, ask her for help.

  When(I was)sleeping, I never heard a thing.



  As he stood there, he saw two men enter the bar.

  She dropped the glass as she stood up.

  As I was walking down the street, an American asked me for directions to the nearest station.


  He sang as he worked.

  The students took notes as they listened.


  Never get on or off a bus while it is in motion.

  The weather was fine while we were in Beijing.

  She called while I was out.




  It gets coldr。天氣變冷了。


  His face truned red。他的臉變紅了。


  He becomes a teacher 。他成了一名老師。


  She will be a teacher。她將成為一名老師。

  105.near 與 beside


  near表示相對的“近”, 實際距離可能還很遠。例如:

  Suzhou is near Shanghai.

  There is a post office near our school.


  He was sitting beside her.




  eg. I'm learning to skate on real ice . 我在真正的冰上學滑冰。


  eg. The news is true . 這個訊息是真的。

  He told me a true story . 他給我講了一個真實的故事。

  92.year by year與year after year

  The boy grows taller year by year, and he visits his

  grandmother in the country on her birthday year after

  year. 男孩逐年長高了,但他年年去鄉下慶祝奶奶的生日。 (逐年長高是“變化”,而年年去鄉下是“不變”的。)

  year by year與year after year的區別

  year by year = each year, one following on another 每年(把時間分開看待,一年接著一年)。例如:

  Year by year we grow a little older.每年我們都變老了一些。

  而year after year = one year after another, without brea 年年;年復一年(把時間作為整體看待,期間沒有間斷)。例如:

  We have been to that place for a holiday year after year, for I don't know how long.我們年年到那個地方度假,我不知道有多少年了。



  I heard a sound/noise/voice(我聽到一個聲音)。


  * sound 作“聲音”解,含義最廣,指可以聽到的任何聲音。

  a weak sound 微弱的聲音

  a sharp sound 尖銳的聲音

  an eardeafening sound 震耳欲聾的聲音

  * noise 作“噪音”,“嘈雜聲”、“吵鬧聲”解,特指不悅耳,不和諧的聲音(loud and unpleasant sound)。它既可作可數名詞,也可作不可數名詞。

  Another kind of pollution is noise.


  * voice 作“聲音”解時,多指人發出的聲音,包括說話聲、歌聲和笑聲,有時也用於引申意義,作“意見”、“發言權”解。

  He shouted at the top of voice. 他高聲呼喊。

  I have no voice in the matter. 對於這件事,我沒有發言權。

  94.none 與 no one


  None of us are (is) afraid of difficulties .

  None of these books (is) interesting .

  None of the money is mine .

  None of the students has (have) seen the film.

  no one 是兩個單詞,不能寫成一個單詞。no one=nobody ,只能指人,不指物。動詞指能用單數。

  No one wants to go.

  No one will make friends with me

  95.kind sort 與 type

  kind 可以譯作“種類”,一般指屬於同種性質和特質的東西,以便把一個種類的事物與其它種類的事物區分開。

  type 則指比kind更具體的東西,譯作“型”“型別”。

  例如:1 A cow is a kind of animal .(牛是一種動物。)

  2 This is a new type of dictonary .


  按英語習慣用法,凡錶帶有輕蔑的意思時,要用sort而不用kind。當然,在一般情況下,二者可以互換。例如:There are all kinds(sorts)of trees and flowers in the San Su Park(三蘇公園)。

  96.opinion thought idea view

  opinion view 都含“對某人、某物的看法或想法”的意思。

  opinion系常用詞, 指“對事物或問題經過思索後提出的意見、主張、看法”, 含有“初步的”、“不十分肯定”的意味, 如:

  What''s your opinion of Mr Li? 你對李先生的看法如何?

  view 指“見解”、 “觀點”, 側重“對較廣泛、重大或有關公眾的問題所採取的態度”, view 比opinion更為肯定、全面和有系統, 如:

  May I know your views on the question? 我能知道你對這個問題的看法嗎?

