






  The Importance of Innovation

  “Mindless habitual behavior is the enemy of innovation. ” I assume that you are familiar with Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s famous remark. It is obvious that a man who always stick to habit and experience can hardly create new things .

  Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s remark aims at informing us of the significance of innovation. Why does innovation play an indispensable role in our life ? innovation can promote the advancement of both individuals and society as a whole. only those who are innovative can make continuous progress and maintain a competitive edge. Quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of A, and I can think of no better illustration than the following one: how could Steve Jobs, a genius who changed the way of modern communication, recreation and even our life, launch so many powerful electronic products constantly without creative spirit?

  We should always bear in mind that the consciousness of innovation is of great significance to us all. Hence, we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work, study or simply everyday life. “Innovation is the spirit of human being’s progress.” A philosopher once said.


  Recently, there is an exciting news that Alibaba Group has appeared on the market in the NYSE. It changes the traditional business model and provides a bran-new competitive industry, E-business. As we all know, it must be ascribed to the creative force of Jack Ma,chairman of Alibaba. So,we realize that creative spirit plays a vital role in our modern life.

  As the old saying goes, innovation is the soul of the nation. With the rapid economy development in the whole world, human beings greatly reckon on creativity in variety of aspects and it is extremely nesessary in our life. First of all, creativity depends the progress and prosperity of a country. For example, our country has achieved anything since we followed the policy of reform and opening. What obvious feature is, the income of people is increasing and the living standard is greatly improved. All changes which have been taken place benefit from creative of our country. Secondly, it has huge effects in technology. If human want to be strong,we can overcome difficulties, such as serious disease, environment pollution, food shortage and so on, therefore we need to use creative spirit to process technology innovation drastically. In addition, everyone also have consciousness of innovation. Everybody have the duty to do some thing to promote the advancement of our society, whatis more, we can obtain joyfully from creative work.

  To sum up, human need creativity. It is closely related with our life, and I believe creative spirits are indispensable parts in our lives, and will be more and more importment in the future.


  In the past,people tend to keep on the rail. No matter who doesn’t follow the rules, hewould be criticized by the public opinion. Nowadays, with the rapid developmentof our society, more and more people recognize the importance of creation. The developmentof our country, our society even ourselves need creation.

  First of all,creation is the most important factor to improve the ability of our country. Somepeople think that the essence of the human civilization is the result ofcreation. It is certain that in order to stand a good place in theinternational circle, our country has to train the creative people, so thatthey can make great breakthrough for our mother.

  All in all, as allof us know that how much importance creation for us. We have to learn as muchas possible knowledge to prepare ourselves to be creative people. In otherwords, we have to study well to serve our county.


  People always talk about the race of a rabit and a turtle. What we know is that the winner is turtle enventually since we are at our childhood. Because our parents and teachers told us that the rabit loses the game as the rabit believes him to be the winner whatever happens. Terefore, he is going to sleep during the race. After all this teaches us a lesson that we should not be arrogant and complacent, and do things in conmitment.

  However, nowadays, things are changed dramatically. This time the rabit loses the race again even he is concentrated on the game from very beginning. He doesn't expect that the turtle takes a pair of skateboots to run the race. This time we learn a new lesson :only innovation and new technology win.


  The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of the consciousness of innovation. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. A innovative spirit can promote the advancement of both individuals and society as a whole. only those who are keeping on creating new things can make continuous progress and maintain competitive edge. To further illustrate the importance of innovation, I would like to take Steve Jobs as a case in point: how could he, a genius who change the way of modern communication, recreation and even our life, invent so many powerful electronic products without a creative spirit ?

  From my perspective, at no time should we overlook the power of the consciousness of innovation. Furthermore, we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work, study or simply everyday life. “Innovation is the spirit of human being’s progress.” A philosopher once said.


  Innovation is often mentioned in the modern work, a new concept is also close to a chain of the rest of the world, we should be able to more deeply understand and use it. Both work in the high and new technology and work at the grass-roots level, and to promote the progress of it, all need to be innovative ideas into the work and life practice, thus improve their innovation consciousness and ability. Therefore, in daily work, we need innovation, innovation is not only work in a workout, but we need to seriously to make innovation. Innovation is in the original basis, coupled with their own thinking created.

  Innovation makes the creation of our desire to have new space, new have higher enthusiasm for knowledge, it can make our brain cells can have a more active factors, it can make our life more passionate, more can understand the value of survival. Anyway, we are always full of passion to life. Has innovation consciousness, can let us find in work or in life, to constantly improve themselves, find themselves, also can develop various interests, improve their knowledge level.

  Innovation is a enterprise, national, and even the country's hope. In changing and competitive times, our personal want to have a sense of crisis, should have the consciousness of competition, and must improve their innovation ability. In real life and work, few people show to all kinds of idea, conception, and put into practice, and do so in fact buried many early germination of innovation, accustomed to use new thinking to thinking. And actually inspire some innovation idea is a relatively easy thing, the real use of these ideas made fruitful practical creative work is relatively difficult. In actual work adhere to the concept, we should stick to it, you can taste the fruits of success.

