



  Ada:Hello,I am Ada. 你好,我是艾達。

  Mr White:Hello,I am Mr White. 你好,我是瓦特先生。

  Bobby:Im Bobby. 我是鮑比。

  Cade:Im Cade. 我是凱德。


  Bobby:Good morning,Mr White. Im Bobby.早上好,瓦特先生。我是鮑比。

  Mr White:Good morning. 早上好。

  Ada:Good morning.Im ada. 早上好,我是艾達。

  Miss Daisy:Im Miss Daisy.Good Morning. 我是戴西小姐,早上好。


  Mr white:This is Cade.This is Ellen. 這是凱德。這是愛倫。

  Ada:How do you do?你們好!

  Mr White:This is Miss Daisy,your English teacher. 這是戴西小姐,你們的英語教師。

  Pupils:How do you do? 你好!


  1.I am Ada. 我是艾達。

  2.Hello. 你好。

  3.Good morning. 早上好。

  4.This is Cade. 這是凱德。

  5.This is Miss Daisy,your English teacher. 這是戴西小姐,你們的英語教師。

  6.How do you do? 你好!

  7.Hi! 你好!

  8.Goodbye. 再見。

  9.So long. 再見。

  10.Bye-bye. 再見。


  1.When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.

  2.When do you get up? I usually get up at 12:00 noon.

  3.What do you do on the weekend?

  4.Usually I watch TV and go shopping.Sometimes I visit my grandparents.

  5.I often play football.Sometimes I go hiking.

  6.What’s your favourite season?Winter.

  7.Which season do you like best?Fall.

  8.It’s always sunny and cool.

  9.I can play with snow.

  10.Why do you like spring? Because I can plant trees.

  11.When is your birthday? My birthday is in June.

  12.Is your birthday in June, too? No.My birthday is in December.

  13.It’s October 1st, our National Day.

  14.Who has a birthday in October? Me.

  15.What’s the date? It’s October 1st.

  16.What are you doing? I an doing the dishes.

  17.What is your father doing? He’s writing an e-mail.

  18.This is Nina.Can I speak to your mom, please?

  19.Please hold on.There’s a call for you.

  20.I see the mother elephant.

  21.What is she doing? She is walking.

  22.What about the baby elephant?

  23.What is it doing?It’s running.

  24.What are the elephants doing? They’re drinking.

  25.What is Mike doing?He’s watching insects.

  26.What are you doing? I’m watching my classmates.

  27.Where are they?They are in the woods.

  28.Are they catching butterflies? No, they aren’t./Yes, they are.

  29.Where is Zhang Peng? He’s in the woods.

  30.Is he taking pictures? Yes, he is./No, he isn’t.


  1.Whos your math teacher?Mr Zhao.

  2.Whats he like?Hes thin and short.Hes very kind.

  3.Whos that young lady?Shes our principal.

  4.Is she strict? Yes, she is.

  5.Is she active?No, she isnt.Shes quiet.

  6.I have a new math teacher.Her class is so much fun.

  7.What day is it today?Its Monday.

  8.What do you have on Wednesdays?

  9.We have English, science, computer and P.E..

  10.What do you do on Saturdays?

  11.I often do my homework.

  12.What about you? I do my homework too.

  13.What would you like for lunch? Id like some tomatoes and mutton.

  14.What do you have for lunch today?

  15.I have eggplant and tomatoes.

  16.Its tasty.Its my favourite.

  17.Whats your favourite food? Fish.

  18.I dont like grapes.Theyre sour.

  19.Are you helpful at home?Youre helpful.

  20.What can you do?I can sweep the floor.

  21.Just do it!

  22.Can you set the table? Yes, I can.No, I cant.

  23.I have my own room now.

  24.Whats it like?

  25.There is a big closet, a new air-conditioner and a new mirror.

  26.There are blue curtains.

  27.Where is the trash bin? Its near the table.

  28.There is a forest in the nature park.

  29.Is there a river in the park? Yes, there is.No, there isnt.

  30.There are many small houses in my village.

  31.Are there any bridges in your village? Yes, there are.

  32.Are there any tall buildings in your village? No, there arent.


  ①What's your number?

  ②What's the time?

  ③How many pens are there?

  ④How old are you?

  ⑤How much is it?

  ⑥How tall are you?

  ⑦How heavy are you?

  ⑧What time do you get up?

  ⑨When's your birthday?

  ⑩What time did you see him?


  1.My singing is louder than yours.

  2.I'm taller than you.

  3.There more shops in Picture One.

  4.Some stories are more interesting than others.

  5.The most interesting stories.

  6.Who is fatter?

  7.Where were you?

  8.Who was first?

  9.Was it in the wardrobe?

  10.Benny took my ball.

  11.Where did you go?

  12.What did you do?

  13.I came by plane.

  14.Anne wanted to skate.


  1.I am Ada. 我是艾達。

  2.Hello. 你好。

  3.Good morning. 早上好。

  4.This is Cade. 這是凱德。

  5.This is Miss Daisy,your English teacher. 這是戴西小姐,你們的`英語教師。

  6.How do you do? 你好!

  7.Hi! 你好!

  8.Goodbye. 再見。

  9.So long. 再見。

  10.Bye-bye. 再見。

  11.Is this your football? 這是你的足球嗎?

  12.Yes,it is. 是的。

  13.Thank you. 謝謝。

  14.May I use it? 我可以用它嗎?

  15.Please. 請吧。

  16.Sure. 當然。

  17.No,it isn't. 不是。

  18.It is my hat. 它是我的帽子。

  19.Here you are 給你。

  20.Thank you very much. 非常感謝。

  21.What's this? 這是什麼?

  22.It's a cake. 它是一塊餅。

  23.What's that? 那是什麼?

  24.It's an orange. 它是一隻桔子。

  25.Are you hungry? 你餓嗎?

  26.Oh,nice! 哦,太好了!

  27.May I have some? 我可以吃一些嗎?

  28.Excuse me. 對不起。

  29.Is that your apple? 那是你的蘋果嗎?

  30.May I have it? 我可以吃它嗎?

  31.I'm hungry. 我餓了。

  32.Give me some bread. 給我一些麵包。

  33.Sit down. 坐下。

  34.Try on that new shirt. 試試那件新襯衫。

  35.Pass me the ball. 把球傳給我。

  36.All right. 好的。

  37.I'm cold. 我很冷。

  38.Look! 瞧!

  39.Show me your hat. 給我看看你的帽子。

  40.My hat is old. 我的帽子是舊的。

  41.Show me your new vase. 給我看看你的新花瓶。

  42.It's green. 它是綠色的。

  43.Beautiful! 太美了。

  44.What colour is it? 它是什麼顏色的?

  45.It's black and white. 它是黑白色的。

  46.What colour is your hat? 你的帽子是什麼顏色的?

  47.My ruler is yellow. 我的尺是黃色的。

  48.My ruler is yelow,too. 我的尺也是黃色的。

  49.Here is your jacket. 這裡是你的夾克衫。

  50.This is not my jacket. 這不是我的夾克衫。