  idea和thought 都含“念頭”、“想法”、“觀念”的意思。

  idea為一般用語, 指“由於理解、思索、推理、幻想而產生於腦中的思想、念頭、主意、想法”, 如:

  The idea of death is frightening to most people. 死的想法對於大多數人都是可怕的。

  thought指“經過思考或推理而形成的思想、看法或想法”, 如:

  He has many thoughts on the matter. 他對這事有許多想法。

  97.result in和result from


  The damage resulted from the fire. 這損害由火災造成。

  Their efforts resulted in failure. 他們的努力歸於失敗

  98.specially especially particularly

  especially相當於in particular做“特別地”;specially相當於on purpose 做“專門地、特意地”;particularly=especially指“特別、尤其”,especially指用於正式問題,particularly既可用於正式問題,也可用於日常口語。

  99.view sight 與 scene

  sight指"景色"是可數名詞時,往往指眼見的景色,如供人遊覽的"景"和"名勝",但尤指人工製成的景。One of the beautiful sights is the castle.那城堡是美景中的一個。


  如:Do you enjoy the ten famous views of the West Lake?你喜歡西湖十景嗎?

  There is a lovely view from this window .從這個窗子可以看到一片秀麗的景色。

  There is a happy scene of children playing in the garden.孩子們在花園裡玩耍,好一派歡樂的景象。


  beat 打,敲擊,指用手或物等連續地打,敲擊,如毆打或體罰,敲鼓/桌子等。

  hit 打,打中,擊中,表示瞬間的動作,著重打中或擊中這一結果或強調敲打、打擊物件的某一點。只作及物動詞用。

  strike 指用力地“打擊”,表示短暫的動作,含有急速的或突然的一次性的毆打、打擊或敲擊,是普通用詞,有時與hit通用,並用於比喻意義。


  81.worth, worthy 與worthwhile

  worth價值,可貴之處,作形容詞時與worthy和worthwhile都是“值得……”的意思,但用法不同,如:This book is worth reading./This book is worth 3 yuan?./It's wort hwhile to visit (visiting) this place./This place is worthy of a visit (visiting ).

  worth只作表語,它後面一般接動名詞,也可接名詞,但只限於錢數,不接不定式。如果用不定式或動名詞作主語,則要用It's worthwhile…結構,把不定式、動名詞放在句末;


  worthwhile和worth雖均有“值得的”意思,worth只作表語,用於be worth sth.短語中,如:It's worth the trouble.麻煩一點值得。This watch is worth this much money.這 塊手錶值這麼多錢;而worthwhile意為“值得一做的(worth doing)”,既可作表語,如:T hese results were not worthwhile. 也可用作定語。

  82.rise 與 raise

  這兩個詞雖不同義,但因意義上有聯絡而易被混淆。rise 上升,上漲,起床,站立。含義較廣,總的意思是指依次上升,如自然界的日、月、星、霧、雲的上升,人體從睡、跪、坐、躺等姿勢站立起來等。該詞為不及物動詞,其過去式與過去分詞分別是rose 和 risen。例如:The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 日出於東而落於西。/ Prices rise every day in those countries. 那些國家裡的物價天天上漲。 /The chairman rose from his chair. 主席從椅子上站了起來。 raise 及物動詞,其基本含義是“使升起來,舉起”,它的過去分詞和過去式都是raised。例如:Heavy rains raised the river. 暴雨使河水水位升高。/ We must raise the living standard of the people. 我們必須提高人民的生活水平。/ His speech raised my interest. 他的發言激起了我的興趣。與raise 常搭配的固定說法有:raise a subject 提出一個問題 / raise one's voice 提高嗓門 / raise a family 養家餬口 / raise money 籌款/raise price 提高價格/ raise one's spirits 打起精神。

