


  Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?







  (2)一般情況下以some開頭的不定代詞和不定副詞用於肯定句,以any開頭的不定代詞和不定副詞用於否定句、疑問句;以no開頭的不定代詞和不定副詞表示否定含義(no one為兩個單詞);


  He has something important to do.他有重要的事情要做。(肯定句用something,形容詞important放後)

  Did you buy anything special? (一般疑問句用anything,形容詞special放後)

  Did you go anywhere interesting last month?上個月你去令人感興趣的地方了嗎?


  (4)不定代詞和不定副詞做主語時,後面的動詞用單數形式。Everone is here today.今天每個人都在這裡。


  1. go on vacation去度假 go to the mountains 上山/進山

  2.stay at home呆在家go to the beach去海灘 visit museums 參觀博物館 go to summer camp去參觀夏令營 3. study for tests為考試而學習備考 go out出去

  4. quite a few相當多,不少(後跟可數名詞複數)take photos照相 most of the time大部分時間 5.buy sth for sb = buy sb sth為某人買某物 6. taste good. 嚐起來很好


  7.have a goodgreatfun time過得高興,玩得愉快(=enjoy oneself)

  8. go shopping去購物

  9. nothing…but+動詞原形:除了……之外什麼都沒有

  He had nothing to do at home but read yesterday.昨天他在家除了讀書無事可做。

  10. seem to do sth:好像… I seem to know him.我好像認識他。

  seem+(to be)+形容詞:看起來…The work seems(to be)easy.這工作看起來很容易。

  11.keep a diary記日記

  12. in+大地方:達到某地 (get to +地方:達到某地)

  arrive at+小地方:達到某地 (get的過去式為got)

  若是arrive和get後跟home、there、here三個地點副詞,後面的介詞inat o必須去掉。

  Tom got home yesterday evening=Tom arrived home yesterday evening.昨晚湯姆到家。

  13.decide to do sth:決定做某事 14. try doing sth.嘗試做某事try to do sth.盡力去做某事

  15. feel like給…的感覺;感受到 16. in the past 在過去 walk around四處走走

  enjoy doing sth:喜歡做某事 difference(名詞,差異,差別)---- different(形容詞,不同的)

  18.start doing sth:開始做某事 (= start to do sth)

  19.19.over an hour一個多小時 (over超過,多餘 = more than)

  20. too many 太多,後接可數名詞複數。 too much 太多,後跟不可數名詞,修飾動詞作狀語。

  much too 太,後跟形容詞或副詞 , 分辨三者的口訣: too much, much too, 用法區別看後頭:much 後接不可數,too 後修飾形或副。too many 要記住,後面名詞必複數。

  21. because of 因為,後接名詞、代詞或動名詞(即動詞+ing),不能接句子。


  He was late for school because of getting up late.他因為起晚而上學遲到。(get為動詞)

  = He was late for school because he got up late.

  22. enough(足夠的)與名詞連用,一般放在名詞前He has enough money .

  23. enough(足夠的)與形容詞或副詞連用,enough放在後面。He is old enough to go to school.

  24. doing sth.忘記已經做過某事(已經做完)

  Forget to do sth.忘記去做某事(還未做)(forget的過去式為forgot)

  25. so+形容詞+that+句子:如此…以至於…

  too+形容詞+to do sth:太…以至於不能…

  形容詞+enough to do sth:足夠…能夠做某事(注意三個句型有時可以互換)

  He is so young that he can′t go to school.= He is too young to go to school.

  = He isn′t old enough to go to school.

  Unit 2 How often do you exercise?



  主要頻率副詞的等級排序:always(總是) > usually (通常) > often(經常) > sometimes(有時) > hardly ever(很少) > never(從不)

  這些副詞在句子中的位置,一般放在助動詞、be動詞或情態動詞之後,行為動詞之前。即:“行”前“助(系)”後。 Peter is always late for school. Peter上學總是遲到。

  I usually do my homework in the evening. 我通常在晚上做作業。

  提問 always, sometimes, twice a day 等頻率副詞,用 How often

  I watch TV every day.我每天都看電視→How often do you watch TV?(你多長時間看一次電視?)


  1.on weekends在週末 go to the movies去看電影 help with housework幫助做家務 how often多久一次 hardly ever幾乎從不

  2.once a week每週一次 twice a week每週兩次 every day每天 use the Internet用網際網路

  be free有空 Are you free on weekends?你週末有空嗎?

