

  1. Range of arivilege obligations was arranged with great challenges.特別責成權的範圍在排列時遇到挑戰。

  2. Therevenging savages have charged into the lounge and took away all the sponges.Their emergence has discharged all forgery of gauged refuge and this has thenurged the officers to enlarge the hinge of the door. 一群復仇的野人衝入休息室,搶走了全部的海綿,他們的出現使所有偽造的'精確量過的避難處被解除了,迫使有關官員加大了門的鉸鏈。

  3. A mistakein staking can overtake you like an earthquake.下注的一個錯誤能象地震一樣壓倒你。

  4. The jokerwas choked by a stroke of smoke for his undue provoking. 說笑話的人因他的挑逗被一陣煙梗住了。

  5. The palescale on sale probably has a stale tale. 減價出售的天平很可能有一個陳舊的故事。

  6. Anagreeable fable comes from a noticeable cable which has been supposed toreliable and remarkable for an available variable. The message has enabled thequestionable to the reasonable, unreasonable capable, considerable unbearableand preferable innumerable.一個宜人的故事從一條被認為是可靠且可觀的重要電纜傳給了一個可獲得的變數。這一訊息使可疑的東西變得有理由,無理的東西變得有能力,可觀的東西變得不可忍受,而可取的東西則變得無可計數了。
