



  As a party member, not only should have the courage to establish the awareness of the goal, but also diligent in the habit of reflection. In the 90th anniversary of the founding of the party, I carefully control their actual work and ideological trends, a serious reflection, self-evaluation, special make the following summary:

  First, the ideological trends

  Conscientiously study Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of "Three Represents", firmly establish and implement the scientific concept of development, strive to improve the level of political theory, conscientiously implement the party's line and principles, strong party spirit. Always bear in mind that he is a glorious Communist Party member, firmly support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support the four basic principles, understand the national policy, the promulgation and implementation of policies, education, new trends, love their work, love college , Pay attention to the teacher, seriously their work attitude, teaching and educating people, concerned about the collective, unity, respect for colleagues, fulfill their duties, rigorous scholarship, assiduously study business and continuously improve the quality of cultural business and education management level, and constantly improve their level of thinking.

  Second, the actual work

  1. In daily teaching work, I earnestly implement the party's education policy, adhere to the "people-oriented, teaching and educating" educational philosophy. From the training of students' ability of sustainable development, insist on deepening the teaching reform, improve the quality of education and teaching, and actively preside over the reform of "computer culture foundation" public courses. In the management of students, care, love students, according to the requirements of pedagogy and psychology, to students of healthy ideological education, and actively cooperate with counselors to do ideological education work, adhere to careful, patient, perseverance to do the students Ideological education work, timely correction of students' bad thoughts dynamic. To start with the organization and discipline, the implementation of strict grasp, diligent grasp, establish rigorous style of study. In order to create a good learning atmosphere, adhere to the organization interest groups, to explore IT activities on the professional sports projects, develop practice, training base, trying to improve student interest in learning. To master the professional development, adhere to the follow-up survey of graduates to grasp the needs of enterprises to understand the students learn the professional knowledge and application of the docking situation, timely feedback on the teaching of guidance. The outstanding graduates to carry out follow-up publicity, to stimulate students in the study will.

  2. I also pay attention to the teaching of their own business ability to improve, actively participate in the Division of Vocational Education organized teacher training. The use of holiday time, and actively to the enterprise practice training, improve the actual development experience. At the same time led the professional teachers to visit enterprises to understand the professional market demand, professional teachers to provide close contact with the business opportunities. In order to test their business ability and expand the influence of the college, many times to guide students to participate in the provincial computer skills contest and obtain excellent results, improve the professional and our hospital in the province visibility.

  Third, there are shortcomings and efforts

  Reflect on their own work, in accordance with the standards of party members, I feel there are still many deficiencies, to be improved:

  1. Can not properly arrange the time, should plan to set aside time, strengthen the theoretical knowledge of the party in-depth and systematic study.

  2. In the future, we should always strengthen our learning, absorb advanced teaching ideas, teaching ideas, teaching methods, bold exploration, deep research materials, improve their education and teaching and research ability.

  3. Strengthen responsibility, improve efficiency. To do their own work, with the brain, leadership and the things I assigned to do a good job in the plan, so that orderly, and sometimes, step by step to establish a strong concept of time, efficiency, quality, Units of the smooth development of the work and their ability to continuously improve.

  4. Improve the work of coordination.People always think they can do good things do not have to work with others, one person involved a top, did not understand the power of the collective is enormous, only the collective power will do a better job.

  5. Improve the way of education for students, usually too harsh for students, should learn more pedagogy and psychology, for the psychological characteristics of the students to education, will do more with less.

  Although I thought, work, study and so have some improvement, but there is still a great gap with the requirements of the party. In the future, I will be more hard, strict demands on themselves, strengthen ideological cultivation, improve work ability. Do a noble morality, excellent business model teacher.

  Self-rated as qualified.