  4.stay up late熬夜at least至少go to bed early早點睡覺play sports進行體育活動

  5.after school 放學後 6.want sth:需要某物 He wants a new pen.他想要一支新鋼筆。

  want to do sth:想做某事 He wants to watch TV after school.放學後他想去看電視。

  want sb to do sth:讓某人做某事 My mother wants me get up early.媽媽讓我早起。

  7.be good for對……有好處 be bad for 對……有害處

  8. play computer games打電子遊戲 go camping去野營 9.ask sb about sth:問某人某事 My parents often ask me about my study.我的父母經常問我的學習情況。

  10. in one’s spare time在某人業餘時間He studies English in his spare time.11.(P13,2b)”數字+percent of+名詞”做主語時,後面的單詞取決於名詞的情況。若名詞為複數,後面的動詞用複數形式;若名詞為單數或不可數名詞,後面的動詞用單數形式。

  In our class ,twenty of students are boys. Thirty of water is dirty.

  12.not…at all:一點兒也不 (not構成否定句)I don’t like the movie at all.

  13.go online上網=surf the Internet 14.the answer to+名詞:…的答案

  16.the (best) way to do sth: 做某事的(最好)方式

  The best way to learn English is speaking English.學習英語的最好方法是說英語.

  17.such as比如 (後跟名詞或名詞短語)for example 例如(後跟句子)

  He likes fruits,such as apples,bananas and so on.他喜歡水果,例如蘋果、香蕉等。

  He has some good ways to study English,for example ,he often listens to tapes.

  19.more than (=over)超過,多餘 go to the dentist去看牙醫

  Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.




  1.play+the +樂器 play the drums打鼓 比較play +球類 play basketball打籃球

  both…and…兩者都(後面的動詞用複數形式) Both Tom and Jim are students.

  3.be good at+名詞代詞V ing:擅長,在某方面做得好

  7.be like:像… The books are like friends.書像朋友。

  8.make friends (with sb):(和某人)交朋友 enjoy doing sth:喜歡做某事

  9.be different from與…不同 My brother is different from me.我弟弟與我不一樣。

  10.help sb to (do) sth:幫助某人做某事

  常與help sb with sth(在某方面幫助某人)互換 He often helps me (to) learn English.他經常幫助我學習英語。= He often helps me with my English.他經常在英語方面幫助我。

  help (to) do sth:幫助做某事He often helps( to)cook at home.他經常在家幫助做飯。

  13.be good with sb:與某人相處很好 14.information (n.訊息,資訊)不可數名詞

  Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?

  本單元的話題:談論事物對比, 學習形容詞和副詞的最高階。



  1.welcome to+地點:歡迎來到某地 Welcome to our school.歡迎來我校。

  2.What do you think of sth?=How dou you like sth?你認為...怎麼樣?

  3.watch sb do sth:看見某人做了某事(= see sb do sth )

  4.比較級別 +and+比較級:越來越…(若比較級為more+形容詞原級,則為:more and more形容詞原級)The buildings are taller and taller. Our school is getting more and more beautiful.

  5.around the world全世界=all over the world, such as 例如

  Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?




  1. What do you think of sth?=How dou you like sth?你認為…怎麼樣?

  What do you think of the movie?你認為這部電影怎麼樣? It is boring.很無聊。

  2.mind doing sth:介意做某事 3. news (不可數名詞,訊息,資訊) a piece of good news一條好訊息 4.learn (sth) from sb:向某人學習(某物) 5.plan to do sth:計劃做某事(plan的過去式planned,現在分詞planning) 6.hope to do sth:希望做某事

  8.favorite (形容詞,最喜愛的)= like…best

  My favorite shows are talk shows.我最喜歡的節目是談話節目。=I like talk shows best.

  9.expect to do sth:期待做某事 10.think of認為,想起He often thinks of his teachers. 11.in the 1930s:在二十世紀三十年代(1930年至1939年)

  10.12.one of +可數名詞複數:…之一(該短語放在句首做主語時,後面的動詞用單數形式)One of the students has an English dictionary.這些學生中一個人有英語字典。

  14.luck(名詞,幸運,運氣)—lucky(形容詞,幸運的)--unlucky (形容詞,不幸的)

  15.be ready to do sth樂意做某事 16.try one's best (to do sth):盡力(做某事)

  Unit6 Im going to study computer science.


