


  Unit 1

  II. Vocabulary:

  Beauty-beautiful-beautify, harvest, celebration-celebrate, starve-starvation,

  origin-original, religion- religious, ancestor Mexico-Mexican, feast, bone,

  belief-believe, trick poet-poem, arrival-arrive, gain, independence-

  independent –depend-dependent–dependence, gather, agriculture-agricultural

  award-reward, rooster,  admire-admiration energetic-energy, Easter,

  clothing-clothes-cloth, Christian-Christ-Christmas,

  custom, worldwide, fool –foolish, permission-permit

  parking-park, apologize-apology drown-drowning, sadness-sad

  obvious-obviously, wipe, weep, remind, forgive-forgave-forgiven

  III. Language points:

  1. mean

  1) mean+ to do打算,意欲

  2) mean+ n/ pron/that從句---意思

  3)mean+ v-ing意味

  meaning (n) 意思 meaningful (a) 有意義的

  2. celebrate (v)

  celebration (n) 慶祝活動

  hold a celebration/ celebrations

  3. take place 不用於被動語態

  take sb’s place/ take the place of sb= replace sb

  take place 指經過安排的事情

  happen 偶然發生,碰巧發生

  break out 災難、疾病、戰爭等突然爆發

  4. would+ v 過去常常…

  5. starve

  starve for 急需starve to death 餓死

  6. Some festivals are held to honour the dead, or satisfy the ancestors, who could return either to help or to do harm.

  1) v  尊敬,給以榮譽

  2) in honor of 為了紀念

  A festival is set to honor/ in honor of the hero.

  Do harm to sb= harm sb

  Do more harm than good

  7. in  memory of 紀念,悼念…

  8.  arrive (v) arrival (n)

  The arrival of the plane has been delayed.

  ____ my arrival at school, Mr Li was there.

  9.  gain (n/ v)

  I gained a lot from my teacher. No pains, no gains.

  10. gather聚集,集合 (vi)  收集 (vt)

  1) A lot of people gathered to see what  had happened.

  2) The student gathered a lot of information about the hero.

  11. award 獎勵

  reward 回報,報酬

  He received an award of 1,000 dollars.

  He was awarded a medal for his excellent work.

  12. admire

  admire sb for sth

  They admired our garden.

  I admired him for his success in business.

  13.  look forward to(介詞) + n/ v-ing

  I’m looking forward to his coming.

  --ward 向著…方向

  backward 向後

  forward 向前

  14. As though/ if 好象

  15. have fun with sb


  1. parking lot

  2. turn up

  3. keep one’s words

  4. hold one’s breath

  5. obvious—it was obvious that…

  6. set off

  7. remind of

  Unit 2 Healthy eating

  語法:Modal Verbs ---ought/oughtn’t to;Should/shouldn’t; mustn’t; needn’t; (don’t) have to; will; can/can’t

  I. 本單元詞彙:diet, nut, bean, pea, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, mushroom,

  peach, lemon, balance, barbecue, mutton, roast, fry, ought, bacon, slim, curiosity,

  hostess, raw, vinegar, lie, customer, discount, weakness, strength, consult, fiber,

  digest, carrot, debt, glare, spy, limit, limited, benefit, breast, garlic, sigh, combine

  III. 單元知識點(1):

  feeling very frustrated 現在分詞在句中作伴隨狀語

  eg.She sat on the chair reading a newspaper.(表伴隨)

  Walking in the street, she met her old friend.(表時間)

  Seeing no body at home , she decided to eat outside.(表原因)

  The child fell, striking his head against the ground.(表結果)Ought to 1) to show a moral duty 表示一種道義上的責任,應該

  Eg.She ought to look after her child better.

  You ought to study hard to get a high mark.

  2)ought to have done 表示本應該…,而卻沒有…

  Eg.You ought to have come yesterday.



  = which were cooked in the hottest oil.

  Eg.The flowers picked by him are very beautiful.

  4.Nothing could have been better.比較級與否定詞連用表示最高階。

  = All his food could have been the best.

  Eg.I have never seen a better film.

  There is nothing I like so much as playing football.

  Tired of 厭煩的  He is tired of doing the same thing all year round.

  Tired out 筋疲力盡 I was tired out when I finally reach the top of the mountain.

  Tired from 因…而疲倦  I was very tied from running fast.

  6. get away with sth./doing sth.

  a)不因某事而受懲罰。I won’t have you getting away with cheating in the exam.

  b)偷攜某物潛逃。The robbers robbed the bank and got away with a lot of money.

  c)收到較輕的懲罰。He was so lucky to get away with a fine for such a serious mistake.

  7. lie 謊言,說謊

  1)The program was full of lies.