  83.goal 與 aim

  goal 目的,目標。常用於文學作品中,強調個人精心選定的目標,含有不達目的不罷休、與困難拼搏的意思,該詞本身使人聯想到參加賽跑的人,他們必須跑到終點。goal 也指賽跑的終點。如:He sticks stubbornly to his goal of education reform. 他不屈不撓地堅持他的奮鬥目標——教育改革。/ His goal in life is to become a writer. 他一生的目標就是成為一個作家。 aim 目的,目標。呈單數形式時,指目標,但較 goal 具體、簡單、近期,決心也稍弱。該詞修辭色彩也較樸素。呈複數形式時,指籠統的理想與目標。如:What is your aim in working so hard? 你這樣拼命工作,圖的是什麼? / She showed steadiness and courage in the pursuit of her aims. 她在追求自己的目標時表現出堅定性與勇氣。

  84.hurt injure harm 與 damage

  1)hurt 普通用語,既可指肉體上的傷害,也可精神上,感情上的傷害。如:

  The driver hurt himself badly in the accident.那位司機在那次事故中傷得很重。

  注意:指肉體上的傷害時,hurt可與badly,slightly,seriously等連用;但如果指精神上的'創傷,只能說very much/rather/deeply hurt。


  A bullet injured his left eye.一顆子彈傷了他的左眼。


  Don't harm your eyes by reading in dim light.不要在昏暗的燈光下看書,以免損害眼睛。


  He damaged my car with a stone.他用石頭砸壞了我的汽車。


  The bullet wounded his arm.子彈打傷了他的一隻胳膊。

  85.much too和too much

  much too: much用在too之前加強語氣,該詞意思為“實在太,非常”,常用在形容詞和副詞前。例如:

  It's much too cold here in winter,這兒冬天非常冷。

  That book is much too dear. I don't want to buy it.那本書實在太貴,我不想買。

  He drove the car much too fast.他車開得實在太快了。

  too much:too用在much之前,說明“多”的程度。該詞意為“太多”,常用在不可數名詞前或動作名詞後。例如:

  There's too much snow and ice in winter.冬天有太多的冰雪。

  Watching TV too much is bad for your health.看電視太多對身體不利。

  86.live alive與living


  living 用於生物時, 指“活著的”, 即可作定語也可做表語。如:

  The living are more important to us than the dead. 對我們來說在世的人比去世的人更重要。

  She has no living relatives. 她沒有還健在的親戚。

  alive 指“活著的”、“在世的”, 著重於狀態, 它只用作表語, 如:

  The spy was caught alive though he died from wounds the next day. 特務被活捉, 不過第二天便因重傷而死。

  live 只用於物, 指“活的”, 如:

  a live rat


  87.agree with ,agree on , agree to

  agree on表示"就......取得一致意見",如:

  We all agree on (making) an early start. 我們一致同意及早出發。

  agree with 表示"與......意見一致","與......相符",後面既可以跟表示人的名詞或人稱代詞,也可以跟表示意見、看法的名詞或what引出的從句,如:

  I agree with you without reservation. 我毫無保留地同意你的意見。

  We agree with what you said just now. 我們同意你剛才所說的意見。

  agree to後面不能接人,只能接"提議;計劃;方案"等詞句。

  I agree to the terms proposed. 我同意擬議的條件。


  include表示一個整體由幾個部分組成,側重包括者只是整體的一部分。例如:The bill includes tax and service.

  contain指一個整體包括的內容,側重“內有”的意思。例如:Try to avoid foods which contain a lot fat.



  clothing是衣著的總稱,無複數形式,如:man's clothing



  big和 large所修飾的一般是具體事物。


  large側重表示一個物體的寬度和數量,有廣闊和眾多的意思,其反義詞是 small。在現代口語中兩者可互換,big較為口語化,large比較正式。例如:

  This is a big/large room.這是一個大房間。


  She is big enough to ride a bike.她長大了,足可以騎腳踏車了。

  huge 是龐大的;巨大的意思。例如:

  I have a huge pile of letters to deal with.