  本單元的語法:學習一般將來時be going to do sth。


  1.詞性轉換:science (名詞,科學)—scientist(名詞,科學家)

  violin(名詞,小提琴)--violinst(名詞,小提琴家)piano(名詞,鋼琴)-- pianist(名詞,鋼琴家)2.grow up成長,長大 3.be good at+名詞代詞動詞+ing:擅長… He is good at math,but he isn’t good at speaking English.他擅長數學,但是不擅長說英語。

  4.keep on doing sth: 繼續做某事 5.be sure about:確信,對…有把握

  His mother isn’t sure about his study.他的媽媽對他的學習沒有把握。

  6. move to +地點:搬(家)到某地 7. take singingacting lessons上歌唱課上表演課=have singingacting lessons 8. send sb sth = send sth to sb寄送給某人某物

  His grandfather often sends him money。= His grandfather often sends money to him.

  9. learn to do sth學會做某事

  10. play the piano彈鋼琴 make the soccer team組建足球隊 get good grades取得好的成績 eat healthier food吃更健康的食品 get lots of exercise進行大量鍛鍊

  11. foreign language外國語言 12. study hard努力學習 most of the time大多數時間

  14. get back from+地點:從…回來 He will get back from Beijing in 3 days.

  at the beginning of 在…開始的時候, write down寫下/記下,

  17. different kinds of不同種類的 have to do with關於,與…有關係,take up開始從事

  20. too+形容詞+to do sth:太…以至於不能…


  形容詞+enough to do sth:足夠…能夠做某事(注意三個句型有時可以互相轉換)

  He is so young that he can′t go to school.他如此年輕以至於不能去上學。

  = He is too young to go to school.他太年輕了以至於不能去上學。

  = He isn′t old enough to go to school.

  22.make sb+形容詞:讓某人怎麼樣 The good news made us happy.(注意:news為不可數名詞)

  23.how to do better at school為“疑問詞+不定式”即“疑問詞+to do sth”

  He didn’t know when to start.他不知道什麼時候開始。 24.go to university去上大學

  Unit 7 Will people have robots?

  本單元的話題:談論對未來的語言,學習一般將來時will do sth。

  本單元的語法:學習一般將來時will do sth。

  一般將來時由“助動詞will / shall + 動詞原型”構成,表示將來某個時間要發生的動作或存在的狀態,常與表示將來的時間狀語如tomorrow、next week,in 2 days(2天之後)等連用。(Shall用於第一人稱,will可以用於各種人稱。) (will not= won’t)

  一般疑問句:把肯定句中的will 提到句首即可。以上兩句的.一般疑問句為:

  Will you visit the old man next week? Yes,we will.No, we won’t .

  否定句:把肯定句中的will 變為won’t即可。以上兩句的否定句為:

  We won’t visit the old man next week. She won’t finish the work in 2 weeks.


  1.There be結構:There be(is/are/was/were)+某物/某人+某地/某時

  “There be結構”的一般現在時:There is/are+某物/某人+某地/某時

  There are 600 students in our school.在我們學校有600個學生。

  一般過去時:There was/were+某物/某人+某地/某時 There was a school ten years ago.

  一般將來時:There will be+某物/某人+某地/某時.= There is going to be+某物/某人+某地/某時. There will be a sport meeting next week.=There is going to be a sport meeting next weeek.下週將有場運動會。 2.on computers在電腦上, on paper在紙上

  3.a few +可數名詞複數:有一些、有幾個 a little +不可數名詞:有一些

  few +可數名詞複數:幾乎沒有(表示否定) little+不可數名詞:幾乎沒有(表示否定)

  many+可數名詞複數:很多,許多 few 的比較級是fewer ,little的比較級是less

  much+不可數名詞:很多,許多 manymuch的比較級都是more

  There will be less polution in the future.在未來將會有更少的汙染。(polution為不可數名詞)

  We should plant more trees.我們應該種更多的樹。(tree為可數名詞)

  There will be fewer cars in the future.在未來將會有更少的汽車。(car為可數名詞)

  4.in(great)danger在(極度)危險中on the earth在地球上save the earth拯救地球


  He will come back in 2 days.兩天之後他將回來。→How soon will he come back?多久他將回來?

  句型 There isare sb doing sth.有某人正在做某事。 There is a cat eating fish.

  10. hundreds of+名詞:成百上千的…,許多…(表示模糊數字)

  數字+ hundred +名詞:幾百…(表示具體數字)

  He has hundreds of book.他有很多書。He bought two hundred books.他買了二百本書。

  12.at some point: 在某些方面 free time空閒時間 in one’s free time在某人空閒時間

  Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?