  Over the past year, under the correct leadership of the Party organization and the unit leaders, I have strict demands on myself as a member of the excellent Communist Party, and in strict accordance with the relevant requirements of the Party's mass line education and practice, and earnestly strengthen political theory study, The party's mass line of education and practical activities, learning the Party's 18 major, the Third Plenary Session, the Party Constitution, the party's mass line of education and practice activities, a serious record of learning notes. We should further understand and understand the relevant requirements of the Party members' advanced nature through theoretical study, improve the theoretical level and ideological consciousness, and seriously check and correct the "four winds" according to the relevant requirements of the Party's mass line education and practice. Now individuals are summarized as follows:

  First, strengthen learning, and constantly improve their overall quality

  This short time, I take the initiative to strengthen the study of political theory and knowledge, and actively cooperate with the organizational life of the branch plan, and effectively improve their understanding of the idea, while focusing on strengthening the understanding of the outside world, through learning to improve their political acumen And the ability to identify, strengthen the position, strengthen the belief in the big right and wrong in front of the problem, can always keep a clear head. And constantly transform their own world outlook, outlook on life and values, establish a firm belief in communism, so that their thinking, action and party organizations to maintain a high degree of consistency. Adhere to the four basic principles, and political, ideological, and action to maintain a high degree of consistency, support the party's line, principles, policies, a firm belief in communism, and resolutely resist the scientific development concept against the error behavior.

  Second, loyal to their duties, strict standards to party members themselves

  At work, I always remember that he is a Communist Party member, with "a drop of water can reflect the sun's glory" to alert himself, pragmatic and conscientious, loyal, responsible, disciplined, clean self-discipline, and strive to play the party members Vanguard and exemplary role in order to endure hardship in the former, after the pleasure and their own responsibility for the class responsible for the party responsible attitude towards each work, establish the overall consciousness, sense of service, mission awareness, and strive to "serve the people wholeheartedly" The purpose is reflected in every detail; to improve the work style, work methods, pay attention to work efficiency, improve the quality of work as the goal, and actively work to complete the work tasks.And actively respond to the financial crisis, the enterprise will contribute to the efficiency.

  Third, sum up their own, as a party member and proud

  Review their own year to study and work, in terms of party standards and evaluation standards, I feel that despite their many shortcomings, there will be some aspects to be further improved, but their mental state should be said to be good, work Style should be said to be pragmatic, ideas should be said to be able to advance with the times, in the past year I have improved in action, work has improved.

  I think I and the new era of party members there are still some gaps between the standards. But also need more theoretical knowledge of the study, in-depth understanding, and insisted on doing it personally.With a more full study enthusiasm, a more positive mental outlook, work and study; also need to further increase the ideological and political theory of learning, and constantly improve the level of individual ideological and theoretical. And constantly strengthen the outlook on life, world outlook, values, transformation, and strive to become a good Communist Party members.

  In summary, over the past year, although there are still many shortcomings and deficiencies, but I think that these shortcomings and deficiencies through my efforts will be able to overcome and correct.Therefore, members of the appraisal requirements, I think I basically belong to qualified party members.


  Thank you very much for your busy schedule out of a little precious time to review my work report.

  Although I will strive to say that some of the more concise, but put it cumbersome cumbersome place please forgive me.

  As a new employee of Jinchi Company, it can not be said that there is any outstanding achievement in the work, although after a long time in the machinery industry, after a long period of time and accumulated some work experience, the experience can only make me adapt quickly to the new Work environment, in the new environment there are still many in-depth study, adaptation and change the place, to be harvested still have to step down to learn from their predecessors humbly ask.

  Since the body in the technical department, then I based on the sector, combined with the company's actual situation to talk about work experience.

  First, the growth and development - the reality of all the most fundamental internal needs of the company.

  Why do you say so. Like the growth of the law of the same person, the company's growth and development also has its own laws. I have been trying to understand the development of the company's law, but up to now still can not get it.

  But one thing is certain, any company as long as there is going to have to move forward, in today's increasingly competitive market, the information fleeting circumstances, forward like a boat against the current. The great Napoleon once said, do not want to be a soldier is not a good soldier soldiers; here I can say, do not want to improve the company is not a good company; because employees do not feel the foreseeable future, their professional needs can not be necessarydevelopment of.

  Second, the company's real goals - the company's existence of the root causes

  The so-called surgery industry specializing in. No one can take everything down. Also in today's increasingly fragmented market trends in the industry, nor any company can take all the business. Must be limited resources into the most potential, the best profits, their best, the most professional areas. Companies must establish a clear and achievable goal, to develop short-term, long-term development plan, and to this unswerving efforts forward.

  Third, the specific plan and the final outcome - the company's development process, the means and methods to achieve goals

  Capital and technology is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the development of a company.

  To achieve leap development, must also be hard skills - internal management keep up. Management is the enterprise's brain, is the core of the most complex systems engineering, co-ordinate all acts of the enterprise, so that the pace of co-ordination, toward both the goal.