  And I also believe that any one want to have a good life would be to consider how to innovation, innovation idea is a kind of strength, it can make you sweat to exert your potential. Actually any people have advantage, and how do you to your advantage to find a stage, it is very important. The stage can let you to distance with them. Moreover, I think we learn knowledge and skills for social services. When he can't play a role, I think we spent so much energy to what we might be a waste. But when once you have this kind of consciousness of innovation. You will be attracted by the charm of it, you will be action. In my life, I was confused, because I don't know what I should do, and I don't know what is the purpose of the study. Such a mood I don't have to learn, because I have no goal and no power! We know any an innovation requires a process, when you had this phase method, action, and not all of a sudden success, you need to insist, unremitting insist on, you will be able to complete your initial dream!


  “Mindless habitual behavior is the enemy of innovation. ” I assume that you are familiar with Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s famous remark. It is obvious that a man who always stick to habit and experience can hardly create new things .

  Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s remark aims at informing us of the significance of innovation. Why does innovation play an indispensable role in our life ? innovation can promote the advancement of both individuals and society as a whole. only those who are innovative can make continuous progress and maintain a competitive edge. Quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of A, and I can think of no better illustration than the following one: how could Steve Jobs, a genius who changed the way of modern communication, recreation and even our life, launch so many powerful electronic products constantly without creative spirit?

  We should always bear in mind that the consciousness of innovation is of great significance to us all. Hence, we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work, study or simply everyday life. “Innovation is the spirit of human being’s progress.” A philosopher once said.


  Science and technology, like air and water, are diffused to reveal every pore and cell of the skin of the society. It is inestimable to the material and nonmaterial effects of human civilization.

  Science belongs to all human beings. All peace loving people, only to master the knowledge of science, a conquest of nature can be cemented in great force, promote social progress.

  When I was bored at home, I suddenly remembered to learn. Finch painted eggs. I put the egg on the table, but how the painting was not like, I could not sit, I threw the pen on the table. "Grunting..." The egg was hit by a pen and rolled up. I was busy with my hands. I didn't catch it, but I lost my focus. One hand pressed on the head of the egg, and the other side of the egg just stood on the ground. "Miracles, miracles!" I screamed, "eggs, the eggs are not broken!" When I was excited, I was in a deep thought: if the eggs were broken gently, why didn't the egg break?

  In order to clarify this issue, I got into the physical books, but the book is not this type of problem explanation. I ran to my grandfather, and my grandfather just smiled and said, "think again, what is the principle that can be used to explain this phenomenon?" A principle flashes in my mind! In order to prove my judgment, I made the experiment. I carefully put one end of the egg on the horizontal table with my hand, a piece of wood on the other end of the egg and a brick on the board. One, two, three... The miracle appeared: an egg held up a few bricks without breaking up!

  "Success!" I jumped with joy. It turns out that this is the principle of balance force. If the two forces added to the egg satisfy the necessary conditions of the four equilibrium forces of "the same body", "equal value", "reverse" and "collinear", then an egg can lift up thousands of pounds of heavy objects in the "ideal" situation. "The weight of a kilo!" My brain is flashing this pronoun, "right!" That might be possible! " So I took an egg and pinched the two ends of the egg with two fingers. I worked hard. I laughed the same miracle, the same principle, but this experiment is simpler and easier to understand than the last time.

  This time let me understand that science is everywhere, so long as we watch out, observe carefully and practice it carefully, we will understand the truth.

  Edison invented the electric lamp and made more than 1500 experiments, but he didn't find anything suitable for making the filament. He laughed at him and said, "Mr. Edison, you have failed more than 1500 times. "No, I didn't fail," Edison replied. "My achievement is to find more than 1500 kinds of materials that are not suitable for lighting the lights." How many people ridicule, how many people would like to use? It is true that people in general should not accept such cruel reality, and today's society is lack of such a spirit. Pavlov once said that science needs the whole life of a man. So it is necessary to practice and perseverance. The creation of new and unusual discoveries from the practice of small things makes our life more and more beautiful.

  Science is everywhere, innovation comes from science, and science needs practice.


  Where does innovation come from? If you look back at the history of clouds and smoke, and remove the thin fog, we will find that pushing the long history of the flow is breaking the shackles of feudalism, ignoring the world's irony and irony. They have the desire to break the first break, to the old and the old once a shock and cry!

  The words: innovation, from the breakthrough in!

  The innovator, with the responsibility of advancing the society, runs counter to the world. Alone to the narrow path, even though the innovation road covered with thorns, even though the record off alone, without interest at ear cyclotron, even though its eyes dense fog!

  But what about that?

  Because of innovation, from the breakthrough!

  Break the thin weak "old", adhere to adhere to the "new independent mind"! The old and new collision sparks Zhaxian, a passenger holding the truth, break, stick to the heart, break through the constraints, lit the hearts of a lamp, illuminate the earth shadow! I believe time will wash flashy, revealing a corner of the truth, believe in yourself at this time alone, one harvest!

  So we, when a breakthrough, dare to innovate!