  1(P57,1a) turn on開啟 turn up調大

  turn off關上 turn down調小

  2. How many+可數名詞複數:多少…

  How much+不可數名詞:多少…

  He has eight books.他有八本書。→How many books does he have?他有多少本書?

  3. 量詞的用法:不可數名詞常用“數字+量詞+不可數名詞”來表示。如:

  a piece of bread一片面包 比較:two pieces of bread兩片面包(bread為不可數名詞)

  a glass of orange 一玻璃杯橘子汁 one spoon of butter 一勺黃油

  5.one more thing = another one thing 基數詞 + more + 名詞 = another + 基數詞 + 名詞:又多少某物 He ate an apple,he wanted to eat two more apples.

  7.It’s time (for sb) to do sth是某人該做某事的時間了。It’s time for us to have lunch.

  It’s time for sth是該做某事的時間了。It’s time for the class.是該上課的時候了。

  Unit 9 Can you come to my party?

  本單元的話題:學會發出、接受或拒絕邀請。 本單元的語法:複習情態動詞。


  1.on Saturday afternoon 在星期六下午,在具體哪一天的是上午、下午或晚上用on,

  2. have to 必須(後跟動詞原形)He has to get up early.他必須早起。→(一般疑問句)Does he get up early? Yes,he does.No,he doesn’t.

  (否定句)He doesn’t have to get up early.他沒有必要早起。

  4. sth=want sth 想要某物 Jim would like a new pen .

  Would like to do sth=want to do sth想做某事 He’d like to watch TV.

  Would you like to do sth ? 你願意做...?(用來提出建議或徵求對方意見)

  ------would you like to go shopping with me ? 你想和我一起去買東西嗎?

  ------Yes,I’d love to ,but I’m doing my homework.我想去,但是我現在正在做家庭作業。

  (=Sorry, I’m doing my homework.非常抱歉,我正在做家庭作業。)

  5.prepare for sth為…做準備 go to the doctor去看病have the flu 患流感help my parents給父母幫忙 have an exam考試

  6. until 的用法:<1>若動詞為延續性動詞則用肯定句式

  He studied until 21:00pm.他一直學習到晚上九點。


  He didn’t go to bed until his father came back.他一直到他爸爸回來才上床睡覺。

  10.study for a math test為數學考試做準備go to the party參加聚會

  11.What’s today?今天幾號?Its Monday,the 14th.今天星期一,十四號。

  補充:what day is it today?今天星期幾? it’s Monday今天星期一。

  What’s the date today?今天幾月幾日?It’s October 20th .今天10月20日。

  12.go to the doctor去看病 have a piano lesson上鋼琴課

  13.look after 照看,照料 = take care of

  She is old to look after his brother她足夠大了能夠照看她的弟弟。

  take good care of =look after…well好好照顧,好好照料

  We should take good care of the children.= We should look after the children well.


  ⑴ What a∕an+adj+可數名詞單數 (+主語+謂語)!

  What +adj+可數名詞複數∕不可數名詞 (+主語+謂語)!

  What a fine day (it is) !多麼好的天啊! (day為可數名詞單數)

  What an interesting book it is !多麼有趣的一本書啊!(book為可數名詞單數)

  What beautiful flowers they are !多麼漂亮的花啊! (flowers為可數名詞複數)

  What bad weather it is!多麼糟糕的天氣啊!(weather為不可數名詞)

  ⑵ How +adj +主語+(謂語中的)系動詞! How +adv +主語+(謂語中的)實義動詞!

  How happy I am!我多麼高興啊! (happy為adj,am為系動詞)

  How hard they are working !他們工作多麼努力啊!(hard為adv,work為實義動詞)





  注意:在感嘆句中,不得出現so,very,very much等表示程度的單詞。

  例如:①Our school is beautiful .

  一判:beautiful為形容詞;二定:beautiful為形容詞,用How 來引導;三移:把Our school is移到How beautiful後面,即為感嘆句How beautiful our school is!

  ②He is a clever boy.

  一判:boy為名詞;二定:boy為名詞,用What來引導;三移:把He is移到What a clever boy 後面,即為感嘆句What a clever boy he is!

  ③He studies English well.

  一判:well為副詞;二定:well為副詞,用How 來引導;三移:把He studies移到How well後面,即為感嘆句How well he studies!

