



  A week goes by quickly. In this week I have been to the junior middle school life memories let me back and forth in this strange place, so they left me with beauty let me hold my last hope, when thinking of them, think of all the past all, regardless of when I hate it, love it, now become the embodiment of a medicine, I suppressed the injury prone and easy to let others injured girl.

  I think I think of junior high school students recall, I just entered junior high school, four years of primary school as long as I feel uncomfortable. But I didn't think that only one week, those who had come to think of something like yesterday happened to me today and felt far away, as if that was a long time ago. In fact, think about it, ah, has been in the past two months, for primary school, has three years. But those happy days would not fall with the yellow leaves of autumn, it would accompany me, give me strength, give me confidence, let me no longer feel lonely in the dark, let me alone, no longer feel lonely. You are like a hot spring in my heart, always warm me, let my injured heart no longer feel helpless and hesitation. Apart from that, it makes me feel relaxed, and I won't worry about the day you'll ignore me. It doesn't matter what happens to you in the future. I only know, we have fun together, work together, also hurt together. The memories you leave me will be sealed, sealed, and become eternal beauty that belongs to me alone. Thank you. I always think of you.

  High school life began, I want to work hard, classmates, come on!





  Unexpectedly, five days of military training ended like this. It's really unbelievable. Five days ago we have military training is bitter and tired and headache, complain, complain. I can't wait till Friday. Five days after we are on a grassy playground and we spent five days as a final farewell coach. After the parade at the moment, the heart was full of sadness, five days and five days to get along, so between us and the coach had a strange feeling of friends. At the moment tears in his eyes, we retain the idea of the applause went coach. Although he was so harsh and harsh to us in these five days, we all felt his concern for us and his influence on us. At this time, each other is reluctant to go. The head, he choked and said: "I hope you Triumphant news keeps pouring in. every student, can be admitted to a university, after three years, everyone is a student while in good out of a bandbox military tired, although the instructor is very strict, although we are all very naughty. But this evolved into a different emotional entanglement between 70 people for a long time.

  "These four words the Triumphant news keeps pouring in." seared into my heart. Thank him for giving us no reward. After that, we may be separated again, because of the different choices of English and Russian, we can only be classmates for a week. Only one week, I have already liked this high price class, liked to go to this school.

  Erudite, faithful, bright and truthful.

  I will study hard, three years later, must be a brand new me!

  沒想到連續五天的軍訓竟這樣結束了。真的.有些難以置信。五天前我們還都為軍訓的苦累而頭疼,埋怨,叫苦。恨不得一下子到星期五。而五天後的我們卻在綠草如茵的操場上和與我們相處了五天的教練作最後的告別。在會操結束後的那一刻,心中竟滿是不捨,五天的經歷,五天的相處,讓我們和教練之間產生了一種奇特的朋友之情。此刻淚水在眼眶裡打,是我們震天的掌聲留住了本想頭就走的教練。雖然這五天裡他對我們是那樣嚴厲,那樣苛刻,但我們都能感受得到他對我們的關心,對我們的影響。在這個時候彼此都捨不得吧。過頭,他有些哽咽的說:“我希望你們捷 報頻 傳,每一個同學都能考上大學,三年後每個人都是神采奕奕的大學生雖然軍訓很累,雖然教官很嚴,雖然我們個個都很調皮。但這卻演變成一種不一樣的情感纏繞在70個人之間彌久不散。

  “捷 報 頻 傳 ”這四個字深深地印在了我得心裡。謝謝他對我們不求回報的付出。這以後我們大家可能又要分開了,因為英語和俄語的不同選擇,讓我們只當了一週的同學。也只一週,我就已經喜歡上了這個高價班,喜歡上了這個學校。