  71.special, particular, especial與peculiar


  special“特別的”,“特殊的”,“特設的”,“專門的”,著重指某事物具有自己特有的性質、性格或個性,非同一般的,不同尋常的,與同類明顯相異。常用介詞about,to等。例如:You must have special permission to photograph these paintings. 你必須有特別許可證才能拍照這些畫。It's not like ordinary photographs.There's something special about it.這不同於一般的照片,這張照片有一些獨特的地方。

  particular“特別的”,“特殊的”,“某一特定的”,“過於講究的”,強調同類中某一個體所具有的獨特性質,常用介詞about,as to,over,to等。例如:Bacteriology,in particular,microbiology had fascinated him. 細菌學,特別是微生物學使他陶醉。The manager is particular about quality. 經理對質量要求十分嚴格。

  especial“特別的”,“特殊的”,含有優越或偏好的意義,多用於書面語。例如:Oxford architecture receives especial attention. 牛津大學的建築特別引人注目。She has no especial personal ambition. 她沒什麼特別的個人奢望。

  peculiar“特別的”,“獨特的”,“獨有的”,強調某一個體或某一集團所獨有的或特有的、獨特的或與眾不同的,在同類事物中與其它相異而又非同尋常的。常用介詞about,in,to等。例如:Language is peculiar to mankind. 語言是人類特有的。There's something peculiar about him. 他這個人有點特別。

  72.ordinary, common, general, popular和unive

  ordinary“普通的”,“平常的”,“平凡的”,詞義與common相近。指符合一般或常規事物標準或相同的規格,因而只具有普通的特性。如:That is quite an ordinary event.那是件很平常的事。 The book describes the way of life of the ordinary people of Mexico. 這本書描述墨西哥平民的生活方式。

  common“普通的”,“平常的”,“共有的”,指從質量或品德上無特殊,顯眼或傑出之處,因而是大多數人或事物所具有的,常見的。如:It's an error quite common among scholars. 這是學者們常犯的錯誤。 It's too common to mention. 這是司空見慣的,不值一提。

  general“一般的”,“普通的”,含有例外情況較少之意或暗示包括全部的同一範疇的事物。如:She referred to her trip in a general way. 她只是概括地談了下她的旅行情況。There is no general rule without some exception. 凡普通規律都有例外。

  popular“常見的”,“普通的”,“大眾的”,“受歡迎的”,指屬於、存在於或代表大眾的某事物,強調常見的,大眾化的特徵。如:He speaks in popular language. 他用通俗的語言講話。 He is popular for his kindness. 他因心地善良而受人愛戴。

  universal “一般的”,“普通的”,“普遍的”,有完全沒有例外之意。如:It's the universal truth. 這是一名普遍的真理。There was universal recognizing at his victory. 人們普遍為他的勝利高興。

  73.respond, answer和reply

  respond“應答”,“作出反應”,往往指對號召、職責、請求等自發的或自覺的用書面或口頭作出反應或響應。如:He responded briefly to the questions. 他簡短扼要地回答了問題。 They declared that they responded with resolution to this statement.他們宣佈響應這個宣告。

  answer回答,是使用最廣泛的詞,凡是書面或口頭回答問題爭論,指責等都可以用answer.回答可能同意、不同意,甚至反對。如:He asked me some personal questions and I did not answer him. 他問了我幾個私人問題,我沒有回答他。 The professor answered the question with a nod. 教授點頭示意,回答了這個問題。

  reply “回答”,比answer正式,多用於書面語,主要指經過考慮針對所提問題的內容作出正式的回答或答覆,所答覆的內容可能是一種解釋,也可能是一種反駁。如:For a moment, Arthur was at a loss how to reply it. 亞瑟一時不知如何回答這個問題。 Please reply at your earliest convenience. 請儘早回信。



  intend: 強調"意欲"做某一件確定的事,或者"決意"達到某一確定的目的。此外這個詞常用於表達"意欲"使某人從事某職業,或"打算"某物用作何種目的。

  e.g. Erna intends to take short rests every two hours. 歐娜打算每隔兩小時休息片刻。

  The dictionary is intended for the beginners. 這本詞典是為初學者編的。

  mean: 常常可以和intend互換使用。但不強調決心達到某一目的。

  e.g. He always meant to go back one day, but not to stay. 他總想某一天回去,但不住下。

  design: 強調為達到某目的,事先作過精心安排和仔細考慮。此外,這個詞還包含"預謀" 、"策劃"或"以陰險的手段"達到自己的目的這一意義。

  e.g. These peculiar forms not only seemed designed to shock people emotionally,

  but to give them electric shocks as well!這些奇怪的造型設計,似乎不僅用來在感情上給人們以強烈的震撼,而且給人以電擊般的刺激。