  練習:將下列句子變為感嘆句。①The room is very bright.

  ② We live a happy life today. ③It is a nice present.

  ④This is difficult problem. ⑤She played the piano wonderfully.

  16.)the (best) way to do sth:做某事的(最好)方法 17.thanks for+名詞Ving:為什麼而感謝 18.take a trip參加郊遊,at the end of this month在本月底

  19.go back to+地點:回到某地 He will go back to Beijing in 2 days.兩天後他將回北京。

  20.have a surprise party for sb為某人舉辦一個驚喜的晚會

  21.without+名詞代詞 Ving:沒有… He can’t finish the work without our help.(help為名詞)

  He went to school without having breakfast.他沒有吃早飯就去上學。(have為動詞)

  24.look forward to +名詞代詞V.ing:期待,盼望

  25.hear from sb.收到某人的來信 = receive a letter from sb.

  27.the opening of… :開幕/開業 28.在具體哪一天的上午、下午、晚上用on,比較:

  in the morning在早晨 on Sunday morning在星期天的早晨 29.invite sb to +地點:邀請某人去某地(invite -- invitation ) invite sb to do sth 邀請某人做某事

  31.reply to sth / sb:回答某事/回答某人 go shopping 購物,do homework做家庭作業

  Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!

  本單元的話題:談論事情可能的結果。 。


  If you go to the party, we will have a great time

  從句(一般現在時) (主句一般將來時)


  If it is fine tomorrow,I’ll visit shanghai


  I think I”ll finish the work in 2 days. 我認為我在兩天內將完成這項工作。

  主句(一般現在時) 賓語從句

  填空:I think she (come)here tomorrow. If he (come )here,I (call)you.


  1.have a great /good time 玩的開心 stay at home呆在家裡take the bus乘公交車,go to the party參加晚會 tomorrow night明天晚上 talk about sth談論某事 have a class party開班級晚會 have a class meeting 開班會

  6.plan to do sth計劃做某They are planning to go shopping.他們正在計劃購物。 7.(P74,2b)half the class 全班一半人,make some food 做食物

  8.ask sb. to do sth 請某人做某事My parents often ask me to study hard.

  ask sb. not to do sth 請某人不要做某事 My techer often asks us not to be late.

  10.too+形容詞+to do sth:太…以至於不能…


  形容詞+enough to do sth:足夠…能夠做某事(注意三個句型常常可以互換轉換)

  He is so young that he can′t go to school.他如此年輕以至於不能去上學。

  = He is too young to go to school.他太年輕了以至於不能去上學。

  = He isn′t old enough to go to school.

  11.tell sb. to do sth 高速某人做某事 tell sb. not to do sth 告訴某人不要做某事

  12.give sb some advice給某人建議/勸告 (adivce為不可數名詞)

  13.travel around the world 周遊世界, go to college 上大學,

  make(a lot of)money 掙錢, get an education接受教育 ,

  14.)work hard 努力工作,a soccer player 一個足球運動員

  15.talk to sb.與某人談話,keep…to oneself 把…留給自己/獨處

  16.have problems with sth:在某方面有困難 have problems (in)doing sth:做方面有困難 (2個句型常常可以互換)

  She has problems with English.她在學習英語方面有困難。

  = She has problems (in) learning English.她學習英語有困難。

  17.unless=if…not如果…不 Unless it is sunny tomorrow,I won’t go shopping.=If it isn’t sunny tomorrow,I won’t go shopping.

  18.be afraid to do sth:不敢做某事be afraid of sth:害怕某物

  19.21.be angry with sb生某人的氣He is angry with his son.他在生他兒子的氣。

  be angry aboutat sth 因某事而生氣He is angry aboutat his work.他因為工作生氣。

  22.make mistakes犯錯誤 23.remember to do sth記著去做某事(事情還未做)

  remember doing sth記著已經做過某事(事情做完,但是還記著)

  Please remember to close the door when you leave.當你離開的時候記著關上門。(門還未關).

  He remembered closing the door.他記著已經關上門了。(門已經關上)

  24.advise sb to do sth勸說某人做某事 advise sb doing建議提議做某事。

  25.It’s best (not)to do sth. 最好(不要)做某事 solve a problem解決難題

  26.run away from逃避Don’t run away from your problems. solve a problem解決難題

  30.agree with sb:同意某人(的看法、意見、觀點等)

  31.worry about 擔心 =be worried about