  From the innovation breakthrough to ridicule, and what puzzled! In the past, is engraved in the heart, it is still on the road of innovation to Li Zhi thinned to the bone. Born in comfortable state, but did not take that bright and wide avenue, left to the world back to the narrow path, explore the new point of the truth, the! The "book", to burn the old things, break the shackles; to burn people ridicule, uphold the heart. This is the creation, and this is innovation! In the middle of the nirvana bathing fire and birth, it will come, the world is bound to be unacceptable, but! Time will be a breakthrough. Later, will leave your name handed down, the spirit is eternal!

  Innovation from the breakthrough, on the basis of the old, breaking up new! It is a long time to remember the Tang Dynasty, and he who embroidered the mouth like lotus, Li Bai, was questioned by the world. Li Houyou quotes, often like yin. In the face of these type, Li Bai was unable to refute, because his reason is too feeble. However, this did not lower his Qinglian lay down the noble head, a passenger's dignity, but picked up the clothes of a pendulum, endowed with extraordinary talents, spilling ink in note note verse, coerced the crystallization of the innovation of the silk paper, the Yin had no shadow, in the old breakthrough, this is Li Taibai. Spit out half of the Tang dynasty. I like a sword, a breakthrough in innovation to convert to that famous poet! The innovation of the sea, only willing to take a tempestuous waves, wave boat, boat, wind and waves! The innovation of the day, from the tender, only willing to break through restraint, a wing, fighting the sky!

  From the innovation breakthrough to defeat the "old", "common", show the! Yi Anna Ed Ali's heart suddenly ock words, think of the breakthrough and from literary style of parallel prose! The whole industry, a worn constraint, then leave a thousand words a thousand words of Jin Hua Zhang in the world! Nowadays, innovation is also a trend, the emergence of VR, causing the world's praise, no doubt, is the long-term use of advantages, this is the innovation of crystallization, breakthrough! When people indulge in wearable devices charm, but there has been some dissatisfaction with the status quo, to break this deadlock of the people, to the new standard, for the old and have the molecular size of the equipment available! Shock the world, this is the charm of creation and breakthroughs!

  The words, do not have to stick to the old customs, like palm lines, but a passenger does not believe it can bring him what he believes only, fingers into a fist grip strength, enough to break the old shackles, breaking and innovation!

  The palm lines and drown in the generation, their life will come to a standstill, the current residence!

  The late feudal little man, is a typical case. They have been subjected to the feudal superstition bewitch into the treacherous vortex, unable to escape, he can only live in a dark corner, was "old" but did not dare instead of anti torture. In the eyes of innovation is far to reach, sadly! The sad old deep the mud, not willing to self thinning, Zhuo mud, cicada in the muddy dirty. It is not known to sigh that it has become numb with the old control and innovation from the breakthrough.

  Of course, facing the future, we should learn to break through and break the shackles. If we fail to see it, we must go ahead and innovate.

  You may face is unknown, but the fog, poke down, harvest the mist can weave the bright beauty. Maybe you are thorns, is rough, is difficult, is ridicule, but to believe that at the end of the road, famous for its desire, you must first break through innovation!

  Innovation is the sky yaoyang, according to the world, we must first break through the shadow of love!

  Innovation is to exchange streams clean, for the sea, we must first break through the stone block!

  Innovation is the snow plum, want to split the youth, we must first break through the dark wind!

  From the innovation breakthrough, I want you to remember this paper type -- for we must first break through innovation!


  How to Be Creative

  Being creative is to have the skill and ability to produce something new . To be honest creative is of immune significance which advances the development of economy and thus gives people pleasure and enjoyment .

  Do you want to be creative ?if yes here are some suggestion .

  First of all you should be brave . You should dare break the traditional thoughts without hesitation .You should rid yourself of the idea that what others have put forward is the best and try to doubt it .In other words seeing a good thing or idea you should try your best to creat better rather than only speaking highly of it .

  In addition you should be confident As the old saying goes "opportunity only knock on the door of a pepared and confident mind ."Or rather the person who are hesitant about anything can't grasp the chance for the reason that creation will flash away if not written down timely .Only when you are confident about yourself can you grasp the idea passing through your mind.

  Last but not the least you should be a life watcher . As is known to us life is the best creative source . Without the eyes which can find the beauty of life you are to fail to be creative .

  If you follow the suggestions above maybe the next creator is you .


  Being creative is not the key to career success

  Being creative is a heated debate about the relationship between being creative and career success. As far as this topic is concerned I think being creative is not very important to career success. Firstly there are two other factors which are more important for our career success. On the one hand professional technologies and skills are fundamental to our job achievements. Without any professional technology one’s creativeness is senseless. On the other hand our loving for our jobs is anther key factor to our career success. Our career achievements often depend on how much feeling and emotion we put into our job.

  Moreover creativeness is not an essential requirement for many jobs. For example if we are solders we should just be brave and obey the orders of our leader. Anther good example is Forest Gump a famous character in American movie who is some idiot but got his amazing career success.

  In a word there are more important factors to our career success. Without creativeness we can also get outstanding job achievements with our professional skills and loving of our job.