  2) He lied to his wife so that he could come home late.


  earn one’s living by… =live by…=make a living by…靠…謀生

  eg. He earned his living by begging from door to door.

  2.He didn’t look forward to being  Be in debt欠債。

  Be out of debt 還清債務。

  Be in sb.’s debt  欠某人人情。

  Eg. Saving my life, I am forever in your debt.

  3.She didn’t look happy butGlare at  怒視,帶有敵意

  Eg. ―How could you do that?‖he said, glaring at his mother.

  Glance at 掃視

  Eg.He glanced at his watch and left in a hurry.

  Stare at  張大眼睛死死地盯著

  Eg.She stared at him in surprise.Agree to (do) sth.  表示―同意某事或某建議‖,後只能跟表―提議,計劃,方案,打算,安排‖  Eg.He agreed to their proposal.

  He agreed to get someone to help us.

  Agree with sb. 同意某人

  Eg.I agree with every word you said.

  Agree on sth.  表示在某事上取得一致的意見

  Eg.They agreed on a date for the next meeting.

  5.But don’t you think it would be better if you 虛擬語氣,表示與現在事實相反的'假設時,條件狀語從句的謂語動詞用過去式(be用were),而主句的謂語動詞用would(should, could ,might)+動詞原形。例如:

  If I were you, I should study English better.

  If he had time, he would attend the meeting.

  6. spy (v/n) 監視,偵查,看見,間諜

  1) 暗中監視;偵查。 It is impolite to spy into other people’s windows.

  2) 看見,發現。 He suddenly spied an old friend in the supermarket.

  7.before long 和long before

  1)before long是介詞短語,在句子中作狀語,意思為:“不久後,很快”。多與將來時或者過去時連用。如:I shall visit you again before long.

  2)long before是副詞短語,意思為:“很久以前”,多與完成時連用。如:

  He had taken a doctor’s degree long before.

  Before不僅可以用作副詞,還可以用作介詞或者連詞,這時long before…的意思為: “早在…之前”。如:He had come to America long before the war.

  Unit 3  The Million Pound Bank-Note


  unbelievable  birthplace  patience (patient) silly  indeed  adventure  tiny

  author  wander  bay  loneliness  fault  character  spot  unpaid  playwright

  rude  scream  genuine  scene  account  seek( sought-sought )

  短語: 1、make a bet on sth / that…  2、do with / deal with3、a large amount of

  4、go ahead  5、as a matter of fact  6、 by accident / chance  7、stare at

  8、give up  9、 account for10、to be honest11、care about

  12、show out13、take a chance14、be / dress in rags

  15、be disappointed in sb  16、be worth doing  17、work as …  18、in a rude

  manner  19、be jealous of …  20、even if / though  21、as for…  22、be filled with

  23、 get into trouble  24、permit (doing) sth  25、permit sb to do sth  26、mind sth / sb.27、be spotted by …  28、be about to do…  29、be/ get lost30、be patient with  31. bring up  32. on the contrary

  重點句子:(Notes to the text :Unit 3 page 80-page 83)

  language point(語言點)

  1. go ahead

  (1) 進行;發生 新橋的建設將會按照計劃進行。

  (2) 前進;繼續做 儘管天氣不好,他們仍按計劃繼續前進。

  (3) 取得進展,取得進步

  He is always going ahead. 他一直在進步。

  (4) (祈使句) 做吧,請吧

  — May I start now?我可以開始了嗎?

  — Yes, go ahead.好,開始吧。

  2. stare at 注視,盯著看

  He stared at the word trying to remember what it meant. 我盯著那個詞看,想要回憶起它的意思。

  It’s rude to stare at other people. 盯著別人看是不禮貌的。 When day broke, I found myself in a small village. 破曉,我發現我身處在一個村莊裡。 I found myself lying on the bed. 我發現我躺在床上。

  He found himself surrounded by many students. 他發現他被許多學生圍著。

  He found himself walking in the direction of the park. 他發現他正在往公園的方向前行。

  I found him difficult to get along well with. 我發現他很難相處。

  4. spot spotlessspotted

  (1) v. (用眼睛)挑出,察出,認出

  I spotted her in the crowd. 我從人群中認出了他。

  (2) v 使……染上斑點;點上汙點

  The ink spotted her white shirt. 我把她的白色襯衫上弄上了汙點。

  (3) n 斑點;汙點;圓點

  She had spots on her face when she was ill. 她生病的時候,臉上出現了斑點。

  (4) n 地點;場所

  This is a nice spot for a house. 這是一個建房子的好地方。


  ① n  叫/要的菜

  May I take you order now您的菜點好了嗎?