  Did you design this, or did it just happen itself? 這件事是你有意安排的還是它自行發生的?


  二者均指寬闊的。兩詞雖時常互用,但wide強調從一邊到另一邊的距離;broad強調兩邊之 間面積的廣大,尤指比一般的大,例如:A wide ocean separates America from Europe. 廣闊的大洋隔開美洲與歐洲。Ships sail on the broad ocean.船航行於廣袤無垠的大海上 。

  注意:open one's eyes wide / one's broad shoulders

  76.be familiar with 和be familiar to


  be familiar with, having a good knowledge of 熟悉的,對……熟諳的,例如:facts wi th which every schoolboy is familiar每位學童所熟悉的事實。/I am not very familia r with botanical names.我不太熟悉植物學方面的名詞。

  be familiar to,sth be well known to sb.某事為某人所熟知,例如:These subjects a re familiar to you.這些科目為你所熟知。

  77.affect, effect與influence

  affect 首先可以指三種情況:①對某物或某事產生不良的影響,通常以被影響的詞作為賓語。例如:hot weather affects his health.炎熱的天氣影響了他的健康;②使之改動,使之變化,用於這層意思時沒有好壞的意思,例如:He wasn't affected by the news.他聽了這訊息後無動於衷;③ 感動,例如:His speech affected the audience deeply.他的講話深深打動了觀眾。

  effect 通常以改進和變化之類的詞作賓語,著重造成一種特殊效果。

  influence 的影響與上兩個不同,它是指透過勸說、行為、事例等對另一方的行為、性格、觀點產生潛移默化的影響,例如:What we read influences our thinking.我們閱讀的書本會影響我們的思想。


  兩詞都有“停留”的意思,有時可通用。如:He will remain (stay) to dinner.他將留下來吃晚飯。兩詞作為連繫動詞,表示“保持某一狀態”時,可以通用。如:The door remained (stayed) open.門繼續開著。remain著重指在別人已離去,或其他人或物都有變動以後,其主語“仍繼續停留”或“保持原來狀態”。它可以表示出一種對比的含義。如:The others had gone, he remained and put back the chairs.別人都離去後,他留下來把椅子放回原處。He has lived in France for two years. However, his French remains poor.他已在法國居住了兩年,但他的法語仍然很糟糕。stay無法表示這種對比。如:It's too hot outside. Why not stay at home and watch TV?外面太熱了。何不就呆在家裡看電視呢?

  表示“暫住(某處)……”,“客居(某地)”時,只能用stay。如:He stayed there for a couple of weeks.他在那裡暫住了兩個星期。

  79.as 和like

  as 和like 一樣,都可以用作介詞。但是其意思卻不完全相同。like 意思是“像……一樣”,側重人或事物之間的比較。as 意思是“作為”,“如同”,側重人或事物的同一性,意味著屬於一類或完全相似。比較:Now, I'm talking to you like a father.現在我象父親一樣對你說話(說話的人不是父親)。Now, I'm talking to you as a father.現在我作為父親(以父親的身份)對你說話(說話的人是父親)。

  又如:You are of a cool temper like your father.你脾氣冷靜得像你父親似的(指相似)。You are of a cool temper as your father.你的冷靜脾氣與你父親一樣(指程度相同)。



  normal指正常的,強調與一般情況差別很小的。如:The normal temperature of human body is about 37℃.人體的正常體溫大約是37℃。

  regular指定期的,有規律的,如:You must keep regular hours.你生活要有規律。
