1、Blessing a new love, similar to a permanent! Congratulations on your wedding day!祝福一對新人真心相愛,相約永久!恭賀新婚之禧!
2、Happy wedding! 新婚快樂。
3、Have a sweet honeymoon! 祝蜜月甜蜜。
4、I just want to wish you a happy marriage, happy, be deeply attached to each other forever!我只想衷心的祝福你們,新婚愉快,相親相愛幸福永遠!
5、I wish you a happy birthday when the door of happiness, the keep for long time!祝你敲開幸福之門的時候,把這份幸福長久的`保持下去!
6、I wish you to tie the knot, a harmonious union lasting a hundred years! A happy newlywed, sweet sweet honey!祝你們永結同心,百年好合!新婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜!
7、Love for ever! 祝永遠想愛。
8、Marriage is like a maze, build a marriage on the people themselves have been lost before.婚姻就像迷宮,蓋婚姻的人自己就已經先迷路了。
9、Wish you a happy wedding, happiness, passion, said of a couple!祝福你們新婚愉快,幸福美滿,激情永在,白頭偕老!
10、Wishing you were enenaiai, Benedict Italian love eternal love, life, love grow with each passing day!願你倆恩恩愛愛,意篤情深,此生愛情永恆,愛心與日俱增!